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How do multiple entry visas work in practice?

by @opt 9yr  | 4 comments

Can someone explain how multiple entry visas are used to extend a stay beyond their designated term?

For example, see:

This presents the definition that I understood to be the caseโ€“the clock starts running on your first entry, and any exits and re-entries donโ€™t change that. (You still only have 60 or 90 days, or whatever, โ€œsince your registered arrival date.โ€)

Same here:

I canโ€™t find any official information about how the start date is somehow โ€œresetโ€ to the most recent entry date which, if Iโ€™ve understood everything Iโ€™ve read correctly, is what most people are doing/recommending.

In other words, how does a normal 60-day tourist visa, which can be extended for another 30 days, get turned into a 6-month stay with the multiple entry option? (Which again, I read as only permitting exits during the designated time, not multiplying the length of the stay in some way.)

Iโ€™ve read a ton of writing about the general topic, but this is one of those areas that tends to be glossed over, or referred to only in passing.


It is as @flyonthewall describes, but there is one more thing you must note, and that is the 'Enter Before" date on the visa.

For my last Thailand double entry visa for example, the visa was issued on 8 July with an โ€œEnter Beforeโ€ date of 7 October - which is 91 days from the date of issue. The way it was explained to me is that you must do your second entry before that date.

So typically you will enter on the date of issue, or a day or two after that, and then extend for 30 days at immigration sometimes towards the 60 day mark. But you will need to exit and re-enter for the second entry before 7 October, which is 90 days. So your first entry will usually be a couple of days short of 90 days.

But, like I said, that is how the โ€œEnter Beforeโ€ date was explained to me by immigration. The chance for a miscommunication is bigโ€ฆ :wink:


Itโ€™s 60 days and two entries. Each entry allows you to stay for 60 days.

So day 1 you enter. Stay 60 days. Sometime towards the end, extend for another 30 at the immigration office. So youโ€™ve stayed a total of 90 days.

On day 90, you leave. Go to Singapore or somewhere else where you can enter with a stamp, stay a few days if you like, and then return on sayโ€ฆ day 95.

Enter on day 95, you can stay another 60 days now. Say until day 155 and sometime around there, extend for another 30 days.

Stay the total period of 30 days and by day 185 you should leave. Thatโ€™s 6 months that you spent inside Thailand (about 5 days outside but you can even come back the same day and itโ€™s usually fineโ€ฆ).

@opt 9yr

Hi Aaron, thanks for your response. Iโ€™m a US passport holder.

I know Iโ€™m referring to both Vietnam and Thailand here, which may be a bit of an apples-and-oranges comparison, depending on their respective policies.

I guess, then, this is directed more to the Thailand ex-pats. I regularly see people referring to a 6-month or so stay, gotten with a โ€œdouble entryโ€ visa. We can get a 60-day visa from the Thai embassy here in the states, which can then be extended for another 30 days.

That means roughly 3 months, and then the โ€œdouble entryโ€ is apparently used (with a visa or border run or whatever) to repeat the cycle, for a total of 6 months. Thatโ€™s the part I donโ€™t understand, because the official text Iโ€™ve read seems to indicate that the clock starts on the first entry, and isnโ€™t automatically reset on a second.

But the โ€œresetโ€ seems to be exactly how theyโ€™re used, if Iโ€™m understanding correctly. Otherwise, how are people getting 6 months? ((60 + 30) x 2)

If someone could provide a fourth-grade-level explanation of this, I (and Iโ€™m sure others) would appreciate it.

@aaron 9yr


Please correct me, but Iโ€™m making the assumption you are a passport holder for a Western European Country, the U.S., or Canada.

For the U.S. I know the standard tourist visa is 30 days, not 60, but this may differ for your country.

With Vietnam you must be careful to choose your proposed entry date wisely. As the clock starts ticking from then, not from your first entry. And you are also not allowed to enter the country before that date.

Also, are you unsure that you will want to re-enter Vietnam, after 30 days? Because the visa itself is not so cheap, compared to other countries in SEA. You should pay for a 90day or multi-entry visa upfront, if you know you will use it. This is a cheaper option, and much less a hassle than extending your visa after arrival.

Also, from reading the link you given me, it states clearly to me: โ€œif you apply for 3 months multiple entry visa, you are allowed to enter and exit Vietnam multiple times within 90 days since your registered arrival dateโ€

This means there is no โ€œresetโ€. Your visa is only valid for 90 days after your proposed arrival date.

If you leave Vietnam for 2 weeks, you wonโ€™t get an additional 2 weeks to make up for your โ€œlostโ€ time.

Just let me know if you have any other questions. Hope that helped.

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What features would you like to see on Nomad List?

by @levelsio 3yr 3 years ago  | 3 comments

Hi everyone,

I would love to hear what you'd like me to build next on Nomad List, or any other product/feature feedback ideas you have.

It's been 6+ years now but I'm in this for the long term and with the boost remote work got last year it's even more exciting to work on Nomad List than ever.

