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I'm Marcus Meurer, founder of the first digital nomad conference DNX, AMA

by @marcusmeurer 9yr  | 13 comments

Hi fellow Nomads,
Iโ€™m Marcus, the founder of DNX GLOBAL, the first conference for Digital Nomads.
Together with my girlfriend @Feli we have worked and lived as Digital Nomads in 20 countries over the span of three years.
At the moment we are working from Taganga, a small fisher village at the caribbean coast of Colombia.

Originally employed at several start-up companies in tech hotspot Berlin, Felicia and me left our jobs behind to embrace self-employment and travel.

Some countries were very challenging: In the fisher village El Nido, Philippines, there was no power supply until 4 p.m. Myanmar and Belize came with very limited Internet access as well.
In Brazil you need a local tax number to buy a local SIM card. However, we found perfect conditions for Digital Nomads in countries like Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore and most of the European countries.

Despite our constant roaming, we have an interest in creating services and products of real value to clients. When going on the road we started with freelancing and offering services like website coding, personal branding, and marketing consulting. We also run a German backpacking and adventure travel blog called โ€œTravelicia,โ€ in which we share our experiences.

To meet the wishes of other nomads and address the concerns of potential-nomads, we launched the first German DNX - Digital Nomad Conference in Berlin in May 2014.

This summer on 1st of August we are doing the first international conference for Digital Nomads - DNX GLOBAL in Berlin. The line-up for the main event includes bestselling Amazon author Natalie Sisson, TED Conference speaker Derek Sivers, long term traveling Digital Nomad Cody McKibben and international travel blogger Sabrina Iovino. The day before the main event we will do workshops to spread awareness of self-employment options for travel enthusiasts.

Ask me about being on the road as a couple. Ask me about work environment and setting in countries in Asia, Central America, South America and Europe. Ask me about the ups and downs in Digital Nomad life. Ask me about handling with common prejudices from people and the press. Ask me about the challenges and learnings being on the road for 3 years.

I am sure Digital Nomads from all over the world start to design their life in a way that creates more value for them and their environment.

@levelsio 9yr

AMA is now closed. Thanks @marcusmeurer for doing this AMA and answering all questions.


Hey @marcusmeurer and @Feli thanks for being here! Experience in El Nido and Taganga is something I know very well :slight_smile:

What steps did you take to become a digital nomad 3 years ago? Were there any obstacles you had to overcome?

I completely agree with the prejudice list of yours, Iโ€™ve faced them way too often. Iโ€™ve been working on the road for the last 5 years slow traveling through SE Asia, South and North Americas, Europe. Iโ€™m planning to be in Europe around the time of the conference, let me know if I can help with anything - organizing or sharing my own 5 years long digital nomad journey, lessons learned, etc. Iโ€™m also interviewing remarkable nomads for #Nomads community, let me know if youโ€™d be interested in an interview :wink:

@feli 9yr

Hey @marinajaneiko!
One of the biggest obstacles was to get away from the โ€œcorporate styleโ€. The way we communicated with others, to get out of the perfectionism modus and to realize that you donโ€™t have any more restrictions / people to askโ€ฆ We really worked too long in corporate world before :wink:

And of course to get to the point to start this lifestyle together :smile:

When we started we went โ€œall inโ€ quitted our jobs, registered a company and subrented our flat longterm. We sold our stuff and put the little rest into a storage box in Berlin (its still there > 2 bags :). We directly started traveling and took first freelancing work that came across via Xing, the German LinkedIn while preparing our own businesses. Regarding our businesses we struggled what to offer. First we wanted to offer everything we can (the good thing is that our skills match very good) but understood quickly that all is like nothing.

As for everyone (I guess) it was very exhausting to explain everything to friends and family. It took a while until they understood our decision but luckily accept it now :smile:

For the interview yes, we would like to join! Thank you for your offer to help at DNX. We keep that in mind. It would be great to get to know you in person.

@manu 9yr

@marcusmeurer, I was in Berlin during your last DNX, but didnโ€™t go because of the 200 EUR price tag. I figured itโ€™s mostly for people who donโ€™t have much experience and look for some positive reinforcement and role models.

Donโ€™t you make it a very passive event by charging so much? People go there with high expectations and you probably need to spend a lot on high-class speakers. If you lower that entry barrier, you may attract more experienced nomads as well (like people from this forum), which could lead to a more dynamic exchange of ideas.


