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Advices about tax, location for incorporation, etc

by @anadesigner 7yr  | 2 comments

Hi nomads,

I and my husband are graphic designers and we work from home mainly doing services for UK. We have personal bank account in UK as we lived there for a while and we use it to receive payments and then use transferwise, but we are worried because we have no company there to declare these payments.

We are at the moment in Malta but moving to Portugal soon and we really would like to make the things right to avoid problems but also we need avoid pay lots of taxโ€ฆ I am researching a lot but not sure what to do. Would be very good to have a bit of advice to what way to go, where is the best country to open an offshore business for exemple?
We earn together about 25k euro year (brut).
Any advice or tip would be very welcome.



Iโ€™m not sure on tax residency in the UK (as in how easy it is to establish tax residency elsewhere). But with that amount of money (50k/pa), I wouldnโ€™t bother with it.

Youโ€™ll need to get residence elsewhere with favourable tax rules (e.g. Malta, Dubai, Panama), which will cost you quite a lot. On top of that you will have to make that your base of operations, which you might not want to do either.

Then youโ€™ll have to set up an offshore company in a zero tax country, get a (virtual) office and the hardest part these days get a bank account (which they will charge you a lot for).

You might also lose out on some retirement benefits which you would have when you stay registered in the UK.

However if you expect to increase your income in the near future and plan on being a DN for a while it might be worth setting up this structure, just consult with an international tax lawyer in the UK before you do so.

@orca 7yr

If you make โ‚ฌ25k Malta could be ideal for Ordinary residence and its simple to arrange. I suggested it because the current income thresholds are set at โ‚ฌ14,000 for a single person but โ‚ฌ23,300 for couples. You have to be covered by a health insurance policy (local or international is OK) but this could work even if you donโ€™t spend a vast amount of time there it would likely work.

For the company a Delaware LLC would work well and I have summarised it below:

An LLC offer the ability to trade via an onshore vehicle 100% tax free provided the members are not US citizens or Green Card holders and no business is conducted in the United States. LLCโ€™s are being successfully utilized by companies around the world with great success and also potentially offer a high degree of anonymity in some states.

The U.S. Limited Liability Company (LLC) has been an essential international tax planning tool for over 30 years because it is a pass through entity and not taxed as a corporation. Although the LLC is not a corporation it still protection from liability, but for tax purposes it is treated like a partnership. Because the LLC is a passthrough entity it pays no income tax itself and as a result liabilities pass to the โ€œmembersโ€ who if they are in a favourable tax position and non resident of their home country can effectively pay zero tax.

In some circumstances you might wish to combine a U.S. LLC with an offshore company such as a BVI or Belize company you can gain the benefits of both onshore and offshore structure because the offshore company can operate in the U.S. if requiredโ€ฆ A carefully structured LLC will enable you to avoid the possible scrutiny of offshore companies and present the acceptable face of a U.S. company plus the added tax advantages of an offshore company. We find the LLC functions extremely well when it is combined with a maildrop in the US or Canada and a voicemail service or live answering plus a frontman who can increase believability as and when needed.

The most popular states for LLC formation are Delaware, Oregon, Wyoming, Nevada and Florida although we form LLCโ€™s in all 50 states. It should be noted that 60% of the LLCโ€™s we form are in Delaware. Although in most ways Delaware LLCโ€™s and those from other states are quite similar the vital difference is that the register of members in Delaware is not open to the public which guarantees rock solid privacy. It is this factor together with the efficiency and speed of formation - 7 days start to delivery worldwide - that makes Delaware the leading US state for the formation of LLCโ€™s. We appreciate that in some cases (maybe for contractual or business reasons) another state might be better for your needs where the members appear on public record but for privacy Delaware is the state of choice. We deal with all 50 states so feel free to give us a call or send an email and we can advise you on your specific needs along with the various considerations which apply to that particular state.

The key features of a Delaware LLC are outlined below along with the basic requirements to render it tax efficient.

