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Options for DNs to stay and live in New Zealand for 1-2 years?

in New Zealand by @zoxel 9yr  | 2 comments

I already have a remote job that I like and do not want to change it. I was thinking of moving to NZ in order to live there for a while - may be one or two years or more if me and my wife like to be there.
But it looks like tourist visa will not allow me us to stay there more than 9 month and other visas require some job offer which is not easy to get. So I was thinking if there is any simple way to move there except finding a new job binded to location in NZ.
Me and my spouse are Russian citizens.

@miles 9yr

3 mo there, 3 mo in OZ, then 3 mo in Bali and 3 mo in Thailandโ€ฆ #WashRinseRepeat

Follow the weather you love and the 6 mo in Asia (cheap) will balance the 6 mo in NZ and AU (expensive).

Was there earlier this yearโ€ฆ An amazing place, but very expensive and poorly insulated/heated homes so cold is COLDER thereโ€ฆ

Brunch for my wife and I could easily cost $45+ :wink:


@zox_chief Not easily. The only option I could think of would be to start your own company and run some of your remote work through that, but NZ is a high(er) tax jurisdiction, so youโ€™d probably not want to do thatโ€ฆ

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What investment options are open to e-resident?

by @64tankman 4yr 4 years ago  | 1 comment

I know from experience that if you have residential status in countries where IG (a broker) serves, you can buy stocks and other assets through this broker. But I wonder what doors to the stock market, asset market or broker can be unlocked with e-residency? Some banks open a terminal for customers to buy assets overseas too, is one of the e-residency friendly bank offering a good portfolio of assets to invest in?


What's the best mobile-data option in New Zealand for nomads?

in New Zealand by @goldsaj 5yr 5 years ago  | 2 comments

Hi All! Iโ€™ve heard Spark and Vodafone are the best. I plan to move around, so I care mostly about having good coverage, and all Iโ€™ll need is around 1 GB of data or so.

Any suggestions?



Best coworking in Auckland - New Zealand

in Auckland , New Zealand by @alexis 7yr 7 years ago  | 1 comment

Hey there nomads !

Weโ€™ll be in Auckland from january the 11th till the 14th and we wonder where are the best place nomads go to work (and have a beer).

Thanks !


Nomad communities in south island, New Zealand?

in New Zealand by @srg_b 7yr 7 years ago  | 4 comments

Iโ€™ll be spending ~6 weeks in south island New Zealand. Iโ€™m wondering where to be based. Iโ€™ve spent several days in Christchurch, and it seemed like the most boring city in the world (nhf). Other logical choice is Queenstown, albeit a bit expensive (I see thereโ€™s a coworking space there). I see thereโ€™s other towns on the map, but Iโ€™m wondering if Iโ€™m gonna find a community in any of them? Iโ€™d hate having to work from home.


Working remotely in New Zealand and getting permanent residency?

in New Zealand by @mmorris 8yr 8 years ago  | 4 comments

Soโ€ฆ Trump is Prez. The world looks to the US as a role model. He doesnโ€™t think Climate Change is real. Weโ€™re !@#$ed.

Canadian Citizen here. Was considering Costa Rica for a long term solution, but they wonโ€™t deal with the impact as well. We were always fond of NZ and my parents spend at least 3 months of the year there along with knowing some citizens.


  1. How can we gain a Permanent Residency Visa? It seems the Skilled Migrant Category makes the most sense as I am a Systems Analyst (by NAFTA requirments) and my wife could probably qualify as a Nutritionist/Naturopath/Counsellor. Anyone have experience with this path?
  2. I currently work for a US non-profit remotely. Does NZ allow for this? do I need a job in NZ to be considered for the Skilled Migrant Category? Can I work for the US org while my Permanent Residency is processed?



Tax: what are the best options for a nomadic Dutch freelancer?

by @maarten 8yr 8 years ago  | 11 comments

Originally, I am from the Netherlands. Since january 2016, I have been working remotely all around the world. But even though I havenโ€™t been in the Netherlands this year, I am still paying taxes there. Iโ€™m still registered as a citizen.

