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Android Pay for non US/UK/Singapore citizens

in Singapore by @flaki 8yr  | 2 comments

Hi! Has anyone wondered how to get Android Pay working on their device as a non US/UK/Singaporean citizen? Apparently those are the countries supported by Android Pay currently (as in, supported Cards of banks situated in those countries, to be precise).

I was thinking to open a UK bank account just for this purpose, but that requires proof of residency and opening a Singaporean account has became significantly harder, either in later years. Any tips? Iโ€™m an EU citizen btw.

@rbruce 8yr

What happens once you get that account, though? I havenโ€™t made an Android Pay capable international transaction yet, but when I tried Google Wallet in Ireland (using US cards) it rejected the transaction for being unsupported.


Why not setup a US company to act purely as a payment gateway? Stripeโ€™s Atlas program is great, fast and efficient (yes, Iโ€™ve been through the Atlas program).

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Where to move for tax purposes as a non-US citizen?

by @mender 5yr 5 years ago  | 5 comments

I am a New Zealander looking to travel for a couple of years in different countries. For this purpose I would ideally like to shift my company to a lower tax territory where I will live part time, as I am currently taxed at roughly 33% in New Zealand, however itโ€™s closer to 40% when I add in all the hidden taxes.

With a move I wonโ€™t be living in NZ so Iโ€™ll no longer be obliged to pay any tax after 320 days.

I ideally would wish to be a tax resident of the country I incorporate in. What country is easiest to do this through? A large chunk of my business relies on PayPal which requires your bank account to be from the same country your company is registered. Thus I canโ€™t do anything such as BVI or small islands.

Tbh my best bet looks to be Dubai Free Zones at this point and I can do some travel in europe from there.


Where to pay taxes if self employed non-resident of the UK, travelling Europe?

by @jadi4nd 6yr 6 years ago  | 5 comments

Hi, I know there are a few posts around this topic but none of them quite answer my questions.

I am British and currently a resident in the UK.
Next year I am going to become a non-resident and spend over a year traveling mostly around Europe, moving every few weeks never staying anywhere longer than a month. (My first venture into becoming a digital nomad!)

I am remote, self employed, software developer working mostly for one client based in the UK.

Where am I liable to pay taxes?
From what I have read I will not be liable to pay taxes in UK, can anyone confirm this?
If not the UK then where if I am moving every few weeks?
If possible I want to avoid starting a company as this seems unnecessarily complicated for my work setup.

Thank you in advance for any help :slight_smile:


Non-EU Spouse experience registering in EU country

by @jess793 7yr 7 years ago  | 3 comments

Hello! My family and I are planning to move to Europe and live nomadically for some time. I was wondering if anyone had experience registering a NON-EU spouse. I know some countries are faster than others. Spain takes 6 months vs Poland taking 1 month. I would love to hear of anyone who had this experience. Do you know of any country where the process of registering a NON-EU spouse i fast? We donโ€™t want to wait to long in one county waiting for the temporary residency. Thanks!


How long does a non-resident Canadian Citizen need to stay out of Canada to maintain non-resident status, per year?

in Canada by @balindsieber 7yr 7 years ago  | 1 comment

Hey fellow nomads. I have an interesting situation.

Iโ€™m a Canadian Citizen whoโ€™s been a resident of the United States for the last 12 years (work VISA). I incorporated my LLC in Hong Kong and have been a nomad for about 6 months.

I just spoke to my Accountant and he says that I will only have to pay taxes to HK, because Iโ€™m not a resident of either US or CAN. Thatโ€™s amazing news as both places suck for taxes.

Iโ€™m currently in Colombia but I spent the first 2 months of this year in Canadaโ€”I want to make sure I stay out of Canada long enough to remain a non-resident.

Does anyone know what that amount of time is?


European bank account for non resident

by @theunisk 7yr 7 years ago  | 5 comments

I hold South African/Portuguese dual citizenship, however I was born and (officially) reside in South Africa. Any recommendations for a nomad friendly european bank account ? Ie, one that does not require residency, proof of address, or have easy ways to get around these.
I will not be using it much for day to day expenses, more as a way to hold euros and be able to transfer between accounts. My US bank account has very high fees.
I am in europe for the next week or two (currently Italy) and hope to be able to get one before I leave.


Has anyone done the Non O Ed Visa in Hand to Hand Combat in Chiang Mai?

in Chiang Mai , Thailand by @artofbryce 7yr 7 years ago  | 4 comments

Weโ€™re headed to Chiang Mai in July looking at our options for visas and came across this:

Has anyone done it?

