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TMobile for Continuous Travel?

in Mobile , United States by @jackgopack 7yr  | 5 comments

TMobile advises their international plan requires me to reside in the US for 3 months of each year, however I may be there only 1 month (or less). Anyone using their plan continuously? Rigid requirement?


Have had Tmobile for 2.5 years, with about 60 total days in the US that entire time, and a couple of months ago in Ireland I got an explicit warning text from them that I was not spending enough time in US. I am in canada and mexico for the rest of the year and no issues there as I am on the north american plan anyways, but they may be cracking downโ€ฆ

@etc 7yr

Anecdotally, it seems the requirement is having it register on a US tower every few months or so. If you travel back to the US regularly, it shouldnโ€™t be a problem.


Iโ€™ve been a T-Mobile customer for many years, a nomad for a few of those, and havenโ€™t had any issues, including the year I was out of the U.S. for 11 out of 12 months. They never mentioned any requirement to me. However, some folks have said suggested this might be because Iโ€™ve had service with them for so long.

Iโ€™m looking to switch to Google Fi anyway due to lower cost, and the fact that I donโ€™t make all that many calls any more. Plus Iโ€™ve had some problems with voicemail and receiving calls.


Have been on the T-mobile plan for over three years now. Usually spend about 10 months out of the year outside of the US (returning back for month stints twice/year), and have not had any issues.

@leerosen 7yr

We used T-Mobile for about a year outside of the US before they gave us notice and cut us off. We switched over to Google Fi and itโ€™s working out well. It was kind of a hassle when they canceled us (gave us 30 days notice) because Google Fi has to be activated inside the US (at least it did a year ago) and I wanted to port our numbers. I was able to get a short extension from T-Mobile.

Iโ€™ve heard others say they havenโ€™t had an issue with staying outside of the US, but that was not the case for us.

We also sometimes use local SIM cards because itโ€™s often dramatically less expensive if weโ€™re going to use lots of data. Once you get used to it the local SIM card thing is really easy in most places.

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What are great outdoor activities in Salt Lake City?

in Salt Lake City , United States by @secondlife 5yr 5 years ago  | 2 comments


Considering a trip to Salt Lake City area, with a side trip to Moab, UT. Thinking of renting a Class B RV (Sprinter van size) to test out Van Life.

Looking for any suggestions/input on:

  1. Organizations that might be interested in a presentation on โ€œYour website is more than a Brochureโ€. (Informative, not a sales pitch)
  2. Outdoor activities within 4h (see below)
  3. Best places to meet people interested in Tech and the outdoor activities.

Looking to do some easy to moderate:

  1. Mountain biking
  2. Cross country Skiing
  3. Rock Climbing

Wondering what months I could do each. Iโ€™d love to do a late September trip if itโ€™s not too late.



Gamer setup for travel?

by @azurio 5yr 5 years ago  | 6 comments

Hi guys! Who plays video games?

What system do you use? How does it work for you?

I work on a MacBook Pro, and of course Mac isnโ€™t great for gaming. Iโ€™m thinking of traveling with a (relatively) small eGPU to crank up the graphics. There might be decent PC laptops, but I want with macOS.


Norway: northern lights (Aurora)

in Aurora , United States by @mluby 5yr 5 years ago  | 1 comment

Hi Norway folksโ€”Iโ€™m planning a February trip to Tromsรธ hoping to see the northern lights, but honestly I canโ€™t find anything about how likely I am to see them. Are they out every night and itโ€™s just a matter of cloud cover, or are they like once a week?

Any info would help me decide whether to pull the trigger.


Is Bogota safe to travel?

in Bogota , Colombia by @jackgopack 6yr 6 years ago  | 6 comments

HI All!

Considering Bogota for a while but recent reporting indicates quite a few robbery related deaths and the fact that US State Dept personnel and their families are not allowed to use inter- or intra-city bus transportation, with flights mandatory between Colombian cities. Anyone have any insight as to the current reality vs such reporting?

I know they often donโ€™t match but since our rates Bogota safety as โ€œbadโ€, I would greatly appreciate anyone providing a current or recent boots on the ground status report as to this effect.



What tools do you use to plan your travel?

by @kaizenpreneur 6yr 6 years ago  | 6 comments

What tools do you use to map out your travel plans for the year ahead (if you even do) - I donโ€™t mean tools for finding cheap flights - but the actual schedule planning.

For example, for 2018 I have certain locations that I need to be in at certain times of the year. They are fairly set in stone with a little flexibility.