Current roadmap is here: and

The next products/features I have planned:

- ๐Ÿ›‚ Rebase: visa, residency and immigration services for remote workers

- ๐ŸŽ“Courses: learn the steps how to go remote and travel/relocate

- ๐Ÿ› Gov liaison: diplomacy services to the governments to help us lobby for nomads and for them to attract remote workers

Thanks a lot!


What are the best places right now in the Caribbean/LatAM? (Also cheapest flights/accommodation?)

by @orangutan3 3yr 3 years ago  | 1 comment

What are the best places right now in the Caribbean/LatAM? (Also cheapest flights/accommodation?) Asking from the US.


List of Visa/Residency Information in Table/Spreadsheet format?

by @innovatelife 3yr 3 years ago  | 2 comments

As part of signing up for this website I was hoping I would come across a list of Visa and/or Residency requirements by country ideally in a table format to assist with decision making. Does anybody recommend any other websites that might present the information in this format (or Google Spreadsheet)?


Most Walkable Neighborhood / City In The World ?

by @dannybooboo 3yr 3 years ago  | 1 comment

I love living in walkable areas of town. I can always find them. But now I'm wondering where in the world are the most walkable places? I'm imagining walk streets (no cars), zoning allowing both business and residential, parks or beaches ,etc.


Any nomads in Arizona, US?

in Netherlands by @info132 3yr 3 years ago  | 4 comments

Hi guys,

After the Netherlands, the Bay Area, Colorado and being on the van life for 8 months, I am now in Sedona, AZ with a few other digital nomads. We are sharing a home here and are wondering if there are more like minded people in the area.

We do a bunch of hikes and campouts in the northern of Arizona. If you would like to connect with us, please do so :)



International number & internet?

by @leobassam 3yr 3 years ago  | 1 comment

Has anyone figured out a way to get setup with a virtual number and internet connection anywhere you go?


Are there any tax issues I have to be aware of?

in Germany by @clara 3yr 3 years ago  | 0 comments

Hi everybody. I live and work in Germany and want to go to Canary Islands for 6 months to work from there. I'm going to keep my current job, just change the "home" in the home office part of things. Are there any tax issues I have to be aware of? I was reading about becoming a residence after 183 days, thus having to pay taxes there plus my employer having to register there. Does anybody know how it works exactly? Thanks a lot!


Chiang Mai accommodation

in Chiang Mai , Thailand by @bertieb 3yr 3 years ago  | 0 comments

Can anyone recommend a good accommodation website for Chiang Mai?


Is anyone travelling right now?

by @viktor 3yr 3 years ago  | 3 comments

Winter is coming and Iโ€™m feeling the ache of travelling after being stuck in the same place since the Pandemic started. Wondering if anyone is travelling right now? If so, where are you currently located and how is the situation where you are?


How do I ensure that getting refused entry to the UK won't keep me from getting an Australian 462 (work and holiday) visa?

in Australia by @allisonkirschbaum 5yr 5 years ago  | 0 comments

On New Yearโ€™s Day this year, I was refused entry to the UK due to not having proof of funds, an outward-bound plane ticket (I was road-tripping out with a friend via car) and not being able to prove that I had indeed canceled the lease on the apartment I had leased during a prior recent trip.

I havenโ€™t had any entry issues to any of the several countries Iโ€™ve visited after, but now Iโ€™m applying for a 462 visa (work and holiday) visa in Australia, and since Australia and the UK share an immigration info system, I want to make sure getting refused entry wonโ€™t keep me from getting a visa. None of the issues that cropped up in the UK (the proof of funds, the plane ticket, and the apartment) will be an issue in Australia, as Iโ€™ve never traveled there before, donโ€™t know anyone and will have proof of more than sufficient funds for the trip and an outbound plane ticket.

Anybody have any suggestions on how to make the approval process go as smoothly as possible?

Many thanks in advance! :smiley:


How do you work without multiple monitors? I can only carry a MBP 15"


by @tschentscher 8yr 8 years ago  | 39 comments

Hi Nomads!

Starting January 2016 Iโ€™m going to be starting a year as a Digital Nomad.
The last 5 years Iโ€™ve never worked with less than 2 monitors in front of me.
Sure, Iโ€™ve done some cafรฉ and hotel-room work. But all my biggest project has all been done in front of a stationary setup.

I do webdesign and development and have created a working habbit with several monitors on a large desk. Funny enough this is my biggest concern getting closer to January.

How do i teach myself to work from a 15" screen?
Do you find working from a 15" screen enough or do you have some kind of magical folding screen in your backpack?

If you have any ideas for me keeping a dual-monitor setup (The laptop being the first monitor) Iโ€™m all ears!

Regards! And thank you for this delightful Forum!


Which shots and visas do I need to visit Thailand?

in Thailand by @aspkin 8yr 8 years ago  | 7 comments

Iโ€™m wanting to travel to Thailand in February and Iโ€™m a little overwhelmed with travel arraignments (I have only left the US once) and what Iโ€™m going to do once Iโ€™m there.

So far Iโ€™m wanting to be in Thailand for a month. It looks like Iโ€™m going to need shots: Hepatitis A and B and typhoid. I can take care of that no worries.

I was looking into the Visa requirements, it looks like I can just arrive in Thailand and get a 30-day tourist visa?

