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Hi, I’m Meng To, author of Design+Code and world traveler. AMA!


by @mengto 9yr  | 24 comments

Hi, I’m Meng, designer, coder and author of Design+Code. I’ve been traveling and working for 18 months across 30 cities, 20 countries and consumed a ton of coconut drinks.

My journey started because of a denied visa, and today I make 5x more money while traveling than I did in San Francisco. I accidentally built my own startup in the process and now have a remote team. It’s definitely possible to hit the road without sacrificing your tech lifestyle and entrepreneurial spirit.

Ask me anything!

@levelsio 9yr

Thanks everyone for asking questions and @MengTo for answering so expansively. :smiley:

@mustapha 9yr

How long before Design+Code were you designing, and coding for?

How much did you have saved up when you started on this journey?

Did you at any point feel like you were absolutely reckless for doing this?

What is your next life’s task?

@mengto 9yr
  • Prior to the book, I’ve designed as a job for 14 years. 2 more years before that, as a hobby/student while going to high school.
  • I had around 20k. I soon realized that I couldn’t travel for long with that money, so I took a job in Hong Kong for 6 months.
  • Reckless? I think that’s relative. Compared to staying home and saving money? Sure. But at the same time, you don’t take risk, which probably won’t challenge your ideas the same way. It’s hard to see it at first, but it makes sense after a while. Eventually, you don’t really think about it because it feels so natural. Who knows what kind of person I’d be if I didn’t go to the US, or traveled for a year and a half afterwards. But I’m happy I did and it feels so right, even though it felt crazy at first.

I guess what I’m saying is that you should always be reckless. Keeps you hungry. That recklessness starts feeling normal.

  • I’d like to build a dream team and grow products, so that they mean even more. Tools, education, design. I’d like to settle, but keep traveling. My views have opened greatly and I’d like to bring those views to wherever I settle.

  • I have a Retina Macbook Pro. 16 GB RAM and a nice graphics card so I can play games when I feel inspired.

@vleytman 9yr

So nice to see you here. Read your book and your very inspiring story.
Could you tell how you transitioned from using large-size iMac to laptop (and btw, what size MacBook and Air/Pro do you use?).
I’m also faced with this question; it seems so interesting and promising to work on MacBook, but when I use it after bright and large-sized Thunderbird display, its like… a porthole :wink: Not to mention all panels, even in Sketch, take too much screen space… Were you struggling with the same things? How did you solve them?

@mengto 9yr

I’m humbled to be here and to receive these amazing questions.

  • Currently, I’m working on a 15-inch Macbook Pro. I did travel and work on a Macbook Air for a year. I think the need of a big monitor or a mouse is an illusion, because it’s really really hard to get out once you’re used to it. But over the years, I found that it’s a really good practice to get out of your comfort zone and really try new things. In fact, I’d force myself to, so I can understand better the people I design for. I did so with the Mac 10 years ago when I transitioned from Windows. Most recently with going mobile-first, using the Macbook, iPhone 6 Plus, etc. It’s only after a long period of time that you can truly judge the pros and cons. Traveling has been instrumental because it forced me to live with less materials.

  • I guess you learn how to work with full-screen windows instead of having them open next to each other (which I would argue is more distracting). Reality is that we all suck at multi-tasking. Command + ~, Command + Tab really helps.

@vleytman 9yr

Do you use Retina MacBook? As I have a choice of 13" Pro Retina and 15" Non-Retina (but with faster processor and more memory).
If Retina, at what scale do you work in Sketch? As 100% seems pretty small and 200% a bit large compared to reality.
And Photoshop looks awkward, you can hardly see 14pt text in layouts when its 100% scale.

@mengto 9yr

I use the 15-inch. The 13-inch’s native resolution is too small – smaller than the Macbook Air’s (1280x800 vs 1366x768). 15-inch is 1440 by 900. You’ll need that extra real estate for Xcode.

I think it’s good to work on a Retina screen, because it makes you consider Retina, which a lot of designers are on. Since a lot of us design for professionals, even if the market share is tiny, that portion is really important. Because you designed for non-retina before, you’re able to still consider them.

As for the pixel density of the screen, both Sketch and Photoshop have solved those issues long ago. You won’t notice a difference at all, except that the readability is far greater. It’s like upgrading to broadband internet.

@mustapha 9yr

Which 15-inch non-retina model?


Hi Meng To. Your book is mind-blowing. Congrats.
My question is: what tech persons inspires you the most and why ?


@mengto 9yr

Really appreciate it!