I have to unregister in the Netherlands as a citizen. But if I donโ€™t register somewhere else, or have a freelance status or company somewhere else, I would still have to pay 50%+ taxes. This is, of course, not fun at all.

So I decided to move my business elsewhere. Either get freelancer status in another country, or create a business there to send invoices from. Which brings me to my question:

What is the best country tax-wise for a Dutch freelancer?

As of now, I found two solutions:

  • Have an agency set up a company in Bulgaria. It will kost 3000 euro a year, once 3300 euros and extra money if I want residency. And then of course 10% income tax on my earnings.
  • Have an agency set up a company in Dubai. It will cost around 2000 euro annually and 5000 euro once. No income tax.

Wether residency in an other country is required for the Dutch tax authority to not tax your world income, seems to be a grey area. However, if I unregister in Holland and send invoices from a company in a whole other country, it should be fine.

I have little or no experience. People with know-how: would you be so kind to comment on these options?

Are there alternatives I should consider?

I donโ€™t really like to hire an agency. Iโ€™d rather just fly to a country, fill out paperwork, incorporate there and from then on invoice from that company. If itโ€™s too bureaucratic, I wouldnโ€™t mind hiring a local lawyer or accountant to do it for me.

Do you know a country where there is no or a low income tax and this process is relatively easy and suitable for Dutch freelancers?


Best ship-to-them storage options any use here?

by @rumpusparable 8yr 8 years ago  | 3 comments


While I donโ€™t know when Iโ€™ll be settling down, I do see it eventually happening at some point if for no other reason for regular health care with age/problems.

So, when I chose to go nomad I got rid of everything except those special letters and trinkets Iโ€™d kept from growing up and past traveling that I wanted for my someday settled-home.

One of my Family memberโ€™s attic turn that initial set of items but I donโ€™t want to use his & his wifeโ€™s attic indefinitely over years/decade/whenevertheymove/etc. and/or be stuck out when any of the above happen before I open that little house or condo somewhere I think best.

So, do any of you use remote storage locations that are meant to receive shipments into for those on the road?

I come from and my main health care options are based in the US, so that would be ideal for me, but Iโ€™ll take whatever place seems best when it comes to the safety of the few things I put away.



Who provides the best indemnity insurance for New Zealanders contracting to Canada?

in New Zealand by @panoramica 8yr 8 years ago  | 4 comments

I have been sent a short term contract to do a remote trial for a Canadian company. I am pretty new to the contracting game and in the past Iโ€™ve only contracted locally in New Zealand and the most I ever signed was an NDA.

Iโ€™m pretty wary of the North American legal system, where people make a living off suing or encouraging people to sue. I hope this will never be the case for me, but I want to be smart and cover myself.

Who are the top local or international insurance companies offering affordable packages for NZ contractors working for NZ and international companies?



What is the cheapest option to get out of Colombia for 1-2 weeks and come back

in Colombia by @matthieudrula 8yr 8 years ago  | 6 comments

This is quite a specific question but can be generic in term of method.
I need to get some time out of Bogota so I can come on the remaining days of my touristic visa in order to enrol in a cheapest university to study Spanish.
So basically going out for 2 weeks, come back, do the papers during the 3 remaining weeks.
Iโ€™m trying to find the cheapest flight + hotel combination for this period of time using Nomadlist.
Anybody has a better method/experience?


What options are available for a pension plan for remote EU citizens, not registered as freelancers?

by @akisl 8yr 8 years ago  | 11 comments

Hi people,

Iโ€™m Greek, Iโ€™m now transitioning to fully remote. I think I have solved the first part: Creating a remote legal entity, a business bank account and having health insurance but I donโ€™t know how to solve the pension issue.