Iโ€™ve then got a hit list of destinations that Iโ€™d like to build into that plan through the year. Not all will happen, some Iโ€™d like to prioritise and add to the plan right away, with the others as maybes and will be more spur of the moment.

Iโ€™m keen to look at a calendar type view where I can play around with different schedules. Iโ€™d thought something like tripit but I think this works best when you have already booked but I want to create a few versions to see how they look before going out to book.

Maybe it is colour coded or overlays

  • Booked
  • Planned
  • Maybe



What items/services etc did you wish you had the first time you set off to travel?

by @theunisk 7yr 7 years ago  | 3 comments

A friend of mine is setting off on her first long solo trip, starting in Brazil. She will initially be backpacking but may turn to working on the road at some point.

Iโ€™d like to get her a nice gift for the trip and though I have a few ideas, I thought Iโ€™d come here for some further inspiration. What have you found yourself missing on the road, or what item or service has made your travels better/more comfortable/enjoyable ?
An example from my experience: a way to organise laundry, eg packing cubes or dry bags.


Good Bank Account / Prepaid for travel?

by @dondizzler 8yr 8 years ago  | 5 comments

Hey guys, iโ€™m a Canadian resident. I have a corporation registered in Canada, and all of my income flows through this account and eventually into my personal account. Iโ€™m considering either opening a second Canadian account or an offshore bank account for the purpose of travel. My goal is not to change my business structure or avoid taxes, but simply to make it easier to make purchase worldwide.

Iโ€™m planning to do some travel in Asia and eventually South America. I know that in many countries, fraud can be a problem. Not only will I have to fight with my back to keep my account from being locked (they tend to be cautious when it comes accessing your account internationally) but iโ€™m also concerned about having my card duplicated and used illegally.

What iโ€™m looking for is some kind of bank account or prepaid card I can use to travel with. The idea is that I would transfer money to the account online, then withdraw the balance in cash to pay for my expenses. Because there will never be a balance on the card, I wonโ€™t have to worry about fraud. Iโ€™d also like to see if there is a way that I could reduce the fees I pay on currency exchanges or withdrawing in a foreign country.

Anybody have any suggestions?


Are there towns similar to Boulder or Portland in Europe?

in Portland , United States by @j0hnlucas 8yr 8 years ago  | 17 comments

Small towns with:

  1. beautiful nature (mountains or sea)
  2. progressive (clean energy, digital, social justice, etc)
  3. laid back attitude
  4. affordable
  5. good startup community
    It seems to me that if 2 and 5 then itโ€™s hard to have 1 and 3. e.g. Berlin for startups is too big, not great nature, a bit too cold. Am I asking too much? :smile:

What's the best mobile hotspot device for international travel?

by @stefanlesser 8yr 8 years ago  | 7 comments

Browsing this forum a lot, I learned that the best option for mobile data is buying a local SIM card in pretty much every country I go to. Ok, thatโ€™s manageable.

Now I was wondering which mobile hotspot to buy, because I will have more devices with me that I want to connect to the Internet, and my girlfriend will have even more devices with her to connect, too.

When I was looking at just one manufacturerโ€™s offerings, Iโ€™m already overwhelmed by the complexity of options.

Should I just use my main mobile phoneโ€™s hotspot feature for this?
Should I get a separate mobile hotspot device for that? Which one? Any recommendations?
How do you do this?


Traveling to Ghuangzhou in April for the Canton Fair: Any notable destinations during the downtime?

in Canton , United States by @rynesweeney 8yr 8 years ago  | 2 comments

I am traveling to the Canton fair where I will be for 16 days from April 18th to May 4th. There will be a couple 3 day gaps between working for mini excursions. I am contemplating going to Macau or HK during these times.

I am up for suggestions on similar areas i.e. close in proximity, simple travel arrangements, maybe a body of water as well.

Work may supercede these travel arrangements though if the journey isnโ€™t too demanding it may be worth while.




How is San Jose del Cabo for nomads? Other good beach towns in Mexico?

in San Jose , United States by @jammingsloth 8yr 8 years ago  | 0 comments

Looking towards next winter. Have my eyes on Mexico, looking to be by the beach. Has anyone ever spent time in San Jose del Cabo?

Looking for fast-ish internet, and a good art scene. Not looking for spring-break party destination, but touristy is fine (kind of goes along with the art scene). Any recommendations?


The Nomad Pad: Austin Pad is looking for awesome nomads starting April!

in Austin , United States by @nomadicpad 9yr 9 years ago  | 4 comments

Sign up for Nomad House: Project Austin

Hey Nomads!

