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Are there any veterinarian nomads?

by @minesneves 9yr  | 3 comments

Hello everyone!
I am a 23 year old Portuguese student and right now Iโ€™m finishing university in Lisbon.
Iโ€™m new to this forum, but since I discovered it I spent hours reading all about this nomadic lifestyle. Itโ€™s something that Iโ€™ve always wanted to do but didnโ€™t know about this whole community!
I am in my last year of studying to become a veterinarian, so I know nothing about online businesses, marketing, entrepreneurship, programming and other tech topics that most of you work with to have money while travelling.
Do any of you know about any veterinarians adopting this lifestyle? Also, what kind of remote work do you think I could do with this degree?
I could really use your help!
Thank you :slight_smile:


Hello @vincent.
First of all, I want to thank you for such a complete and informative answer! I wasnโ€™t aware of the concept of relief vet. Here in Portugal I havenโ€™t yet found a vet who does this kind of work, so this advice is very valuable for me.
I will definitely get some experience after I finish university (here in Portugal or abroad), in order to become a DN one day.
Thank you!

@vincent 9yr

Hi @minesneves - it is definitely possible to travel while working as a vet. Iโ€™m an Australian vet but Iโ€™m currently based in the UK. I moved to the UK early this year after I quit my full-time job and sold all my worldly possessions. Now I spend 50% of my time working and 50% travelling.

I work as a locum tenens veterinarian (called locum vets in UK/AUS) or relief vet in the US. Essentially, I contract out my services to vet hospitals for a mutually agreed upon period (days to months). Many Australian vets adopt this lifestyle to travel. Locum vets are paid a higher wage because the work is casual but this is definitely a bonus if youโ€™re planning to travel.

Benefits of being a locum vet:
1/. Easy to save money - most locum jobs (in the UK) will provide accommodation and some will provide a car. Eg. My last 3 month job gave me an apartment and a work car (petrol was also paid for by the hospital). All I paid for was food (no rent or bills!). Accom/car is less commonly provided in Australia.
2/. There is plenty of work for locum vets in the UK and Australia (canโ€™t comment on any other countries). Experienced locum vets are in demand In the UK and getting a job can be as easy as making a phone call today and starting work tomorrow. For me, the hardest part about getting a new job is deciding where I want to move to next.
3/. Higher pay (compared to a regular vet). In the UK, expect to be paid any where between 200 to 250 British pounds per day for a 9-12 hour shift. (working 4 days/week). In Australia, locum vets are usually paid hourly ($50-60 Australian dollars/hour) and usually work around 8-10hours a day (not including the inevitable overtime).

However, there are a lot of things you need to be aware of before you become a locum.
1/. Location of work is limited to your country of registration. It is not as convenient as working on a laptop and you need to stay in the same location to work for however long you want. The veterinary profession is very tightly regulated and you must register with the governing body of that country (Royal Collage of Veterinary Surgeons in the UK). Your eligibility is dependent on your degree. Eg. my Australian degree is recofnised in Aus, UK and US. You need to make sure your degree can take you where you want to be. On top of that, registration is usually quite expensive (ยฃ300/yr in the UK) and the process involves a lot of time and paperwork, which is why I only work in the UK. If your degree isnโ€™t recognised in the country that you want to work in, you may need to take additional exams (in Aus, it is very difficult. Cost is $8000+ and can take over 12 months with low pass rate, non-native English speakers also need to take English test).
2/. Language barrier - being a vet requires good communication with your clients so you must speak the local language fluently.
3/. Work experience. This is probably the most important point for your situation. Being a locum vet requires enough experience to independently handle medical and surgical cases. 95% of employers will not hire a new graduate vet with no experience as a locum (unless theyโ€™re super desperate ). Locums are usually hired to fill in for existing vets when they take annual leave or they are short staffed while they are recruiting for permanent staff, so employers need vets that are self-sufficient. New graduates typically need intense supervision in their first 6-12 months of practice so most employers look for at least 1.5-2 years of work experience (minimum). I have been a vet for 3.5 years and i donโ€™t have any problems finding work.
4/. Work visas. I am on a working holiday visa in the UK which has a 2 year time limit.