The Tax Saving benefits of an American LLC

  • For most clients the primary benefit of an LLC is the โ€œpass-throughโ€ taxation. Keep in mind as outlined earlier that the LLC remains tax free on business transactions and benefits only when they are derived outside the United States and the members are non-resident foreigners.
  • Features of a Delaware Limited Liability Company
  • A Delaware LLC may be formed by one or more organizer or member. For tax purposes, non-resident legal entities (such as companies or Corporations) who are members of the LLC may cause the IRS to classify the LLC as a branch of a foreign company in the US, and the LLC will be taxed on its worldwide income. It is therefore recommended that the non-resident members of Delaware offshore companies be physical persons.
  • An LLC does not issue shares and therefore does not have shareholders. The owners of an LLC are referred to as members.
  • A Delaware LLC is a legal entity, registered with the state, and is treated separate from its members.
  • The Delaware LLC is recognized anywhere in the world as a legally registered US company.
  • Because of the Limited Liability status, the law protects the members (owners) from the debts and other obligations of the LLC.
  • After Delaware offshore incorporation, the risk to an owner of a Delaware offshore LLC is to the extent of his investment in the LLC, and all his personal assets are protected.
  • A Delaware Limited Liability Company may be fully owned by non-resident aliens.
  • An LLC may also be owned by Corporations (companies limited by shares), Partnerships, Trusts, Charitable Organizations and Pension Plans.
  • After Delaware company formation, the Limited Liability Company must have these words after the company name or the abbreviation thereof i.e. โ€œLimited Liability Companyโ€, โ€œL.L.C.โ€, or โ€œLLCโ€.
  • The IRS tax treatment of a Delaware LLC is on the flow-through tax basis. That is the LLC is not taxed on its profits.
  • Non-resident aliens are not taxable by the US on income derived outside of the US. If an LLC derives its income outside of the US, the non-resident members do not need to file US tax returns.
  • There is no limit on the number of members allowed in a Delaware LLC.
  • The Management of an LLC is usually undertaken by its members. If it is found necessary, an outside manager may be employed and would report directly to the members.
  • The structure of the LLC does not provide for a Board of Directors. The flexibility in the law allows the members by agreement, written or oral, to decide on the most appropriate management system and on the distribution of profits.
  • The voting authority usually is in direct proportion to memberโ€™s interest in profits.
  • The manager of a Delaware LLC may also be a member.
  • There are no statutory requirements concerning meetings of members or record keeping. It is recommended that with two or more members, Membersโ€™ Agreements be entered into.
  • If meetings are held by members, this may be done anywhere in the world and in any way convenient to the members.
  • A Delaware Limited Liability Company (LLC) is a good vehicle for non-resident aliens to earn tax free income (not derived in the USA), utilizing a US business entity.
  • Members of a Delaware LLC are not liable for tax to the United States providing that:
  • The members are non-resident aliens.
  • The LLC does not employ US residents as permanent staff, or rely on a dedicated place of business within the United States.
  • The LLC does not undertake any business activity that is effectively connected with business or trade within the United States.
  • The Delaware LLC has a perpetual life and membership is easily transferable. It is advisable to enter into a Membersโ€™ Agreement if alternative conditions are required.

In summary these are the main points in which an LLC tends to score highly

  • Fast 12 hour formation in Delaware and 7 days start to delivery worldwide
  • No filing of accounts
  • Onshore presence with offshore benefits
  • Anonymity
  • Respectable onshore location
  • Flexible
  • Reasonable initial formation and ongoing costs
  • Conversion between Corporations & LLCโ€™s is possible
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How do I set current location? I've looked everywhere for this option.

by @yousifyalda 4yr 4 years ago  | 5 comments

All I see is section to add trips, but I reside here. Home and all.


What age did you start out and went location independent?

by @raynesio 4yr 4 years ago  | 11 comments

Eager to find out what age most start out as a DN? (Me)โ€ฆ 27 and just started out in the last 6 months or so. Not presently 100% location independent, probably more like 90% as still required to visit the office from time to time


Do you have a system for how you plan your next location?

by @mitch_dina 5yr 5 years ago  | 3 comments

It seems to be taking me days to plan my next trip. Its so complicated and seems to be a domino affect. Example: Iโ€™m in Dubrovnik and want to go to Bari, Italy next because it is close, and I can get there by ferry, (so not using so much carbon,) but the ferry only starts running in April and 90-day visa is up on March 15, so I need to move on. Cheapest flight out is to Rome, but Rome can be pricey and Iโ€™m more of a small town person, so I go looking for beautiful small towns in Italy, a BIG research project. Then how to get there?.. oy! I need a system, please!


Where can I go for remote working while surrounded by nature (ocean waves, mountain, etc)

by @nish 6yr 6 years ago  | 7 comments

I have this dream scenario in my head, and Iโ€™ve searched for a while without figuring out how I might best achieve it. I donโ€™t need many places, just one or two that I can go back to over and over again. I want to be working on my laptop while being surrounded by nature; for example a place right on the ocean where I can hear the waves crashing and look up and see them, then look back down and go back to work (but it would have to be very close by to achieve this feeling, not a distant sea view).

In itself this might not be so hard but my total list of requirements makes it difficult:

  • Fast internet: at least 20Mbps down with ethernet connection possible.
  • Very close to emergency medical services: so not in the middle of nowhere, and ideally in/very close to a decent size town (I have some medical issues)
  • Not more than ยฃ70/night to stay
  • It doesnโ€™t have to be a residence: it can also be a coworking space that meets all these requirements, and I can stay somewhere else and work at this space

So far I thought of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: there seem to be some flats with a nice ocean view, although Iโ€™m not sure how close to the ocean they can get. And maybe also Valencia?

