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Which Indonesian visa is the most hassle-free for staying there for 6-12 months?

in Indonesia by @david 9yr  | 6 comments

Which Indonesian visa is the most hassle-free for staying there for 6-12 months? By hassle free I mean reasonably easy to obtain, not too expensive, and ideally without frequent renewals. I will arrive in Bali in April 2015.

The visas that come to mind are:

  • 1 year business visa (but the first stay can only be 60 days, any following stay as long as I want?)

  • Half-year sosial visa (but I have to renew monthly and cannot leave for a few days without an exit/re-entry permit?)

  • Tourist visa which I convert into a sosial visa (probably itโ€™s cheaper and more hassle-free to do the sosial right away before arrival?)

Which did you try, and which were easiest? Do I need a local invitation, and what is the easiest way to get one without getting into obligations?

Would anyone be so nice and invite me for a business visa? If yes please PM me, we can talk of course before you agree to help me out on this one.

What I want to do in Indonesia (starting in Bali) is surfing, looking into starting an online business, or โ€˜looking into investment opportunitiesโ€™ (if arriving on a business visa).

By the way, I have an EU passport.

@seel 9yr

You canโ€™t extend too long in advance sadly. Date vary as wellโ€ฆI mean you donโ€™t always gets the perfect 2 times 30 daysโ€ฆ The best for Indonesia is to come with the 2 month social visa in hand.
Extension can still be made with an agent, but this is pointless kind of, as you need to go yourself to pick it up as there is now a finger print scan and photo shooting. So no need to pay an agent. Mataram is definitely faster. Takes about a week in total. Scan and print shop just next to the immigration office (100m in the small street aside)โ€ฆVoA free now but departure tax still in place for most airlinesโ€ฆ

@lsloss 9yr

Another Visa on Arrival-related question for you all! Is it possible to renew the VOA right after receiving it? Iโ€™m sailing around Indonesia for the next ~2 months, and just made a visa run to KL. Iโ€™m wondering if I can renew the VOA I just got right now (Iโ€™m in Lombok), rather than waiting another three weeks to start the processโ€ฆ

@syabro 9yr

I live here a little bit more than 2 years. My thoughts about it:

  1. By business visa you mean KITAS โ€” work permit? Yes, there is such thing here but itโ€™ll cost you at least $1500 plus the government applied new rules โ€” you have to speak indonesian f.e.
  2. 211 visas โ€” social/business. They are same but in first case your sponsor is a person, in second โ€” business owner. 6 month. 2 month and 3 times to extend. As mentioned before โ€” youโ€™ll get it in other country only. Also if you leave the country you will need to get another one.
  3. VOA. Most popular. Came, extend, leave, repeat :slight_smile: Itโ€™s not so bad โ€” I usually ly to Kuala Lumpur โ€” it took like 10 hours for two-ways flight and around $150.

Best way for you is to fly here with VOA first time, look around and then decide.
There are plenty agents that will help you with visas. I usually use service here:

Would like to help, but Iโ€™m leaving the island on Feb 28, but you should visit โ€” itโ€™s an amazing coworking space with 20Mbps internet connection, which is kinda a problem to find )
Also you could ask guys there about visa stuff.

@jb510 9yr

Anyone know what the newly announced โ€œfreeโ€ visaโ€™s mean for extensions? I read somewhere itโ€™s a 30 day VoA, but havenโ€™t found anything official or detailed. Was planning on spending 3 months in Bali and 3 in Thailand next year and just want to cut down on bouncing between Bali/Thailand to renew visa.

@kmander 9yr

1 year business visa is a good one. You have to leave every 60 days, in theory. But you can typically pay to avoid that. Nice because you can come and go as you please vs. social visa which becomes defunct if you leave.

Iโ€™ve never heard of being able to convert tourist to socialโ€ฆ you have to leave the country and to get social visa at an embassy.

You can also unofficially extend tourist visa multiple times (officially you can do it just once) via agent. But it comes at a cost.


Whatโ€™s the cost to extend through an agent?

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List of Visa/Residency Information in Table/Spreadsheet format?

by @innovatelife 3yr 3 years ago  | 2 comments

As part of signing up for this website I was hoping I would come across a list of Visa and/or Residency requirements by country ideally in a table format to assist with decision making. Does anybody recommend any other websites that might present the information in this format (or Google Spreadsheet)?