It looks amazing and beneficial for many reasons, but Iโ€™m a little skeptical without being able to read external reviews or hear of experiences from people whoโ€™ve successfully done it.

Thoughts and other options are appreciated!

p.s. right now we have a one-way ticket and are wanting to keep our options open to stay longer if we love it (which weโ€™re anticipating)


Registering a Business in Netherlands for non European

in Netherlands by @deskaway 7yr 7 years ago  | 0 comments

Hi fellow nomads !
Looking for tax representative offices, logistic solutions and Company incorporation in Netherlands. ?

I will be in Amsterdam coworking and checking these companies out? Honestly I do not want to end up with a hidden fees companyโ€ฆ

Cheers from Berlin,


Non US residents, can you share your testimonial about your US business bank account?

by @nouk 8yr 8 years ago  | 4 comments

I am looking for testimonials of non US resident nomads who incorporated their company in the US & have a business bank account at a US bank.
I would like to know if the process has been difficult if you have been denied a business bank account because of your status as a non resident alien. If you were successful i would like to know if you are able to do everything that a US resident could do with the business bank account. For instance, i would like to know if you are able to do international wire transfers to the country where you reside.


Any US citizens ever get a visa extension in Portugal?

in Portugal by @jammingsloth 8yr 8 years ago  | 7 comments

Just found out itโ€™s possible to get a 90 day tourist extension for Portugal. Spoke with the office of immigration on the phone, they said some officers even allow for the extension to be good in the rest of Schengen. Anyone done this?

And while Iโ€™m at it, any cool towns/smaller cities to check out in Portugal?


Do you have banking & tax advice for UK citizens?

by @figoshow 8yr 8 years ago  | 2 comments

Hello, Iโ€™m sure this has been asked before but I
couldnโ€™t find anything, I am from the UK I am trying to find the best way to do banking and finance whilst being a DN. primarily where i should FILE taxes, Iโ€™ve found a lot of threads about paying tax but not about filing. for example i am considering getting a German bank account. I wonโ€™t be living in Germany at all. do i need to file taxes there since I have a bank account there.

Admin edit: subject did not fall within forum guidelines


Have you obtained a Thai single entry visa in AU as a non-AU citizen?

by @sarab 8yr 8 years ago  | 6 comments

Hi guys,

Iโ€™m planning to spend a month in Australia before 3-4 months in Thailand, and was wondering if anyone has any experience of applying for the single entry Thai tourist visa in Australia while being a citizen of another country. I ask because in the UK, for example, they wonโ€™t give you that visa unless you are a UK resident, and I wonโ€™t be an OZ resident then.

I will be travelling before that so cannot apply in my home country.

I am aware of the Penang option, but I am specifically asking about this scenario.

Any feedback would be gratefully received!

admin edit: subject changed as it doesnโ€™t follow forum guidelines.


Has anyone tried to apply for a non-lucrative residence visa in Spain?


in Spain by @i_am_aileen 8yr 8 years ago  | 29 comments

Hey everyone,

Iโ€™m planning on moving to Spain and Iโ€™d like to connect with those who have tried to apply for this special type of long-term visa called as โ€œnon-lucrative residence visaโ€.

Going from what Iโ€™ve researched so far, itโ€™s a good option for us nomads (more so: business owners) to stay longer in Spain (one only needs to prove steady stream of income of at least EUR 2.2K per month and that you should NOT work for Spain โ€” so letโ€™s say having a U.S. company and staying in Spain is fine).

So : my concerns right now revolve mainly on anyoneโ€™s experiences with applying for this type of visa. How difficult was it? How long did it take you?

Also, Iโ€™m wondering about how I can secure a rental space for a year if my lease depends on the approval from the embassy. Iโ€™m also wondering if Valencia is a good place to stay in?


What are the best/non-tourist places in Malaysia in Jan?

in Malaysia by @kathrynoh 8yr 8 years ago  | 2 comments

Iโ€™m planning on travelling from Australia to the UK in Jan. I booked flights with a stopover in Malaysia for 2 weeks planning on going to Penang for that but wasnโ€™t thinking that itโ€™ll be peak tourist season!