Anyway, Iโ€™m not sure if anybody else has had this kind of dream as well. But I would very much appreciate any tips for places I can check out :slight_smile:


What you think about salary based on the location of where the employee lives?

by @augustomna2010 6yr 6 years ago  | 2 comments

I see that some companies do this, they pay the remote worker based on where he lives, I would like to know what do you think about this?


How do you manage your location independent business as a Nomad Entrepreneur?

by @vzablocky 6yr 6 years ago  | 3 comments

Iโ€™d like to invite nomad entrepreneurs in this topic to discuss what are the challenges you face in filing taxes, insurance and banking complications, while travelling and running your business remotely.

Please share your thoughts! I would be happy to help!


Any good coworking + surfing locations?


by @mike2381 6yr 6 years ago  | 31 comments

Anyone been to some nice spots for surfing that have fast internet and coworking offices in SEA?


Which residence/company location is beneficial for an Italian freelancer

by @saschamayr 7yr 7 years ago  | 6 comments

I am an Italian citizen currently living in Italy. I am starting to work as a freelancer and want to open a company in order to invoice the client.
Besides that, I also want to move my main residence away from Italy for multiple reasons.
In which countries should I place my company and/or residence so that the combination of both would be beneficial for me (cost and taxwise)?
Goal would be to rent an apartment and actually move (preferably in Europe), and from there travel as a digital nomad.
Has anyone been in a similar situation or knows an answer to this?


What items/services etc did you wish you had the first time you set off to travel?

by @theunisk 7yr 7 years ago  | 3 comments

A friend of mine is setting off on her first long solo trip, starting in Brazil. She will initially be backpacking but may turn to working on the road at some point.

Iโ€™d like to get her a nice gift for the trip and though I have a few ideas, I thought Iโ€™d come here for some further inspiration. What have you found yourself missing on the road, or what item or service has made your travels better/more comfortable/enjoyable ?
An example from my experience: a way to organise laundry, eg packing cubes or dry bags.


Best ways to get travel/nomad companions in different locations?


by @madelineb 7yr 7 years ago  | 24 comments

Do nomads like to travel together? I mean, not in each otherโ€™s pockets, but look for accomodation together, meet with each other daily or regularly, help out in new cities, motivate/inspire each other in the business? :slight_smile: Iโ€™ve done nomad lifestyle in the past in 2009/2014 and this time I want to collaborate and support with other people, each on their own mission. I love this nomad endeavour but to be honest I admit it can be quite time-consuming and lonely. :wink:
*Message on NomadList locations?
*Message on Couchsurfing groups? (without sounding like Tinder!)
*Message on other??
Iโ€™m currently in Portugal and heading back to Estonia for January/February (Iโ€™m from Australia). Later in 2017 I am open to places, though Iโ€™m not keen on high pollution, high humidity, high cost cities.
Feedback, interest or ideas welcome!
Thanks, :sunny: Madeline


Any nomads who practice Krav Maga in spite of constantly changing locations?

by @petar_np 7yr 7 years ago  | 3 comments

When I think about nomadic life style I often think of one disadvantage, not being able to continue to practice Krav Maga as I do now. How do you keep up with training and progress if you are constantly moving?


Which is the most viable location for a young couple moving to Seoul?

in Seoul , South Korea by @iamjamesrodgers 7yr 7 years ago  | 4 comments

Out of the 3 Areas which would be most beneficial for a foreigner moving to SK?
(If you have experience with areas specifically Iโ€™d love to discuss the specific schools that are offering her a position - Not posting that here for obvious reasons.)

My Girlfriend has received 3 contract offers in Seoul/Surrounding area:

i) Dobonggu
ii) Songpa-gu
iii) Bundang, Gyenggido

Background knowledge:
We love being physically active through sport and weight-lifting, love exploring food culture, need good Coffee and live very modestly in terms of going out/expenditure.


Relocation to country

by @nomadtimne 7yr 7 years ago  | 7 comments

I currently live in a EU country,to relocate somewhere where I can


What's the best location to incorporate an online business?

by @dmftaras 8yr 8 years ago  | 14 comments

Hey nomads,

Iโ€™m looking for the best location to incorporate my online business (offshore programming and so on).