How do I get Travel/Medical Insurance for Portugal for visa application from Australia?

in Portugal by @jonathanpoh 4yr 4 years ago  | 5 comments

I'm preparing my Portuguese D7 long-term visa application and one of the required documents is proof of travel insurance with medical coverage. However, as an Australian citizen, if put that as my country of residence in many travel insurance companies' quick quote forms, I'm unable to get ANY insurance coverage at all because of the current travel ban out of Australia, and the Australian govt's 'Do Not Travel' advice to ALL countries. I know that Aussies are applying for, and successfully getting visas from the Portuguese Consulate here, so where and how are they fulfilling this insurance requirement if insurers aren't selling any coverage? Does anybody know or have any ideas?


Did you learn any Thai before staying in Chiang Mai?

in Chiang Mai , Thailand by @digitaldiva 4yr 4 years ago  | 0 comments

Iโ€™m curious to know how many people learned some Thai before going there. Learning languages is a hobby of mine but Iโ€™m very put off by how complex the writing system is, and if I decide not to learn it Iโ€™ll probably cross Chiang Mai off my bucket list. I prefer to be at least conversational in a language before I do an extended stay in a country. Iโ€™m curious how people who learned no Thai did getting by. And Iโ€™m curious, from people who did learn some, if itโ€™s any easier than it seems? Thanks!


How does Ireland tourist visa length and recurrence work?

in Ireland by @nrgetik 4yr 4 years ago  | 2 comments

Iโ€™m planning a stint in Ireland and Iโ€™m wondering about the 90-day tourist visa. Official information just mentions the 90-day limit without elaboration. Is it akin to Schengen where itโ€™s counted against the most recent 180-day period? Iโ€™m asking because I might like to take trips to the continent flying out of Dublin, but I donโ€™t know how I should account for the days Iโ€™m gone if I do that. Do I stop the 90-day clock for Ireland while Iโ€™m away, or should I make sure Iโ€™m gone from Ireland <= 90 days after my initial arrival date, regardless of where else I go during that interval, just to be safe? What have others done?


Is it easy to renew your tourist visa for 6 months in Colombia?

in Colombia by @julien 4yr 4 years ago  | 1 comment

Hello everyone,
I will come to live in Colombia for one year.
What is the best solution with the Visa?
I thought to have a Visa for tourists for 3 months and renewal the visa for 6 months. Is that hard to renewal a tourist Visa in Colombia?
Thank you for your help.


How do I ensure that getting refused entry to the UK won't keep me from getting an Australian 462 (work and holiday) visa?

in Australia by @allisonkirschbaum 5yr 5 years ago  | 0 comments

On New Yearโ€™s Day this year, I was refused entry to the UK due to not having proof of funds, an outward-bound plane ticket (I was road-tripping out with a friend via car) and not being able to prove that I had indeed canceled the lease on the apartment I had leased during a prior recent trip.

I havenโ€™t had any entry issues to any of the several countries Iโ€™ve visited after, but now Iโ€™m applying for a 462 visa (work and holiday) visa in Australia, and since Australia and the UK share an immigration info system, I want to make sure getting refused entry wonโ€™t keep me from getting a visa. None of the issues that cropped up in the UK (the proof of funds, the plane ticket, and the apartment) will be an issue in Australia, as Iโ€™ve never traveled there before, donโ€™t know anyone and will have proof of more than sufficient funds for the trip and an outbound plane ticket.

Anybody have any suggestions on how to make the approval process go as smoothly as possible?

Many thanks in advance! :smiley:


Staying outside major cities?

by @malaclypse 5yr 5 years ago  | 7 comments

My question is about the actual experience of staying outside of major cities, as well as where/how (on this site or elsewhere) to search to find questions and discussions about the same.

Sometimes I like being in the big city, but sometimes I like being away from it. For many people with โ€œregular jobsโ€ you have little choice but to be in a big metro area since thatโ€™s where the jobs are; for me, part of the appeal of considering DN is sometimes being able to work someplace quiet, remote, secluded and beautiful- rather than a concrete jungle.

Iโ€™m curious whoโ€™s actually done stuff like this. Because while it sounds great, I could also imagine all sorts of unpredictable problems that might not be an issue when one is way off the beaten path that wouldnโ€™t come up if one were in a big metro area.


Getting a Russian Visa while traveling

in Russia by @shaulsolomon 6yr 6 years ago  | 1 comment

I am an English/American currently in Israel, and heading in a week to Georgia/Armenia for two weeks and then want to head to Russia for a week.
As I am only in Israel for another week, would it be possible to apply for the visa in Israel and ask to receive it in Armenia (my last stop before I want to go to Russia)?
Or perhaps there is another better option that I have available?