So Nomad House: Project Austin is coming together. We found a better house with a better location and living arrangement, and we are just looking for one more digital nomad to join our little experiment from Feb. 1st- Mar. 1st.

Living options:
$900: Private Room

$700: Shared room

The house is at S. Park Dr. and Powell Court in Austin Texas.

To give you an idea of the awesome people youโ€™d be living with, the residence so far are:

@tikhon - Hailing from San Fran (for now!), seasoned developer, specializing in dev/ops, sysadmin and the non-tech side of the startup world such as Fundraising/recruiting/sales. You may be be familiar with the 2 successful start-ups that he co-founded - Scribd + Parse. Avid rock climber, photographer and looking to make another awesome project this time free from VCโ€™s overlord control! Rockin!

@maxholzheu - Hailing from Guatemala, alum of Build Campus in SF. Committed to paving a courageous path to freedom using technology. His life philosophies are *stop planning, start moving *never stop learning. Currently kicking ass as a web developer for Junto Studio, with remote work privileges.

Grayson - Has yet to fork over the $15 to join the #nomad group. But luckily heโ€™s a good friend of mine. We met working at a company is Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia called Mindvalley (you may have heard of it). When heโ€™s not helping artist promote themselves with his startup Mumora, heโ€™s either eating street cooked grub in a hole in the wall in South East Asia, blogging about marketing or just being a tall shaggy good dude!

Me - Iโ€™m Brandon, you can check out some of the crazy stuff Iโ€™ve done in the past: like the time I biked from German to India, or the time I became a Thai commerical star! Life is random, I know! Currently working for a startup called Bucketfeet, that makes cool sneakers using designs submitted by artists from all over the world! I convinced them to let me move to Austin and work remote, so let the adventures begin. I also like salsa dancing, personal development books, maps and anything with 2 wheels!

You - Canโ€™t wait to see who are 5th nomad will be!

If you want to be apart of something great, sign up below and letโ€™s build a world free of year leases, boring roommates and coffeeshop refugees.

Sign up for Nomad House: Project Austin


I'm going to New York City, any digital makers spots to visit?

in New York City , United States by @litanin 9yr 9 years ago  | 2 comments

Hi, i am going to New York for the first time in my life, but i have only 7 days (one full week starting on Oct 10). Apart of well known tourist spots (The Statue of Liberty, central park, broadway, 7th av etc) i also want somehow to get into digital makers environment to feel the spirit, speed and trends. What would be your suggestions to do / visit there?
May be some co-working places or cafes, exhibitions, lectures, anything?

I would really appreciate any suggestions.


Developers! Thoughts on the new Pixel C laptop/tablet for travel?

by @dave_chakrabarti 9yr 9 years ago  | 9 comments

Itโ€™s that time of year again, where I see cool swanky new tablet / laptop hybrid things and start wondering if I could actually replace a Macbook Air for shorter / longer travel.

Anyone have any thoughts on Googleโ€™s new Pixel C? Anyone have experience writing code (or for that matter, writing long-form text, like a novel) with either Android or IOS as your main operating system? Would you leave the Macbook at home for a one week trip? A one month trip? Long-term?

  1. I know the softwareโ€™s not quite there yet. I anticipate major issues being the lack of web dev tools for mobile OSes (I write a ton of front-end code!), and flaky alternatives to Sublime. Iโ€™m interested in figuring out if itโ€™s โ€œgood enoughโ€. For example, howโ€™s Cloud9 on Android? Any workarounds I should know about?

  2. Anyone living tethered to Tmux / Vim on a Linode (or other VPS) full-time? Iโ€™m not drinking the Vim Koolaid (or well-aged single malt) yet, but might consider it if thereโ€™s a tangible reason for it.

  3. Is the hardware trade-off likely to hurt a lot? $500 - $600 buys quite a lot of laptop, running Intel 4th gen processors + the never-ending clunkiness of trying to make Ubuntu work on Windows hardware. Where should I expect to feel the pain on a Pixel C?

  4. Anyone figuring out a semi-reliable way to multi-task with multiple windows in Android? For example, how painful would it be to run two terminal sessions, a Cloud9 window, and a Rails tutorial window at the same time, switching between them constantly?

  5. Is there a compelling reason to consider an Ipad Air 2 over the Pixel C? Theyโ€™re in the same ballpark, and though Iโ€™ve stuck with Android as a phone OS, Iโ€™m very used to working within the Apple ecosystem for work stuff (downloading El Capitan as I type this).

