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Climate Finder

Pick a set of climate criteria like temperature, humdity and air quality and find cities that match (based on historical data from the past few years). For more broad filters, see Nomad List's frontpage

in of AQI to AQI
in of °C to °C
in of % RH to % RH
in of to
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Try start with these example queries:
Cities that are warm, have clean air, comfortable humidity and have nomads there all year round
Cities that are warm, have clean air, comfortable humidity and have nomads there in the winter
Cities that are warm, have clean air, comfortable humidity and have nomads there in the summer
Cities in Asia that have clean air all year round
Cities in Europe that are mild to warm all year round
0 cities matching your filters, first 5 shown and -5 hidden, to see all
0 cities matching your filters, first 5 shown and -10 hidden, to see all results
* AQI data not available from historical records by month, so we use the World Health Organization annual average. ** AQI data not available from historical records by month, or WHO annual average, so we show you the current AQI there instead. Temperature and humidity data sourced from Dark Sky, air quality data sourced from World Air Quality Index Project and for annual averages from World Health Organization and for current values from AirVisual, Nomad List memebrs count from check-ins to cities. Historical data from all sources is adapted as forecasts for each month in each city. Green is good. Red is bad.

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by @levelsio