Hey @manu, thx for your feedback.
The DNX GLOBAL is for people who are interested in becoming a Digital Nomad, but also for people who already started their own business and make money.
I know from these group of DNX attendees, that they grew their business & took it on the next level via connecting with fellow nomads, attending the higher level DNX workshops and the take-aways form the DNX hands-on talks.
Tickets for the international DNX GLOBAL start at โ‚ฌ 97 in early bird ending in 2 weeks. The last minute tickets are the most expensive ones.
We would like the people to take an early decision on participating at DNX GLOBAL, the better we could plan the event make the best experience possible for every single attendee. In case of that plans are changing you still have the option to make a free namechange.
The ticket price covers our expenses such as 19% taxes, speaker fees, location, catering & drinks, fees for ticketing & payment systemโ€ฆ

What is the price point at which you would attend?
We already have a lot of experienced nomads on our DNX events, exchanging their ideas face to face and we hope you will be one of them on the 1st of August in Berlin.

@manu 9yr

@marcusmeurer: Itโ€™s probably not efficient for you to lower the price for the whole event, while people are paying. If I knew nothing, Iโ€™d probably pay up as well.

My main suggestion would be to open the evening networking events to a wider audience. If you pick a bar, the location wonโ€™t cost too much. Make 2 colors of badges: veteran nomads and those interested in becoming nomadic. Entrance is free with a ticket, Without ticket charge 25โ€“30 EUR, including two standard drinks. (Internations-style). Your benefit: full-paying visitors get more tips and can have more conversations. Make some team-building exercise to split people in groups and initiate discussions.


Hey @manu, thx for your ideas and recommendations making the DNX GLOBAL even better.

We tried the color thing, but many people donโ€™t like to be โ€œclassifiedโ€.
Our networking event the day before the main event is free for all who have a ticket.

We would also love to give you and the other people from this forum the opportunity to join the networking event for free.
@all: Send me a PM with your name and I will get you on the guest list for our DNX GLOBAL networking event in Berlin on July the 31.


What has been your favourite country so far? You know my answer :wink:


Hey @jonbstrong, itโ€™s quite hard to pick one out of the beautiful countries and people we met.
If I have to decide which is the best one I would go for the Philippines :wink:

@levelsio 9yr

Hi Marcus! Thanks for being here :smile:

Can you tell me what the prejudices are that you faced?


Hey Peter,
Thx for having me here :smile:

Just to mention a few of the prejudices I have been facing over the timeโ€ฆ
Some are reasonable, some are bullshit.
Many prejudices are constructed by people that are stucked in the system and frustrated by their job and life.

  1. Digital Nomads are selfish self-optimizers
  2. DN make use of geo-arbitrage and harming the country by doing that
  3. DN do not pay proper taxes
  4. DN raise the CO2 emission
  5. DN are always on holiday
  6. DN have to travel all the time otherwise they are not โ€œrealโ€ DN
  7. All DN do useless stuff that is paid low so they are forced to live in a cheap country
  8. All DN travel on a low budget in low-cost countries
  9. All DN are travel bloggers
  10. DN travel when they are young, donโ€™t think about pension plan and have to make use of the social system when they are old
  11. DN are missionize their whole environment and try to convince them to also start that lifestyle
  12. All DN must have rich parents or inherited
  13. DN cannot maintain deep relationships
  14. You cannot do that lifestyle in a relationship or as a couple
  15. DN do not have a homeland
  16. DN miss important stuff at โ€œhomeโ€ while being on the road
@skatkov 9yr

Hello Marcus,
Iโ€™m sorry for my lame English :slight_smile:

I lot of people are motivated by seeing โ€˜other people doing itโ€™ (e.g. digital nomads) and start thinking that this road is something that they might want to go.

Then I gave up on everything, I didnโ€™t even hear about digital nomads. Probably, you didnโ€™t too. So what was your motivation? Who inspired you to crave your own road and go against the grain? And how did you end up calling yourself a โ€˜digital nomadโ€™?


Hey @skat ,
You are right, when we started there were not many people around us doing the same stuff on the road.

