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Advice on remote working, taxes & moving to another country

by @magalhini 8yr  | 4 comments

Hi there!

I realise this isnโ€™t the right way of asking for legal advice, but Iโ€™d appreciate some initial loose pointers on where to go and what to do.

Iโ€™m currently working for a company which is UK-based (full-time contract), where Iโ€™m paying my taxes, own bank accounts, and so on. However, being a remote worker, Iโ€™ve been working from Berlin this year and for personal reasons, I really donโ€™t want to move back to the UK.

So, being aware that I would need to spend at least 90 days in the UK if I want to continue to legally work, what are my options to avoid this entirely?

  • Should I register as freelancer in Germany and have my company employ me as a freelancer? Would this exempt me from the 90 days rule? If so, what would happen to my pension scheme in the UK?

  • Should, if itโ€™s possible at all, still be employed by this company (non-freelance) but pay my taxes in Germany instead of the UK? Again, is this wise and would it exempt me from the 90 days in the UK rule? (the company has no German affiliate)

Funny enough, I canโ€™t find an available accountant in Berlin to ask all of these questions, hence why Iโ€™m hoping some of you wise folks would point me in some direction :slight_smile:

Thank you!

@nomadtax 8yr

Living in Germany for an entire year and forging ties there may very well affect your situation negatively (tax-wise). You definitely need to talk to a tax expert asap.

@syneryder 8yr

Argh, Iโ€™m sure I saw a co-working space in Berlin that actually had someone you can talk to about this kind of thing, but I canโ€™t find the link. Maybe it was Ahoy Berlin? But Iโ€™m really not sure.

On the freelancer side, Iโ€™ve had these two links about applying for Germanyโ€™s freelancer visa bookmarked in my Pocket, if it helps:

How-to: Get your German Freelance Visa without losing your sanity
How to get a freelance visa in Germany


What is your citizenship?

@magalhini 8yr

Portuguese, but previously Iโ€™ve been living in the UK for a few years (so Iโ€™m fully registered there). Thanks :slight_smile:

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International number & internet?

by @leobassam 3yr 3 years ago  | 1 comment

Has anyone figured out a way to get setup with a virtual number and internet connection anywhere you go?


Where do I get good legal advice/support to have a long-term stay in Portugal?

in Lisbon , Portugal by @mzorrilla 4yr 4 years ago  | 4 comments

Hello, everyone!

My idea is to stay as low as 6 months and as long as a year (maybe, who knows) over Lisbon after doing some analysis from many cities in Europe.

I'm an Argentinian and Chilean (both nationalities) so... no Euro-pass for me (getting my Italian nationality could take 2 years easily). I'm also a remote worker and I have a really good income (I work for a Silicon Valley company) so I can show more than enough resources to stay in the country.

Everything I see online doesn't inspire me much confidence (most sites looks a bit scammy) and this is not a "vacation stay"... I want to be clear my head far away from Argentina right now. If someone has a good website, recommendations, etc I will super appreciate.

Thanks in advance!


Best place for solo UK traveller for surf, sun & working between Oct and Dec??

in Tenerife , Spain by @leojb 4yr 4 years ago  | 0 comments

Hey Nomads, would love to know any thoughts here.

Top of the list are currently Tenerife, Lagos/Ericeira (Portugal) & Malta??

Would love to know if anyone can vouch for these at this time of year.

Beautiful beach would be the dream. Basically European Bali! I'm sure something many of us are searching for.

Thanks a million. Much love.



Where should I set up my company as a remote worker?

by @beloruchka 4yr 4 years ago  | 7 comments

Iโ€™m looking for any recommendations for services or people others have used to get answers on the best place to set up their businesses based on their personal circumstances.

Leaning towards Singapore after a ton of research, but would really like some concrete advice before jumping in.

Appreciate it!