Can I enter Thailand on a tourist visa and obtain an education visa there?

in Thailand by @hydrofog 6yr 6 years ago  | 7 comments

As an American Citizen, would it be safe to fly into Thailand without a visa? You can get a 30 day upon entry right?

The reason I ask is, Iโ€™m in the process of getting my passport. Iโ€™d like to leave basically as soon as my passport arrives in the mail. Iโ€™m unable to apply for a Thai Visa until I have my passport, so that would require an even longer wait.

Would I be able to fly into Thailand with no visa, then get a 30 day entry, then apply for an education visa while inside the country? Once I go, Iโ€™d like to not have to return to the US. I donโ€™t mind if I have to take a bus/flight to a neighboring country for however long if I must leave while I wait for an education visa.


How to get US visa outside home country?

by @ibobriakov 7yr 7 years ago  | 6 comments

Hi guys!
Iโ€™m originally from Ukraine and now traveling through SEA.
And I was thinking about potential possibility to apply for US visa in any of South East Asian countries.
Does anyone has successful experience of getting US visa in SEA region?
Or maybe it is not possible and I have to apply from my home country?
(for example, friend of mine from Ukraine tried to apply for South Korean visa in Bangkok, but they refused to do so and asked him to apply for the visa from Ukraine)

Thanks in advance!


Urgent Advice Needed About Visa to Travel and Stay in Sharm El Sheikh

by @ryanuk 7yr 7 years ago  | 0 comments

Hello Everyone,

I am new to this forum. I thought I would just dive in.

I am travelling with my wife and my young daughter, so as you can imagine it adds a bit more to my planning.

I am looking to stay in Sharm El Sheikh in Egypt for a while. I am a Brit, and I need to sanity check some information that I have received.

My initial plan to stay in Sharm was as a British citizen get a multi entry visa which would give me 90 days and take it from there. However, I have been told by someone the following and if it is true it would be the best news for me:

To stay in Egypt you can get a 28 Day Sinai Visa on arrival. So on day 26 I should go to the Visa office in Sharm and I would be granted a 6 month Visa on application. Apparently it is not multiple entry visa, it is for 6 months and you simply renew it a few days before it expires. You can do this twice before you MAY have to leave the country. In other words you can stay a whole year hassle free!

Is this true? I really need to know as this is very important for me.

If anyone knows, or if you know someone who may know, your advice would be really welcome.

Thank you.


Extending Thai visa immediately after entering possible?

by @gonchs 7yr 7 years ago  | 3 comments

I tried googling this for hours without success.

If I enter Thailand on single entry 60-day visa, can I extend it for +30 days (for a total of 90 days) IMMEDIATELY the next day after the entry?

E.g. entering on Aug 1 and extending it on Aug 2. Have anyone done this?


Has anyone done the Non O Ed Visa in Hand to Hand Combat in Chiang Mai?

in Chiang Mai , Thailand by @artofbryce 7yr 7 years ago  | 4 comments

Weโ€™re headed to Chiang Mai in July looking at our options for visas and came across this:

Has anyone done it?

It looks amazing and beneficial for many reasons, but Iโ€™m a little skeptical without being able to read external reviews or hear of experiences from people whoโ€™ve successfully done it.

Thoughts and other options are appreciated!

p.s. right now we have a one-way ticket and are wanting to keep our options open to stay longer if we love it (which weโ€™re anticipating)


After extending a Philippines tourist visa, can you leave the country and come back in on that visa?

in Philippines by @kaizenpreneur 7yr 7 years ago  | 3 comments


Iโ€™m in the Philippines currently on a the standard 30 day tourist visa. Iโ€™m planning on spending an extended period of time here with the odd joint here and there around S.E.Asia.

I am aware that you can now extend your visa in 60 day blocks without leaving the country. However, if i were to extend it by 60 days and then decide I want to leave for a few days to another country.

Would exiting the country then null and void that visa and when I return I would start again on the 30-day tourist visa. Or does it allow multi-entry?

Just trying to work out whether it is worth paying for the extension or itโ€™s better to try and fit any trips out within the 30 day periods that I get.

One side point is that I am interested in getting the photo ID card which I believe you get after a couple of extensions which may allow me to open a local bank account.

It would be great to hear from anyone in a similar position as this or who has experience with this.

Thanks in advance



Has anyone registered a company in Japan as a means to acquiring a visa?

in Japan by @kko 7yr 7 years ago  | 1 comment

Iโ€™ve done reading on this topic but wanted to see if anyone actually had experience doing something like this personally. Iโ€™m thinking of setting up a GK (Godo Kaisha), which is equivalent to an LLC, as a branch of my Delaware-registered corporation for my startup, and granting myself a work visa through this new entity so that I can stay in Japan long-term.