Definitely Elon Musk for both his bold vision and phenomenal execution. I really believe that he’s going to change transportation, space exploration and energy in a big way. If you read Nikola Tesla’s short autobiography (something he wrote a century ago), you’ll find that we are still far behind our potential as a human race.

I still read about Steve Jobs. But I must say that I’m very impressed with Tim Cook’s ability to grow Apple in his own way. Perhaps not as visionary but still extremely efficient and world-changing as ever.

Obviously Jony Ive, the subtle force behind Apple. His taste is so disciplined that it changes mine. I think that innovation has the ability to change minds.
“If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.”
― Henry Ford

Ray Kurzweil really changed my life with his view of the future (singularity, scary stuff) and how I should approach my daily habits in regards to eating, sleeping, taking supplements and analyzing my own self. Technology is going to change biology and medicine in an unprecedented way.

Finally, I just started reading about Ed Catmull, the CEO of Pixar about managing creativity. Super inspiring stuff.

@levelsio 9yr

Thanks @MengTo for doing this AMA, I’m a big fan of your work :smile:

Since you’ve been denied for a visa to the US, your life changed radically. Do you still have the same will to work/live in the US as before? How did that change?

@mengto 9yr

The feeling is mutual. Love what you’re doing here @levelsio!

  • The beauty of traveling is to open doors. It really made me rethink about my options. I don’t look at working in the US the same way anymore. Considering the visa hurdles I’d have to go through, I am not as desperate to work in the US. But who knows.

  • I’d call the denied visa the best thing that ever happened to me. I am who I am today because of it. Steve Jobs summed it best:
    “Sometimes life’s going to hit you in the head with a brick. Don’t lose faith. I’m convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did.” -SJ


Your book and your lifestyle are truly inspiring!

I would like to ask that how can you be this productive during your travels? What is your average daily routine?

Last, but not least what are you most frequently used iOS and Mac apps besides Sketch and Xcode, you can’t live without?

Thank you for your answers! : )

@mengto 9yr

Thanks the kind words, Daniel.

  • The key is to love your work more than you love traveling. Focus is important. You have to understand what makes you focused: music, good wifi, great projects, etc. I’d suggest getting an unlocked iPhone and ask for a SIM card first thing in every airport that you land to.

  • I spend an average of 5 hours of focused work per day. Before a launch, that can grow to 12, but that won’t be sustainable. I travel with my fiance, so sightseeing, culinary explorations and watching movies is part of the deal. :wink: – I do enjoy the balance and I think that’s key to keeping it consistent and avoiding burnouts.

  • I can’t live without Ulysses, Screenflow, Ember, Dropbox, CloudApp, Mint, StrongVPN, Slack, Keynote and of course Twitter.


Again me.
How many bags do you carry around?

@mengto 9yr

In my first year, I took only a carry-on + backpack thinking I’d save a bunch of money. If you can do that, that’s great! I soon realized that it was too constraining and that Airlines always have a way to make you pay somehow. Plus, some of them give you a free checked luggage.

This year, I bring a big luggage + carry-on. Get a 4-wheel, it’s definitely worth the extra money! I eventually got rid of my backpack because it was uncomfortable (also you end up hitting a lot of people without knowing).


Just signed up :smile:
Hi Meng!

It’s so great buying your book right on the beginning and receiving free and wonderful updates. Thank you so much.

Is it possible having a family and being a nomad?

@mengto 9yr

Hey Ricardo, good to see familiar faces here. :smile:

I questioned myself many times if I should write more books, but every time, I looked back at the content and felt the itch to improve things. I could never repay enough the people who spent their hard-earned money on my first book.

Family and being nomad? Probably, but not as crazy as visiting 30 cities in a year. My ultimate goal is to have places to stay in multiple cities on earth and spend 3-6 months on each per year. Follow the sun, Sakura blossoms, and design events. I think 3 cities a year is definitely feasible while having a family.


Hi Meng, nice to have you, I love your book!

At any moment in time did you worry about the book not doing so well? What would have been your backup idea? Would that have stopped you from travelling?

@mengto 9yr

Thanks, happy to hear that you’re enjoying the book!

I don’t think it would have stopped my travels, but definitely would have made it shorter. Just like anyone, my back-up plan would have been Freelance or getting a job somewhere. Before writing the book, I stopped 6 months in Hong Kong. That’s the brilliance of tech – you can work anywhere in the world with your laptop.

I freed myself from my reliance on my giant iMac and mouse. Gives me the ability to be flexible about the work environment.


Will you write another book? Perhaps not about Swift/Sketch, but there are other apps that designers are talking about; Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher for example.