My recommendation for you (if you still want to locum) is to thoroughly research the registration requirements of your target country first (Iโ€™d recommend the UK), you could then contact employers to see if they are willing to take on a new graduate vet. Otherwise work in Portugal for at least 1 year before trying again. The alternative is to take a gap year. I have been responsible for employing new vets at my old full-time job in Aus and I have never refused to hire a vet because they have taken a gap year (you may need to check whether this is the case in Portugal).

I hope this information helps. Let me know if you have any questions.

@no_mad 9yr

Yes there are people living variations of โ€œnomadโ€ lifestyles from all walks of life. No, you probably wont find any of them here or online for that matter.

Portuguese background, white, University veterinary degree, english skills. Come on you have to do this, what a journey would this be for you.

I would suggest you save to fund one year of living (500 eur/ month, no drinking) for the possibility of not making any money or having to stress about it. Or go to Austrialia with working holiday visa and acquire these funds faster. If youre lucky you get to work there on this stuff and all the animals there (they pay super).

Then you have time to work by yourself and for yourself to figure things out how to do it.

Some ideas:

  • Works in National parks in different ex-colonies of Portugal e.g Angola, Brasil.
  • Australia (working holiday)
  • Private expat vetinary services for families that dont trust locals (how to market this figure out).
  • On-Call phone consulting for expats (I dont know, maybe?)

Probably nobody is going to teach this stuff you just have to figure out. The biggest problems would be dealing with your fears.

Budget tips:

  • Get rid of western gullibities: โ€œYou have to do something, see something, go go goโ€ (will make you spend on stupid tourist stuff just to get photo on facebook), Trying to be Jesus โ€œBeing good and kind to everyoneโ€ (This will get you scammed in so many countries, best ways to get rid of this is travel in China and Africa maybe vietnam, get scammed and rise up.
  • Get good at hunting airfares (7-8 cents per mile) and accommodation (offline)

Hopefully this helps, Good luck.

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Tax advisor for permanent nomads?

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How do we solve housing for digital nomads?


by @levelsio 4yr 4 years ago  | 61 comments

Thereโ€™s been a lot of discussion on this recently.

Nomads usually stay in hostels, hotels and short-term apartments. But itโ€™s all not very optimal.

Iโ€™ve heard people suggest getting funding and building a network of houses you can stay at for a subscription price (e.g. Bruno Haid is working on that).

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Is Three's 'Go Roam' package any good for British nomads?

by @alexnapierholland 5yr 5 years ago  | 2 comments

Hey, Three in the UK offer a โ€˜Go Roamโ€™ package that - at first glance - looks good for nomads.

It essentially promises data use abroad, up to 12GB,

Iโ€™d link to Threeโ€™s FAQ for Go Roam, but as Iโ€™m a new user I canโ€™t.

Bali/Indonesia and Australia are both included, which are top destinations for me.

Thailand is not, which may be annoying.

I could do with a new iPhone before I leave for Bali again in January and as Iโ€™ve been launching a new business, am a bit short on cash.

Unsure if this is a good solution, or if it makes more sense to sit-it-out on my iPhone 6 until I can buy an iPhone XS Max with cash and stick whatever SIM I want in it.

What do you guys think?



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Where is the best place to live in London for digital nomads?


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Bali vs. Chiang Mai for digital nomads?

in Chiang Mai , Thailand by @snu6ew 7yr 7 years ago  | 16 comments

My girlfriend and I started our DN life this March and went straight to Chiang Mai because of itโ€™s ease of living. We love it. CM is great โ€“ we got a scooter for 2700 THB, a nice apartment for 8000 THB all in, we get our laundry done for 50 THB, eat out at nice places every day for less than 100 THB etc. Arriving here needed nearly no preparation โ€“ it just worked out all by itself.

We are still on tight budget and donโ€™t want to give up much of CMโ€™s quality of life but we want to see other places and we are now thinking about what could be our next destination. We are not really willing and able to spend more than what we spend now. Bali seems to be a good place according to what you all wrote.