As for housing I was thinking AirBnb. My goal while in Thailand is to work primarily. I have a project I need to wrap up and Iโ€™d like to do that in Thailand without a lot of distractions.

Now Iโ€™ve joined NomadList because it seems I can join up with others to Thailand? Looking at nomadtrips I have no idea how it worksโ€ฆ but that seems to be the place to link up with others? Or maybe Iโ€™m wrong. Iโ€™m looking at:

Whatโ€™s the best way to communicate with this group about meet ups, etc?


Have you obtained a Thai single entry visa in AU as a non-AU citizen?

by @sarab 8yr 8 years ago  | 6 comments

Hi guys,

Iโ€™m planning to spend a month in Australia before 3-4 months in Thailand, and was wondering if anyone has any experience of applying for the single entry Thai tourist visa in Australia while being a citizen of another country. I ask because in the UK, for example, they wonโ€™t give you that visa unless you are a UK resident, and I wonโ€™t be an OZ resident then.

I will be travelling before that so cannot apply in my home country.

I am aware of the Penang option, but I am specifically asking about this scenario.

Any feedback would be gratefully received!

admin edit: subject changed as it doesnโ€™t follow forum guidelines.


How does the UK visitor visa work when I come and go multiple times a year?

by @kellyreid 8yr 8 years ago  | 11 comments

Hey Nomads, I run a subscription site in the gaming industry (Magic: The Gathering to be exact) and I have a number of friends in the UK that I like to visit frequently. Iโ€™m American, so I can get a 6-month visa just by showing up at the border.

Iโ€™m 2 months into a 3 month stay here, and I just found out that I need to come back about a month after I leave.

My question is, how is the 6-month period calculated? My assumption was that I cannot spend more than 6 months in any given 12-month period in the UK on my visa. I am asking because I intend to come back to the UK after spending the winter somewhereโ€ฆwarmer :slight_smile:

Iโ€™m trying to sort out whether I can come back in early 2017, as I have work obligations in Ireland in February and would love to piggyback onto that trip.

Does anyone have experience with this visa and comings-and-goings? I donโ€™t want to risk screwing up and getting in trouble and jeopardizing my ability to enter the UK in the future, so Iโ€™d like to get some proper guidance on this.


Are there any self-employed visas available in European countries?

by @oskar 8yr 8 years ago  | 15 comments

Hi guys

Does anybody know if there are special visas for self employed people in European countries? I dont have a European passport but i would like to stay a bit longer than the time allowed to tourists. I know Germany have some kind of visa but are there any other countries in the region? what about the UK?


Does my Chinese Z visa impact my other visas?

by @nathantech2005 8yr 8 years ago  | 6 comments

My work is applying for a z visa to China. I need to gather reference letters from all my past jobs to show continuous work history.

Will the z visa impact the new 10 year revolving visa that China just opened up? In general, how do work visas impact other types of visas like business/tourist etcโ€ฆ Is it easy to apply for a different visa after a work visa has expired. For example, will my z work visa impact qualifying for a different type of visa later in time.


Experience with e-Tourist Visas in India anyone?

in India by @them 8yr 8 years ago  | 7 comments

Hi all,

did anyone (with a EU Passport) ever got a e-Tourist Visa for India? Visa regulations in India change quite often, so I am wondering, if it is actually possible to get the e-Tourist Visa (eTV) that is issued on arrival.



What is the legal status of remote workers with regards to visas?

by @anon82020850 9yr 9 years ago  | 1 comment

Hi all,

I have been (sort of) nomad-ing for the past 2 and a half years, spending time in Southeast Asia and mostly Thailand.

I know there has been various discussions regarding the legal nature of working on a tourist visa, but I have honestly never given this much thought as it is not something which bothered me. My attitude was that if I get deported then so what? I move to the next place.

In the past few weeks I have been speaking to one of the big multinational software companies (based in the US) about the possibility of joining them. They are seemingly happy with me working remotely as long as I get into a more favourable time zone (read: Central or South America).

This morning in talking with the recruiter the issue around the legality of working remotely while inside another country on a tourist visa came up. I had no definite answers for them other than โ€œit is a bit of a grey areaโ€.

The recruiter said that their legal department will need to look at it in more detail. This is obviously something which can potentially spoil a good opportunity for me.

So my question is whether anyone can provide some reference to blog posts or articles where the legal status of working remotely on a tourist visa has been discussed in more detail?

I guess a definite answer is going to be difficult as it will also differ from country to country, but anything you can help me with will be appreciated.



How do I change my Thailand single entry visa to a double or triple entry visa?

in Thailand by @travelingtoad 9yr 9 years ago  | 2 comments

I picked up my Thailand visa today. I wanted a double or triple entry visa but forgot to specify this in my application. This is my first visa ever and thus a rookie mistake. I told the lady who gave me my visa that I had made a mistake and asked how I could get a double instead. She was of zero help unfortunately and said maybe next time.

But I know there is a way! Any help is greatly appreciated. I fly out on Friday, July 3 so my time is kind of limited although I can apply for a visa and pick it up just 2 days later.

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by @levelsio