@mengto 9yr

That’s definitely possible. Before doing that, I want to make sure that Design+Code is a solid book, with updated materials that respect the latest Apple standards.

I’m not proficient enough with Affinity to write about it, but I heard great things. If I was to write another book, it’d be about Web or Android. I think there’s a huge need to simplify the design process for those platforms and explain them in a way that beginners can understand.

@atu 9yr

Thank you so much to have you here.


  • What do you think about swift? Could it be in production?
  • How was the moment of you said that you have to hire someone and how you handled it?
  • Did you experience some bad moments during this journey?
@mengto 9yr

Thanks Arthur, it’s a privilege to be here!

  • I can’t speak for the developers who have massive projects, but for me, Swift is definitely ready. I build all my apps using Swift, and I’m working with two iOS developers who use Swift on a daily basis.

  • When I wrote about the code part, I always questioned myself if this was the best possible way to write code. So I consulted my friends, and that evolved into a real team. The act of hiring is always about getting people better than you at something. In order to continue providing the best content, I knew I had to get other people onboard. With the success of the book, that enabled me to do it and I’m so happy I can.

  • For me, the worst thing about traveling is being stuck in an airport and dealing with the visa, not being sure if you can enter the next country or not. But once that’s done, it’s the greatest feeling in the world. It’s like winning a small battle. Each time I deal with old systems and come out stronger, I feel infinitely grateful.

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What features would you like to see on Nomad List?

by @levelsio 3yr 3 years ago  | 3 comments

Hi everyone,

I would love to hear what you'd like me to build next on Nomad List, or any other product/feature feedback ideas you have.

It's been 6+ years now but I'm in this for the long term and with the boost remote work got last year it's even more exciting to work on Nomad List than ever.

Current roadmap is here: and

The next products/features I have planned:

- 🛂 Rebase: visa, residency and immigration services for remote workers

- 🎓Courses: learn the steps how to go remote and travel/relocate

- 🏛 Gov liaison: diplomacy services to the governments to help us lobby for nomads and for them to attract remote workers

Thanks a lot!


What are the best places right now in the Caribbean/LatAM? (Also cheapest flights/accommodation?)

by @orangutan3 3yr 3 years ago  | 1 comment

What are the best places right now in the Caribbean/LatAM? (Also cheapest flights/accommodation?) Asking from the US.


List of Visa/Residency Information in Table/Spreadsheet format?

by @innovatelife 3yr 3 years ago  | 2 comments

As part of signing up for this website I was hoping I would come across a list of Visa and/or Residency requirements by country ideally in a table format to assist with decision making. Does anybody recommend any other websites that might present the information in this format (or Google Spreadsheet)?


Most Walkable Neighborhood / City In The World ?

by @dannybooboo 3yr 3 years ago  | 1 comment

I love living in walkable areas of town. I can always find them. But now I'm wondering where in the world are the most walkable places? I'm imagining walk streets (no cars), zoning allowing both business and residential, parks or beaches ,etc.


Any nomads in Arizona, US?

in Netherlands by @info132 3yr 3 years ago  | 4 comments

Hi guys,

After the Netherlands, the Bay Area, Colorado and being on the van life for 8 months, I am now in Sedona, AZ with a few other digital nomads. We are sharing a home here and are wondering if there are more like minded people in the area.

We do a bunch of hikes and campouts in the northern of Arizona. If you would like to connect with us, please do so :)



International number & internet?

by @leobassam 3yr 3 years ago  | 1 comment

Has anyone figured out a way to get setup with a virtual number and internet connection anywhere you go?


Are there any tax issues I have to be aware of?

in Germany by @clara 3yr 3 years ago  | 0 comments

Hi everybody. I live and work in Germany and want to go to Canary Islands for 6 months to work from there. I'm going to keep my current job, just change the "home" in the home office part of things. Are there any tax issues I have to be aware of? I was reading about becoming a residence after 183 days, thus having to pay taxes there plus my employer having to register there. Does anybody know how it works exactly? Thanks a lot!


Chiang Mai accommodation

in Chiang Mai , Thailand by @bertieb 3yr 3 years ago  | 0 comments

Can anyone recommend a good accommodation website for Chiang Mai?


Is anyone travelling right now?

by @viktor 3yr 3 years ago  | 3 comments

Winter is coming and I’m feeling the ache of travelling after being stuck in the same place since the Pandemic started. Wondering if anyone is travelling right now? If so, where are you currently located and how is the situation where you are?


I’m a U.S. accountant who works with Americans who live abroad, ask me anything!


by @olwagner 6yr 6 years ago  | 100 comments

Hi everyone,

If you have a U.S. tax question or would like some U.S. tax insight on your business/structure, ask away!