Bali to focus on attracting remote workers when the island reopens for tourism

by @levelsio 4yr 4 years ago  | 0 comments

When reopening for tourism, Bali says it will focus on attracting remote workers to choose the island as their workplace:

"We will focus on a new pattern of how Bali is not just for leisure, but indeed to work in Bali as well"


Any attorneys working remotely?

by @rohitsn 4yr 4 years ago  | 3 comments

Transactional Attorney with a focus on US Immigration. Burnt out doing the law firm thing. Trying to leverage skill to get on this digital nomad tip. Love the traveling experience, hostels, seeing new places, new cocktails etc etc.


What do you use to work together remotely?

by @artofwarbiz 4yr 4 years ago  | 6 comments

What do you use to work together remotely with your team?

I know Slack, Hipchat and Hall.

Which ones do you guys use and why?


What have been your biggest challenges working remotely in your team?

by @wanderer 4yr 4 years ago  | 2 comments

My interest in DN lifestyle started when half of our company have been taking 1 month for remote work @ Ko Samui. It was truly cool but we observed quite some communication challenges. Communication seemed just โ€œriskierโ€ when online.

What were your worst situations caused by misunderstanding while communicating online with your teammates? What do you do to avoid misunderstandings?


App/tool/service for nomads to bring things from another country?

by @brmolin 5yr 5 years ago  | 4 comments

I vaguely remember hearing about such a service before, but Iโ€™m drawing a blank on the name. Basically I left my tablet on a connecting flight in Europe, right before my main flight to Thailand. They have my tablet and are willing to ship it out for me, but people have warned me thereโ€™s a big risk of it getting โ€œlost in the mailโ€ if I ship something expensive like that to Thailand.

Iโ€™m wondering if thereโ€™s a service or community, where I can find a nomad whoโ€™s in Europe/heading to Thailand soon, so I can have it shipped to them in Europe and pay them to ferry it down here for me? I met someone in Budapest a ways back who had built something for this type of use-case, but I canโ€™t remember the name of it. Any help would be appreciated!


What's the first step now that I can work remotely?

by @mariaplslourdes 5yr 5 years ago  | 4 comments

Hi everyone and nice to e-meet you!
finally, after so long I found a job that allows me to work remotely.
But now? Do you have any practical advice that I can use to approach this new world?
In particular, I have to put my tax situation in order, do you know a good tax advisor from whom I can ask for advice? (Iโ€™m Italian but I live in Franceโ€ฆI donโ€™t know how long it will beโ€ฆ) )
Beyond that, any advice is welcome.
Thank you!


Cheap Cities in Mexico & South America with Fastest Wifi

in Mexico by @jnomad30 5yr 5 years ago  | 3 comments

Hi Guys,
Iโ€™m planning out my next stops after leaving Medellin, Colombia soon where I can hunker down and get some work done with fast wifi and cheap living. Will be in Mexico first so starting a look there but wondering if coming back down to South America might make more sense?
My main concerns are budget and fast enough wifi for me to work from home. Other considerations are some nomad community (ideally also some English speaking expats as my Spanish is basic) and warm enough weather.
Thanks in advance!


Recommendations for UK/Scotland accountants that understand remote businesses?

by @eduardoyi 5yr 5 years ago  | 1 comment

Looking for recommendations for reliable accountants who understand how remote businesses with off-shore freelancers and clients work. Thanks!


What's the best CRM/system for managing remote work opportunities?

by @panoramica 5yr 5 years ago  | 3 comments

Iโ€™m currently doing some work through Upwork, but itโ€™s sporadic and Iโ€™m keen to get more active on other platforms like Freelancer, Toptal, CodeMentor, Fiverr etc

Currently Iโ€™m managing leads in a Google sheet. Basically itโ€™s just a list of projects I pitched for, how much I bid, what I did differently from the last pitch/bid, how much time went by before I got a offered a job etc.

Iโ€™m not actively following up anybody, and Iโ€™ve in fact โ€˜lostโ€™ a few jobs where the client was keen, but then disappeared without a trace. I guess I need to keep in touch with those people to ensure that they remain focussed on our agreementโ€ฆ

Iโ€™m also keen to take on more small projects concurrently, without dropping the ball on any of them.