Note: Iโ€™m fairly anti-Windows these days, especially as a dev environment (havenโ€™t used it since XP), so an older Surface isnโ€™t likely to be a good alternative unless the Ubuntu support is rock solid :smile:

Thanks! All feedback appreciated.


Any nomads in San Francisco who'd like to get together for a drink this Sunday?

in San Francisco , United States by @essasaulat 9yr 9 years ago  | 0 comments

Visiting San Francisco for TechCrunch Disrupt and was wondering if anybody would be interested in meeting up for drinks this Sunday :slight_smile: ?


Looking for a place to stay in Seattle for 4 months

in Seattle , United States by @arturogh 9yr 9 years ago  | 1 comment

Im landing in Seattle to find a place to stay for 4 months in june :). Iโ€™m a photographer and designer studying a UX 10 week course in General Assembly.

Anyone have a place they can offer? Any tips to help with the search?
Thanks! :smiley:

You can check out my photos here if your interested


Is anyone looking for a short term rental in the Seattle area?

in Seattle , United States by @danielgenser 9yr 9 years ago  | 8 comments

The house my wife and I are leaving on Vashon Island (a 20 minute ferry ride from Seattle) is available for a 3 month lease starting at the end of February. Itโ€™s a pretty great place just up the hill from a beautiful Puget Sound beach and lighthouse. Hereโ€™s the ad:

Here are better photos with our actual furniture in it:

We are happy to arrange to leave some furniture for a short term renter, too.


How do I make enough money to travel?

by @bruno_kinoshita 9yr 9 years ago  | 14 comments

Hello, My nameโ€™s Bruno. Iโ€™m a Front-end Developer & UX Designer from Brazil.

I want so bad to dive into the Nomad Lifestyle. But Iโ€™m kinda fear that I canโ€™t make enough money. I donโ€™t know how much I need to save before start travel around the world.

I want to start traveling in June. For now, Iโ€™m trying to save money, like $10,000 and getting some good contacts to continue working as freelancers for them. Itโ€™s kinda difficult because I got stuck. Anxieties, fear, lostโ€ฆ :frowning:

Anybody can advice me? NY is my first stop.


Any Nomad's want to live in Austin; April, May or June?

in Austin , United States by @nomadicpad 9yr 9 years ago  | 0 comments

Have been working hard to do my part to solve this nomad housing problem and finally launched Nomad Pad! They say sometimes a drop in bucket can lead to an ocean, so letโ€™s see where this goes. I was able to convince an Airbnb homeowner to unlist her property and dedicate it to the project for the months of April, May and June! There is currently 2 room booked for all of April, from a web worker from San Fransisco & Grayson, meaning there are 2 more beds to claim. We would need an online commitment to stay, and could collect the payment through Stripe 2 weeks prior to stay, but without further ado, The Austin Pad!

Located at South Second and Mary street (, literally a 5 minute walk to South Congress, a really special part of Austin. Nice big table for coworking, wifi, fully furnished, in unit washer/dry, all utilities included. Itโ€™s a 3 bedroom, 4 bed, with 2 bathrooms. Elijah Wood is our neighbor and weโ€™re working to throw events with Capital Factory (two great locate cowork spaces/incubators) in the garage haha.

Monthly rent: $1,000 (private)
Weekly rent: $400

My goal with Nomad Pad is to create the most comfortable, fun and helpful environment possible. Iโ€™ve been a nomad for 6 years, and know what little things can help when moving to a new city. I want the focus to be on personal growth, becoming stronger business owners and really connecting with the nomads of the house! If we get Austin right, itโ€™s a step towards creating a global network of hotel/hostel/houses that serve the nomad community with flexible short-term booking, concierge services and a great community behind it!

Support at, and stay up with the adventures at, and

The goal is to get one Pad right, and then grow as the community dictates.

Excited to see you guys in Austin!!



Help with short term rental in San Francisco?

in San Francisco , United States by @cs340 9yr 9 years ago  | 3 comments

Iโ€™ve been looking for a short term rental for over a month in SF. My expected arrival date is this week and I have nothing, thinking about just going somewhere else. I had three rentals from CL that fell apart right when I was about to book them.

It seems most people are using airbnb and the monthly rates are really inflated, You canโ€™t find a studio with a monthly rate under 3.5k, while the same exact listing is going for 2600 on CL.

Does anyone have any recommendations on where to look for rentals?

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by @levelsio