As an EU citizen, either your employer contributes X% of your gross salary to the national/private pension funds, or if you are a freelancer you pay the equivalent to the freelancer pension fund of your country, which in many cases is also attached to the national insurance fund.

So as a fully remote person, not registered as an employee or freelancer in any EU country, only having an EU company for invoicing and money transfers, where and how do you contribute to a pension fund for you? And what fund would that be?

Iโ€™m talking about a core pension fund, similar to the one that you would have if you were registered as an employee or freelancer in your country. Not ancillary pension funds offered by insurance companies, as these mostly focus on covering additional aspects that may not be covered by the core pension fund you have and they assume you already have a core pension fund.

Thank you so much for the help.


What are the options for mobile internet in Phuket, Thailand?

in Phuket , Thailand by @alejandrow 8yr 8 years ago  | 1 comment


I will be traveling in Thailand from november to december and would like to know which internet option I should choose. I need to use internet for writing and research and also 1-2 skype calls a week.

I need whatโ€™s best in Krabi and Phuketโ€ฆ I already have an unlocked pocket Wi-Fi that allows both 3G and 4G, so I only need a Sim Card filled with internet. Unlimited data would be the best, but in reality I would be fine with around 10 GB if the speed is good.

So which options do I have and what are your experience?



If my laptop is stolen, what are some quick replacement options?

by @normaldude 8yr 8 years ago  | 10 comments

Hypothetical Scenario: Letโ€™s say Iโ€™m traveling, and Iโ€™m using a Windows 10 laptop to get some work done. Itโ€™s 12 midnight, and my laptop(s) and luggage are suddenly lost. Maybe I went to a restaurant/bar/club, and thieves ransacked my hotel room while I was away. Whatever the case, I still have my wallet & smartphone, and thatโ€™s about it.

At this point, I need a replacement Windows 10 laptop, that I can install programs on, and I need it ASAP, so I can meet a deadline. What are my options?

Is there some 24 hour laptop-replacement-on-demand service out there?


DNs with US tax homes, how do you deduct travel expenses?

by @sumx 8yr 8 years ago  | 2 comments

First post here, so be gentle :smiley:

I am a half time digital nomad with a US tax home and tax season is coming up. Many of my travel expenses are legitimate business expenses and Iโ€™m sure others here have similar circumstances. I have a tax guy Iโ€™m generally very happy with and their advice is for me to deduct per diem meal & incidental expense (M&IE) rates as posted by the GSA for business travel days within the US, but actual M&IE for business travel days abroad since my out of pocket expenses beyond air / lodging tend to be much much lower while overseas. The logic seems solid, but it seems odd to approach deductions for domestic / international travel completely differently.

Generally, my nicer meals abroad tend to be either comped (press visits) or included in my lodging expense (hello executive lounge). Iโ€™m sure many other digital nomads fit a similar profile.

Iโ€™ve seen a number of resources that emphasize that spending less than the GSA/DOS per diem on meals and incidental expenses effectively gives you a free tax break for being frugal. For this reason (and despite my tax guyโ€™s advice) Iโ€™m finding it hard not to claim the full per diem amount while overseas. Iโ€™ve been in some very expensive locations with very high per diem rates per the Department of State including London, Paris and Dubai that would make for large deductions .

My question for the other digital nomads here with US tax homes is: how do you handle deducting your business related travel expenses? If you were in Dubai on business for a full day and the Department of State per diem meal and incidental rate was $183 / day, but you only paid $20 for food and $10 for cabs - would you still deduct 50% of $183 for the maximum benefit? If another member of your business was travelling with you would you deduct 50% of $183 x2?


Where do you see the digital nomad culture in 10 years?

by @pummyjr 9yr 9 years ago  | 14 comments

Hello guys,
I was curious, how do you see the development of the digital nomad culture?
What will the status quo be 10 years from now?
Iโ€™m interested particularly in the interaction between the nomads and the cities they temporary live in. Are they in any way influencing them? Will there be a voice of the nomad community? Will they want to get more involved? Are digital nomad and social entrepreneur compatible?