Iโ€™ve done a quick Google and turned up a few names including Salesforce, Zoho, Nutshell, HighRise, Base, Nimble, etc etc. But testing out all these products isnโ€™t all that appealing, so I thought Iโ€™d ask here first :slight_smile:

Ideally Iโ€™d like something that integrates with remote job boards in some way.

Feature list

Iโ€™ve done some research and currently have this feature list:

Proposal building & tracking

  • Compile proposals from snippets - technologies, past projects
  • Quickly pull together a realistic/client friendly quote
  • Test and measure different approaches
  • Beat proposal deadlines while maintaining quality
  • Fine tune pitch material to bid more quickly and win more work โ€“ templates
  • Store history about past projects involving common needs and technological solutions
  • Learn which proposal content is working, and which is not

Lead generation and client management (CRM)

  • store info about regular clients
  • track remote projects which Iโ€™ve pitched for
  • Remote Job Board integration
  • search multiple job sites for keywords
  • track projects across multiple remote platforms โ€“ API integration / message alert/response

Project Management & Scheduling

  • Break projects down into granular tasks
  • Gantt chart to visualise overlapping jobs
  • Calendar to schedule daily work, deadlines, R&D
  • follow up, plan and schedule future work now, rather than once current work has dried up
  • offline reminders via a dedicated Android app
  • time tracking โ€“ to get an idea of true cost, to flag issues to client
  • BitBucket integration


  • Integration with Xero
  • tracking status of payments, actual payment date vs expected payment clearance date


  • Get repeat business
  • Build Word Of Mouth
  • Proactive lead generation
  • Publish proposals as case studies



Advice on phone plans? 1 year in Europe

by @larsheather 5yr 5 years ago  | 8 comments

Weโ€™re Americans planning to be in Europe for all of 2020 - approx. 90 days in each country, and alternating Schengen and non-Schengen. Our destinations will likely include four of these: Italy, Croatia, Bulgaria, Estonia, Ireland, Romania, and Spain.
Can anyone give us advice on cell phones? We would prefer to keep our current (U.S) numbers if at all possible. We donโ€™t anticipate making many local calls, but will phone the U.S. about once a week. Weโ€™ll use our phones for internet quite often.
Any advice for our situation would be very much appreciated!
Heather and Lars


Estonia E-Residency & CFC

in Estonia by @edusantorini 5yr 5 years ago  | 7 comments

So, Iโ€™ve been looking into e-residency and moving my business to Estonia the past few weeks.
Iโ€™m still a tax resident in Germany and therefore fear Iโ€™ll be suspect to CFC laws. I somehow canโ€™t find any reliable info on this and I donโ€™t feel like reading through the whole law, so just wondering if anyone knows how CFC laws in EU countries come into practice. What taxes do I need to pay exactly? As soon as I cash out (dividends), as far as I can see I need to pay 20% income tax in Estonia. Then what? Of course, I would need to pay income tax in Germany. What taxes do I need to pay besides these?
And if I keep the money in Estonia/reinvest it, am I right that I wouldnโ€™t need to pay any taxes at all? Only for the money I cash out of Estonia/the business?

Iโ€™m by the way not doing this to evade taxes, taxes are secondary. I primarily simply want to move my business activities out of Germany + the all-digital concept and the bookkeeping service of agencies like leapIN are interesting.


Re-Registering Self Employment to Another Country

by @hello513 5yr 5 years ago  | 5 comments

Iโ€™m doing research about how I can register as a self-employed to another country, and I want to ask for some advice.

I have a Hungarian citizenship. I spent the last 4 and a half years abroad. For two years now I have a registered self-employment in Denmark. During this time I have always had an address there even though I was physically there for only half a year. My address was registered at a friendโ€™s place. I want to get rid of my self-employment there due to the language difficulties and high taxes. And here comes the difficult part.
I donโ€™t want to register self-employment in my home country as Iโ€™m not planning going back and I donโ€™t feel supporting it with my taxes (I know, itโ€™s more personal than practical). I thought about Ireland (where I lived half a year twice), but the biggest problem is the address. I donโ€™t have plans of settling down yet, but if I donโ€™t have an address I canโ€™t have a self-employment. Somewhere I read that itโ€™s an option to get a real address, then changing the business address to a mail forwarding company.