Iโ€™m curious about how long the process can take, what the lawyer fees might look like, and what obligations one has post-incorporation. Thanks in advance!


Anybody around Europe over the next few months?

by @paulrose 7yr 7 years ago  | 9 comments

Hi All

Soโ€ฆ a few months ago when I was in Asia, for some reason I decided that it was gonna be too hot over the summer months and I wanted to mix it up with a few months touring Europe. So I had the idea to buy and RV and drive round for a few months.

Meet Teagan :slight_smile:

Itโ€™s taken a few months going through the process of getting my license to drive the RV, because itโ€™s so large it wasnโ€™t covered on my standard driving license. Add to that, I had some solar panels fitted for unlimited power, and a massive satellite dish for internet wherever I go.

Iโ€™ve now got my ferry booked out of the UK for September 11th and at the moment have no plans past the first few weeks.

Has anyone on here done anything similar before? Any places recommended, or anyone around Europe over the next few months?

Iโ€™m doing about 3 months worth before heading to Vegas for NYE and around the states for a few months after that before back to Asia for a bit.


Is a 4G sim device in addition to phone advisable in SE Asia?

by @anderkd 7yr 7 years ago  | 4 comments

Iโ€™m planning a visit to Chiang Mai and Bali starting in April. I have a Google Nexus which has worked flawlessly in Mexico at least. Assuming it will work just as well in CM and Bali? If I decide not to work in a coworking space, but rather Airbnb w/wifi and/or Coffee shops wifi, would a dedicated 4g sim card device be worth spening $75 USD to purchase, plus local sim, plus potential SIM hassle, or just rely on Nexus hotspot + airbnb and coffee shop Wifi?


Staying in Italy for a few months - internet?

in Italy by @ld 7yr 7 years ago  | 8 comments


My boyfriend and I would like to spend a few months in Italy - nowhere major like Milan, maybe Tuscany region or more south. Iโ€™ve been there before, but not in a work capacity. We need decent internet both where we stay (maybe airbnb) and are hoping to find some cafes or work spots around.

I donโ€™t see too much on here about Italy. And it certainly doesnโ€™t make any list of โ€˜best places for digital nomadsโ€™ - so Iโ€™m curious about that. Is it a bad spot for people like us that survive off of the internet? Is it not reliable?

I appreciate any insights from your experiences!


Which country is the easiest to get a Self Employed Visa?

by @msurocks99 7yr 7 years ago  | 4 comments

Dear Digital Nomads,

I am looking for a place where I can get easily a Digital Nomad visa i.e Self Employed VISA

  • Can be any place of the earth, No choice of continents
  • Comparatively decent living costs
  • Less paper work and faster processing
  • Less bank balance requirements, less complicity

Please share with me the locations you prefer for living as a Self- Employed Base. I am from South Asia(Bangladesh), thatโ€™s why Its tough for me to get Visaโ€™s generally for travelling.


Age-old question... If you live in Thailand, what visa do you have?

in Thailand by @natalie1 7yr 7 years ago  | 7 comments

Hola, nomads! I am currently living in sleepy Ajijc, Mexico, and love having my easy 6 month tourist visa. However, Iโ€™ve stayed in Chaing Mai before and my heart is pulling me there again. Yet Iโ€™m daunted by the headache of visa runs. Iโ€™m American, so it looks like my options are that I can get a 6 month Multiple Entry visa, which does require me to leave every 60 days.
Does that mean I just cross borders via land and Iโ€™ll be good for another 60 days? The websites Iโ€™ve seen havenโ€™t been very clear.
Also, it looks like you need a minimum of $7,000 USD in the bank to get that visa. I donโ€™t have that, though I could do a cash transfer to my bank account from my credit card for a month to show it. How many bank statements do I need to show thereโ€™s $7,000 in my account?
Also, can I apply for the Multiple Entry from Thailand or only outside of it?
What visas do you use if youโ€™re there longer term?
I also looked into the Student visa, but the school I looked at required 8 hours a week of class. I work too much to do that.
My understanding is that if you are there, you can get a 2 month visa (possibly called the Single Entry visa), then have to fly out and come back from an international airport, and you can get another month, then do an extension for one more, then fly again. Am I correct? If so, that is a lot of traveling and extensionsโ€ฆ
Insight is appreciated!!

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by @levelsio