How does it compare to Chiang Mai or Thailand in general?
CM can get very hot and we often acknowledge that we should have chosen an apartment with a pool here. Can I rent something in Bali for a few months with a pool for less than 250 USD?

Are there any Nomad-houses or similar projects at the moment that make it easy to connect to other people?

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Any tips or experiences are greatly appreciated. Thanks!


Are the Philippines good for solo digital nomads?

in Philippines by @lopesrosanna 7yr 7 years ago  | 16 comments

Hi there,

Iโ€™ve been wanting to visit the Philippines for a while. I need a stable connection to make skype calls and get my work done. I have some questions:

  • If Iโ€™d spend a total of 2/ 3 months there, and would stay minimum 3 weeks and max 1.5 months in one place, which would you advise me to visit?
  • Any coworking spaces in those places? How is the Wifi availability in cafeโ€™s/ restaurants?
  • Places to absolutely avoid?
  • Is it safe for a woman alone?
  • Is it easy to meet other nomads there?
  • Is it easy to mingle with locals?
  • What was your average spending per month?
  • Best time to visit?
  • Any major events that I should experience?
  • Howโ€™s the food?
  • Any other Philippines tips?

I know some of these questions are relative, but please give me your own honest opinion and advice.



What's next for remote work and digital nomads?


by @levelsio 7yr 7 years ago  | 21 comments

Weโ€™ve seen A LOT happen over the past 2 years. Digital nomads have gone pretty mainstream and about half of my normal friends in some way or another travel a lot and are starting to work remotely for their companies now. Over half of startups have people working remotely.

The housing problem that we talked about back then? Lots of companies have popped up to try coliving projects and thereโ€™s now countless fixed and temporary retreats around the world.

I tried to add my bit by adding the social grid to the digital nomad scene letting people meet each other on here, organizing meetups and building out this site.

Butโ€ฆwhatโ€™s next? What can we do/organize/build now?


What are good US-based banks for digital nomads?


by @ramblurr 7yr 7 years ago  | 24 comments

For some of us maintaining a US Based Bank is just a necessity. Either we never pick up residency abroad, or have a US based business for which a US based account makes life easy.

Purely online personal banking is a growing trend. Schwab has a great checking account that reimburses ATM fees and has no international fees, Simple is a new online only bank with tons of great features (though not so great for nomads abroad).

Anyone know of similar services for small business online?

Features Iโ€™m looking for:

  • Business accounts (not a human name on the account)
  • Great website experience
  • Photo Check deposit
  • Cheap / below-average transfer and wire fees
  • Cheap fees / minimum balance requirements
    I prefer storing my cash in personal accounts or investment accounts
  • Free international use of cards

How is Croatia as a destination for digital nomads?


in Croatia by @jbroomeresearch 7yr 7 years ago  | 40 comments

Iโ€™m thinking of spending August-October in Europe; Berlin was a strong contender, but Iโ€™m hearing good stuff about Zagreb. Anyone have any experiences (good or bad) to share?


What's the best mobile-data option in Brazil for nomads?

in Brazil by @phil 7yr 7 years ago  | 4 comments

Hi everyone. I am new on this forum and will post in the introductory thread when I have some more time. My question is:

Whatโ€™s the best mobile-data option in Brazil for nomads?

background info to the question: I bought a vevo (vivo?) sim the other day and charged up around $7US on it seems now that I can only send text messages but cannot call other people or get internet. I will be in brazil for min 5 weeks max 3 months. sorry if Iโ€™ve posted this in the wrong section.


Are there any VPN providers specifically suited to nomads?

by @nomadfamily 7yr 7 years ago  | 10 comments

hi, I have been using a free VPN for a while.
Just wondering though, im planning on travelling into china and wanted to know if there were any VPNโ€™s that anyone can recommend that are safe within china.

As I undertstand the Chinese are aware of some VPNโ€™s and have blocked them. Not sure if that is true or not, but would be really great to know more.

Also any one think any particular VPN provider is better suited to nomads and why?

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by @levelsio