Iโ€™m looking into what opportunities I would have to register self-employment somewhere (not in my home country), and continue nomad style of moving from country to country frequently. Is there anyone who had been in a similar situation?


Is there a US bank for easily creating new business checking accounts remotely?


by @tylertringas 5yr 5 years ago  | 23 comments

Every accountant is going to tell you that you really should be keeping separate accounts for all your businesses and even projects that may one day become businesses. But in my experience setting up a new account associated with an actual business entity is a pretty annoying process involving an in-person visit to a bank branch, proof of residence in that branchโ€™s region, etc. Has anybody seen a bank that letโ€™s you easily create a simple business checking account online and more importantly that would let you add additional accounts and transfer funds between them?


Remote worker in Amsterdam: taxes and legal status?

in Amsterdam , Netherlands by @think 6yr 6 years ago  | 1 comment

Hi all,

I am moving to Amsterdam in January and looking for advice regarding legal status.

I work for a small French company. They agreed to let me move to Amsterdam as a remote worker starting January. :v:

However, they have no business entity and no employee in the Netherlands, so we have no idea how to set up the whole thing legally speaking. Should I remain an employee of the French entity, should I charge them as a consultant/contractor?

Of course, I am looking for a solution that is both simple and with minimum taxes :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Thank you for your help!!

PS: If you can recommend a good accountant that is competent on the topic, I an happy to pay for the service too!


Where can I go for remote working while surrounded by nature (ocean waves, mountain, etc)

by @nish 6yr 6 years ago  | 7 comments

I have this dream scenario in my head, and Iโ€™ve searched for a while without figuring out how I might best achieve it. I donโ€™t need many places, just one or two that I can go back to over and over again. I want to be working on my laptop while being surrounded by nature; for example a place right on the ocean where I can hear the waves crashing and look up and see them, then look back down and go back to work (but it would have to be very close by to achieve this feeling, not a distant sea view).

In itself this might not be so hard but my total list of requirements makes it difficult:

  • Fast internet: at least 20Mbps down with ethernet connection possible.
  • Very close to emergency medical services: so not in the middle of nowhere, and ideally in/very close to a decent size town (I have some medical issues)
  • Not more than ยฃ70/night to stay
  • It doesnโ€™t have to be a residence: it can also be a coworking space that meets all these requirements, and I can stay somewhere else and work at this space

So far I thought of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: there seem to be some flats with a nice ocean view, although Iโ€™m not sure how close to the ocean they can get. And maybe also Valencia?

Anyway, Iโ€™m not sure if anybody else has had this kind of dream as well. But I would very much appreciate any tips for places I can check out :slight_smile:


Tax Planning advice (Primarily contracting for US company)

by @kartman92 6yr 6 years ago  | 7 comments

Hello nomads,

Due to a recent US work visa rejection (H1B), Iโ€™m considering turning to freelancing and being a digital nomad. My former employer (US based start-up) wants me to continue rendering my services as a contractor/freelancer (so I have a confirmed major client and Iโ€™ll probably take on other minor clients on the side). From the get go I want to get my taxes right and I was hoping you seasoned nomads can assist me. Some of the key aspects of my case are:

  1. I hold an Indian passport and as long as I donโ€™t stay in India for 182 days Iโ€™m considered non-resident (No taxes on foreign income as long as services are not rendered in India, otherwise 30% tax).

  2. I may have to visit the US occasionally, so having a tax-residency in a country with a US tax-treaty may be beneficial (I maybe incorrect here).

  3. Iโ€™m willing not to be a perpetual traveller and put down roots in a low tax country that offers easy tax residency with low-taxes.

  4. Will incorporating in a tax-friendly help my case? Or will just perpetual travel be enough to completely avoid taxes?

P.s. If any of you offer sound tax advice for a fee and are aware of international taxation laws (especially US tax laws), do let me know.

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by @levelsio