I have been preparing tax returns for US citizens abroad since 2012. I can answer any question in US tax with an international flavor. I operate and I have maintained a blog at

I look forward to answering all your questions. And if you are in Ho Chi Minh City in December, let’s meet !!!


Hi, can anyone recommend nice kid-friendly neighborhoods in armenia, colombia? we're scouting it out this week. thanks

by @livefencefree 8yr 8 years ago  | 0 comments

hi, any here with experience in armenia? we’re considering a move there and looking for good neighborhoods to look at this week. thanks!


Does anyone have practical experience of coworking in Kyoto, Japan?

in Kyoto , Japan by @jonlay 8yr 8 years ago  | 5 comments

I’m looking to take a trip to Japan and am considering a month in Osaka.

There are a few co-working spaces appearing online:

There are also some very old articles out there from 2012.

But most of the information online seems very dated and as a non-Japanese speaker, it’s tricky to figure out what’s current, without emailing each of them via Facebook and trying to narrow down the list.

Anyone have any recent experiences or recommendations?


Hi, we are Coboat, an 82ft coworking catamaran sailing the world. AUA!

by @james 9yr 9 years ago  | 15 comments

Hi we are Coboat, a floating coworking space. We will take our custom 82ft catamaran around the world and offer a platform for a mix of digital nomads and entrepreneurs to come on board to work and collaborate together.

We have the latest in green energy technology and will utilise the latest in satellite internet, 3G & 4G to stay connected and online.

We offer trips from one week to one year and we will take up to 20 together on a creative adventure to amazing places to find inspiration.

Like most other coworking spaces we will offer plenty of chances to encourage synergies, with regular events, skill & idea sharing sessions.

We are non-profit and we hope to foster and develop ideas for social projects as we travel through regions.

We are also running a free 100 day scholarship ‘Made on Coboat’ for anyone who wants to kick-start a new project.

Please, ask us anything. :smile:


Hi, I'm Manu, an accountant turned digital nomad and offshore tax expert. AMA!


by @xiufensilver 9yr 9 years ago  | 39 comments

Wonder how to do your taxes as a nomad? Ask your question now!

About Manu:
Today I’m here to clear any misunderstandings about international taxation for digital nomads. There is too much wrong, outdated and irrelevant information out there.

I will answer any general questions, relevant to the community as a whole. You are welcome to give your own situation as an example. If you are looking for personalized and actionable recommendations or referrals, please contact me or someone else you trust in this matter privately.

About myself: I learned accounting for 5 years in high school, but became more interested in international management and programming at university. I worked as a director and purchasing manager for a 100m+ private trust in Europe and Greater China. In 2013, I resigned from this position to have a better work-life balance and travel more. Since then I have spent most of my time in Asia doing consulting through various companies.

My latest project is a crowdfunding accelerator that will take place in Shenzhen, China later this year.



Hello. We’re Envato - we have 90 remoters and thousands of authors all over the world! AUA!


by @collis 9yr 9 years ago  | 27 comments

Hi guys, I’m Collis, cofounder and CEO of Envato. We have a team of 250, ninety of whom work remote in all parts of the globe.

Our sites are also home to thousands of creative freelancers making a living selling on our marketplaces. That community has earned over $250,000,000!

When we started Envato, my wife Cyan and I wanted to travel the world with a business - so we started this one. We did manage it for a year working from HK, Canada, Florida, Paris and Singapore before returning home.

I’m joined by Jarel who has worked with Envato since 2009 from around the US, our headquarters in Australia, as well as stints in Eastern Europe and Thailand.

Ask Us Anything!


I'm Mark Manson, Author, Blogger and Entrepreneur. AMA


by @markmanson 9yr 9 years ago  | 40 comments

Hey everyone.

My name is Mark Manson and I’m a professional blogger. My site is Although over the years, I’ve run a variety of online businesses and projects.

I’ve been a digital nomad since the Fall of 2009, making it slightly more than five years for me. (You can read what I learned from five years of being a nomad <7>.) In that time I’ve been to almost 60 countries and learned two languages to near-fluency (Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese) as well as studying a handful of others.

I love the nomadic lifestyle, but I’ve also been one of the only ones (to my knowledge) who has openly written about the drawbacks and sacrifices involved.

My girlfriend is Brazilian and has been traveling on the road with me since last summer. I feel like relationships is the next frontier for this lifestyle and that’s probably something I’m uniquely able to comment on.

I guess that’s it. Ask away!

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by @levelsio