To be honest I did not even hear about Digital Nomads before we went on our first trip to Asia.
My girlfriend @Feli is a travel junky and quit her job because she needed more freedom again for herself. She wanted to take a 6 month break and had already a contract with AIDA to work on a cruise ship after that break.
I quit my job at the same time to have more personal freedom and make my own thing. I founded a company in Berlin and went on the Asia trip together with Feli. The plan was to start an Online Marketing agency because I already had quite a few inquiries for helping other companies in growing traffic, leads and sales via my personal network.
After traveling for some weeks we were stucked on a rooftop in a hostel in Dumaguete, Philippines. There was a big typhoon that forced us to stay in the hostel for 3 days. I read an eBook of a colleague who quit his job just a moment before going into a burnout.
@Feli also read the book while stucked in Dumaguete and slowly but steadily we got our first ideas about starting something on our own. Feli wanted to write an eBook about all her travel experiences. From eBook we came to a Travel blog on a professional level.
We started a tiny blog before going on the trip for our parents and other relatives.
After some days we were convinced and full of power to give it a try and take the travel blog on the next level. We started to work day and nite on the blog. Felicia was doing the content and I was working on the reach. We launched the new version of the blog from the small fisher village El Nido, Palawan Philippines where you do not have power supply until 4 pm. But we were so focussed and on fire, totally into our passion that these circumstances did not were a big deal.
We launched the new version of Travelicia and started to gain traffic and reach. We did our first affiliate marketing income and had the proof of concept: You could work from anywhere in the world and make money. The next weeks of our trip we started several services to get some clients for the start. We built different brands like Rock my Site, Wundersite and Online Angels. We offered building websites, working on personal branding and consulting companies in Online Marketing topics.
The good thing is that our skills complemented and matched in a perfect way.
In the next weeks we could celebrate more small successes on our way to become location independent.
In the meantime we discovered that there were already some people living that lifestyle on the road and started to connect with them.
So we stepped into that lifestyle without knowing in upfront that there are already doing some people the same and that it is working.
Back in Berlin we did a meetup in a park with the handful other Digital Nomads at that time. We found out that also the other Digital Nomads got the same questions via their websites. Something like โ€œHey, great lifestyle. I wanna do this too. Which skills do I need and what are the first steps?โ€.
@Feli and me decided then to organize a come together in Berlin with the other Digital Nomads and people that are interested at that lifestyle or already living the lifestyle.
Important for us is to motivate people to find their passion and start valuable businesses. No Internet Marketing scam! Thats deeply anchored in our mission statement of the DNX.
We launched the sale from Caye Caulker, Belize a small island in the caribbean sea. The first spots of the first DNX were sold out within 30 minutes. So I had recent Skype calls with the location betahaus in Berlin. At the end we got the whole floor and sold 200 spots out in just 3 days. What a feeling.
Since then we did 2 successful DNX in Berlin, will do the next German DNX in May 2015 and will go international with DNX GLOBAL in summer 2015.
DNX is the passion of our life and we would like to motivate more and more people to start the lifestyle as a Digital Nomad!

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What features would you like to see on Nomad List?

by @levelsio 3yr 3 years ago  | 3 comments

Hi everyone,

I would love to hear what you'd like me to build next on Nomad List, or any other product/feature feedback ideas you have.

It's been 6+ years now but I'm in this for the long term and with the boost remote work got last year it's even more exciting to work on Nomad List than ever.

Current roadmap is here: and

The next products/features I have planned:

- ๐Ÿ›‚ Rebase: visa, residency and immigration services for remote workers

- ๐ŸŽ“Courses: learn the steps how to go remote and travel/relocate

- ๐Ÿ› Gov liaison: diplomacy services to the governments to help us lobby for nomads and for them to attract remote workers

Thanks a lot!


Any nomads in Arizona, US?

in Netherlands by @info132 3yr 3 years ago  | 4 comments

Hi guys,

After the Netherlands, the Bay Area, Colorado and being on the van life for 8 months, I am now in Sedona, AZ with a few other digital nomads. We are sharing a home here and are wondering if there are more like minded people in the area.

We do a bunch of hikes and campouts in the northern of Arizona. If you would like to connect with us, please do so :)



Are there any digital nomads in the Islands e.g Bermuda, Barbuda, St. Kitts and Nevis?

in Antigua , Guatemala by @momo11 3yr 3 years ago  | 3 comments

Does anyone ever travel to any Islands like Bermuda, Barbados, Barbuda and St. Kitts & Nevis?


Best place in Portugal near cool nomads, good surf, and a great cowork spot

in Portugal by @joelnicholson 4yr 4 years ago  | 9 comments

Hi there, title says it all. Canadian nomad hoping to find the city/town in Portugal with great, consistent surfing, a solid coworking spot, and a fun group of young nomads. Please recommend!


Tax advisor for permanent nomads?

by @eljaques 4yr 4 years ago  | 1 comment

I'm in need of a tax advisor who understands "our" typical situation. I'm all good on being legal on taxes at this point, but as I'm doing more investing and there's more compliance and KYC and such, it's getting more complicated to deal with this topic. Not living in my country of citizenship, company in another country, resident in yet another country, banking in a different country ... you know how it is, a pile of red flags.

Would be great to find a good tax advisor to sort things in a way that makes my situation as "explainable" and easily dealt with as possible. Any leads?