There are many questions running through my head right now, please feel free to shoot any crazy assumption.


How to open up a business bank account in New Zealand from overseas?

in New Zealand by @panoramica 9yr 9 years ago  | 2 comments

For some reason I thought this would be straightforward. I am travelling and working freelance for NZ companies. I have existing accounts with ANZ bank in NZ and wanted to add a business account and attached Visa card to the stable so that I could keep my business related income and expenses separate for accounting purposes.

The bank is saying that I need to be present at a branch in NZ in order to activate the account. Obviously Iโ€™m not going to blow thousands of dollars to fly home so I can do a 2 minute face to face in a branch.

Has anyone else had any experience with doing this?


How can a New Zealand citizen get a 1-year visa for Thailand?

in Thailand by @lucinda 9yr 9 years ago  | 7 comments


I want to live in Chiang Mai (just like everyone else). Iโ€™m an NZ citizen and Iโ€™ve been staying in Malaysia the last year-ish on a tourist visa doing runs every 90 days. Immigration are giving me a hard time so I have to leave and Thailand is the place I want to be.

I would love some info from anyone especially NZerโ€™s about getting a 1 year multi entry visa to Thailand. I want to do this all myself and save on third party fees so please give me some advice, Iโ€™ve spent a few hours doing research but Iโ€™m still totally confused.

Thanks :slight_smile:


Are people giving false info to attract DNs to their city

by @ozarm 9yr 9 years ago  | 4 comments

Hi Nomads,

I live in Poland since 2007 as an expat. I lived in Warsaw, Wrocล‚aw, Katowice and ลรณdz and I truely donโ€™t understand how you got your infos for Poland.

Wrocล‚aw is the most expensive city in Poland ??? I pay my rent 1.5 times more in Warsaw and restaurants are also at least 50% more expensive.

Lublin is the city with the most fun? Really, What about Krakow or Wrocล‚aw or even Warsaw?

Internet is 2Mbps in Wrocล‚aw??? Why are there big compagnies like IBM, HP, Melon Bank of New York, Swiss Bank, etc โ€ฆ in Wrocล‚aw if the internet was so bad. I have a flat in Wrocล‚aw and my internet connection is 30 Mbps with T-Mobile.

It looks like some people are giving false informations to attracts DNs to their cities. What do you think about it ?

How to correct those infos ? I already tried to correct the info about internet connection in Wrocล‚aw but I didnโ€™t see any changes.


Can you complete this survey for Harvard University about DNs?

by @marinajaneiko 9yr 9 years ago  | 2 comments

Hey fellow nomads! Iโ€™ve been working with a Harvard professor and her team helping them with their study on digital nomads, and now theyโ€™d hugely benefit from your help as well.

This is one of the first academic studies on digital nomadism and the fact that even the academic world has taken interest in this phenomenon is super exciting!

Long story short - this is an open invitation to digital nomads to contribute to the study by filling in a short survey on financial sustainability of this life/work style. If you want to learn more about the study - I published the interview with Harvard team on Nomadlist Stories.

Thanks in advance! Feel free to ask me questions about the study.


Are there good places to work Queenstown, New Zealand?

in Queenstown , New Zealand by @9868john 9yr 9 years ago  | 1 comment

Hi guys,

Iโ€™m living in Tauranga, New Zealand and iโ€™m heading down to Queenstown tomorrow. Iโ€™m aware this is a party destination and iโ€™m looking for a good place to work.

Iโ€™m also really keen to meet up with other nomads. I love the friends Iโ€™ve met here but I need to discuss my ideas with people in the industryโ€ฆ Iโ€™m reaching out here!



Best visa options to stay in Schengen Area for >90 days?

by @tylertringas 9yr 9 years ago  | 12 comments

Specifically Iโ€™m self-employed with an American passport. Curious if there are any good tips & tricks for staying in Schengen Area more than 90 days, like closer to a year.

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