Since I hate being in busy places, I am now reconsidering and wondered if there was anywhere with decent working spaces/cafes/accommodation that wonโ€™t be too overcrowded. The alternative is to just hang out in KL. Iโ€™ve been there a few times and wanted to try somewhere new but maybe holing up and having a work โ€œbootcampโ€ for the two weeks might be a better idea :slight_smile:


Non-Personal alternative to maintaing a corporation for online business?

by @blueblueocean 8yr 8 years ago  | 2 comments

So Iโ€™m finding if you have a small online business, maintaining a corporation in a country that has many rules is just a headache. Lots of forms to file and even if you use an accountant you have to bring them up to speed, give them documents and receipts, itโ€™s almost the same amount of workโ€ฆOn the other hand, you save some money and donโ€™t usually make pension contributions.

Has anyone found a solution thatโ€™s easier? Like giving the business to a friend or family member and they can wire you funds as an employee perhaps?


What options are available for a pension plan for remote EU citizens, not registered as freelancers?

by @akisl 8yr 8 years ago  | 11 comments

Hi people,

Iโ€™m Greek, Iโ€™m now transitioning to fully remote. I think I have solved the first part: Creating a remote legal entity, a business bank account and having health insurance but I donโ€™t know how to solve the pension issue.

As an EU citizen, either your employer contributes X% of your gross salary to the national/private pension funds, or if you are a freelancer you pay the equivalent to the freelancer pension fund of your country, which in many cases is also attached to the national insurance fund.

So as a fully remote person, not registered as an employee or freelancer in any EU country, only having an EU company for invoicing and money transfers, where and how do you contribute to a pension fund for you? And what fund would that be?

Iโ€™m talking about a core pension fund, similar to the one that you would have if you were registered as an employee or freelancer in your country. Not ancillary pension funds offered by insurance companies, as these mostly focus on covering additional aspects that may not be covered by the core pension fund you have and they assume you already have a core pension fund.

Thank you so much for the help.


What are the best UK bank accounts for non UK residents?

by @theunisk 8yr 8 years ago  | 6 comments

Iโ€™m in the UK at the moment and will be here from time to time over the coming year. Iโ€™d like to setup a bank account for use in europe & to make funding my revolut card easier. Does anyone know which banks accept non UK residents? I do have a european passport/ID, though I am technically a resident of south africa. Proof of address might also be a sticky point - I have an address which I can use but have no proof that I โ€˜liveโ€™ there (besides my revolut card).

Another nice to have would be bitcoin friendly (eg Iโ€™ve read about barclays accounts being closed due to being used in connection with bitcoin, not sure whether that is a general thing).


What non technical career paths are appealing for digital nomads?

by @jasonmwomack 8yr 8 years ago  | 12 comments

What non technical career paths are appealing for digital nomads ?


US citizens how did you choose where to vote?

by @wanderingdev 8yr 8 years ago  | 3 comments

Iโ€™ll admit it, I usually donโ€™t vote. But with the current batch of scary ass clowns vying for the presidency, I feel like I really have to for the next election. My problem is, I have no idea what state to register in.

Iโ€™ve not lived in the USA since 2008.

My license is from AZ but Iโ€™ve not lived there since 2001.

The last place I lived in the USA was DC, but only for a few months, and I canโ€™t receive mail there.

I receive mail at my moms house in Indiana, bit I havenโ€™t lived there in 20+ years.

So. How do I figure out where to register to vote?

What do you do?


Can you give me some examples of non-digital jobs for nomads?

by @workingtraveller 9yr 9 years ago  | 16 comments

I am doing research into what skills are good for getting work anywhere as you travel - other than working on line. So like craftsmen, a hairdresserโ€ฆ people using skills that are not available locally and so having them as a traveller is an advantage to getting work in the places your are planning on visiting. So, any one working their way around the world and not working on your laptop?


Can you recommend a non-US bank for digital nomads?

by @jb510 9yr 9 years ago  | 8 comments

Can anyone recommend a non-US bank for nomads?

My specific use case is that Iโ€™m a US citizen but Iโ€™m going to be in Cuba later this year and I know US based ATM cards wonโ€™t work (unless thatโ€™s changed in the last couple months).

Long ago I recall expats setting up accounts in Panama, Belize, etcโ€ฆ but I assume a lot has changed in 10 years and I donโ€™t recall the details.

In short Iโ€™d like to setup a non-US affiliated, non-US denominated (prefer EUR), account without having to actually visit the country the bank is in, such that I could transfer funds to it (wire is fine) and then withdraw those funds in Cuba.

FWIW, my primary travel ATM card is tied to a Schwab High Yield Investor Checking card which I wrote about here: but which Iโ€™m assuming wonโ€™t work in Cuba, and besides, Iโ€™d like to have a non-US backup account just in case.

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