The main requirements:

  • Low cost incorporation/yearly fee
  • Preferred with no audits (or other kind of paperwork)
  • With no local office/secretary/director needed
  • With low or 0% taxes
  • Easy to get paid from US/EU
  • Easy to send payments worldwide ( I can use Transferwise/Stripe or something like that, i donโ€™t care )
  • With corporate credit/debit cards

Iโ€™m only one owner of the company (not EU/US resident).
Iโ€™ve checked jurisdictions like BVI/Belize/Nevis and iโ€™m interested in it. It would be appreciated if you could give me some kind of advice, if you have experience with one of these jurisdictions.

My budget for incorporation < $1500



What are the pros and cons of the popular cities in the west Balkans (Split, Ljubljana, etc.)?

in Ljubljana , Slovenia by @asinsam 8yr 8 years ago  | 16 comments

I have been interested in traveling to the balkans for a while, and the cities Iโ€™ve been delving most into are Ljubljana, Zagreb, Split, and Sarajevo (also Prague and Budapest). Iโ€™m interested in hearing about these places from anyone who has travelled there, especially to multiple of the cities, or to any other place in the region.

In particular, Iโ€™m interested in pros and cons of the cities vis-a-vis each other, and interested in tidbits about the vibe of the cities, the culture of the people, and any other first-hand things that are hard to pick up by reading (I already know the sizes of the cities, that they each have beautiful architecture, that Split has the beach, etc. :slight_smile: ). How youthful do the cities feel? How walkable are they? How friendly are the locals? How likely would a 26 year old digital nomad be to meet his bride there ;)? What are the biggest unique things that stand out about each place?


Digital nomads tax, how does it work?


by @homakov 8yr 8 years ago  | 63 comments

Is there a lawyer here? Iโ€™m a Russian citizen and the last 2 years Iโ€™m living abroad. Which makes me non tax resident. And while i spend < 3 months in every country I do not owe taxes from my consulting income to any country.

Is there a flaw in this system? Yes I know Perpetual travel doesnโ€™t work for USA citizens, but everybody else here is in similar situation. Do you pay taxes and why?


Quality of remote connections (RDP, TeamViewer etc.) from SE Asia to Europe?

by @djar 8yr 8 years ago  | 3 comments

this is David from germany.

I am planning to stay in SE Asia in Q4 2015 while continue working. My work is location independent, but i would need to access customer sites in germany via remote connection. Has anyone done this bevor?
When i was in Thailand for holiday, voip telephony like skype, google talk etc. was working fine, but i did not test any remote access. It was a holiday. :smile:

I know that for web guys, this is not a problem, because SSH and git are not so much time critical like a โ€œliveโ€ desktop session. I know that there will be more lag, as ping times Asia -> Europe will be more like 500ms rather than the < 100ms what working in close proximity to the customer.

I might start at Bangkok or Chiang Mai, so any first hand reports from there would be greatly appreciated.



What do you think about my location scoring app?

by @miquel 8yr 8 years ago  | 5 comments

Hi Nomads,

Iโ€™ve been traveling Europe with my gf and visiting a new place every month for about 9 months. Picking AirBNBโ€™s and rentals has been hard for a variety of reasons. One is not knowing how close the rental will be relative to the places we want to visit.

So we made this app: Distance Score: Prague. Right now it is just featuring Prague, but Iโ€™m curious to get your thoughts on other cities youโ€™d like to see, as well as general feedback.


Does your freelance rate fluctuate per location?

by @jasonmwomack 8yr 8 years ago  | 3 comments

I am a web developer and content writer. As of right now , I reside in Atlanta, Georgia . My plan is to move abroad soon. At this point , I am not sure where to set up my home base . Anyways , my real question is about rates. How do web developers decide the most suitable charging rate ? Letโ€™s say a client is in need of a full website and e-commerce platform. That client resides in Paris , but another client in a low income country wants the same service. Does your charging rate depend on the clientโ€™s location ? That was a hypothetical situation. I am a new to this stuff! I do not have any clients yet .


Can anyone advise on the structure (and location) for setting up a digital agency?

by @matttutt1 8yr 8 years ago  | 4 comments

Hi there,

This might be a bit vague but hopefully someone out there can help. Iโ€™m from the UK and am registered as a Sole Trader currently. Iโ€™m looking to create a new business, and am unsure of the best structure to use. I donโ€™t really want to continue in this business as a Sole Trader because I donโ€™t think it has so much credibility compared to something like a limited company.

The business is going to be a digital marketing agency in a specific niche, itโ€™s going to be very small scale with very low overheads. Iโ€™m not going to be based in any specific location so Iโ€™m also unsure about which location to officially base my business (base in the sense that it will be my registered business address for example, I wouldnโ€™t have any offices unless just Virtual).

I also donโ€™t imagine that Iโ€™ll be turning over much as it will likely just be me, I may hire some freelancers at a later date but that depends on whether I can find enough clients.

Appreciate any help on this, thanks for reading!

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by @levelsio