How to get into the digital nomad lifestyle?

in Switzerland by @filiptk 4yr 4 years ago  | 1 comment

Hi, I've got a question to anyone who had experience with the digital nomad lifestyle. I'm 24, I'm in my last year of university doing computer science, got 3 years of experience mostly doing web development.

I never liked the idea of staying in one place, getting a job and growing roots - hence the will to take the opportunity and travel the world. My main question is โ€“ how do I go about it? Are there any useful resources I could look into?

How do I go about insurance and such once I decide to move. I currently live in Switzerland and do freelance work for one company. It's not a lot, since my studies don't allow me to pick up a full time job, but it allows me to cover simple expenses.

I'd be happy to get some insight into how things work and also happy to network with anyone interested.


What is the best online insurance for digital nomads ?

by @berberos 4yr 4 years ago  | 4 comments

Hi guys ! hope you are doing well.

I would love to get your feedback regarding the best insurance for digital nomads. i'm traveling around Asia since 1 year and for next 4 or 5 years. Would love to buy an insurance to cover especially :

- health

- laptop, phone ...

- Flights


Any nomads working on startups?


by @mattlock 4yr 4 years ago  | 33 comments

Hoping to see all the cool stuff people are working on while they live an extraordinary life.


Any Ph.D students dissertating while a digital nomad?

by @larsheather 4yr 4 years ago  | 5 comments

Anyone know of any groups or resources for Ph.D. students working on dissertation while living as a digital nomad? I know there are several virtual writing groups around, but wondered if there were any specifically for digital nomads, particularly those who are dissertating.



Does international health insurance for digital nomads exist?


by @al_steffen 4yr 4 years ago  | 59 comments

Hey Nomads!

Iโ€™m looking for an international health insurance (no travel insurance) for my nomadic life. It should cover the basic services and at least be accepted in the EU (itโ€™s ok if itโ€™s not accepted in the US as Iโ€™m aware they rarely are). Nice to have: enter into a contract online. Anyone got a good experience or a recommendation?

Thanks in advance!


What is the gender split on NomadList?

by @iamhopeless 4yr 4 years ago  | 1 comment

Just curious. What percentage of men vs women are on here.


How do you invest internationally as a nomad?

by @mateuszwieloch 4yr 4 years ago  | 17 comments

I have finally saved enough money to start investing. What company gives good, diversified access to stock, ETFs and mutual funds? Does it make sense to use company like Vanguard or Fidelity for that? Iโ€™m a EU/Poland citizen, how would I transfer my money back and forth without incurring significant fees?


I dream of being a digital nomad? How do I do it?

by @programmingmark 4yr 4 years ago  | 2 comments

Hello digital nomad!

I dream of being an independent digital nomad. But it feels very elusive & unattainable with my success rate. In full disclosure, whilst I have dreamed about making money online since high school; I have not earned a single cent making money online. $0, nada, zilch!! On the contrary, I have spent a lot of time & money on books, podcasts. Even though I have spent a lot of time reading/listening to others, I do not have anything to show for it!

I have made attempts in the past to start an online business, but these fizzle out quite quickly when I do not see traction especially when the goal I have set myself is too high.

Instead of reaching for the ultimate nomadic lifestyle goal, I want to start much smaller. Really small! I am simply looking to make $50 profit per month from a new online business. Thatโ€™s it.

I need some advice from you please!

  • Is $50 profit too low? How long did it take you to earn $50 profit per month?

  • What is a good way of achieving this goal?

aka the $0 online business entrepreneur


Are there any nomad meetups in Osaka?

in Osaka , Japan by @freddychanut 4yr 4 years ago  | 1 comment

Will be in Osaka this April/May and was curious to discover interesting groups/events.
I had a look at FB + Meetup but there doesnโ€™t seem to be much. Any advice on where to look?


How do digital nomads pay tax?

by @rodriigovieira 4yr 4 years ago  | 19 comments

Hello everyone! Iโ€™m new here and probably this is a very newbie question, but it doesnโ€™t leave my head.

How do you, nomads, pay your taxes? I mean, if youโ€™re constantly traveling, how are you going to pay taxes for a certain country if you are going to stay there a short period of time?
Or do you return to your โ€œoriginal countryโ€ and then pay them?

By the way, this forum has very nice cool formatting features! :smile:


Are there nomad families here and how do you choose your next destination?

by @martinratinaud 4yr 4 years ago  | 4 comments

All members of my family has different needs and hobbies so how do you pick the perfect places?


My first time nomad-ing... Spain or Portugal?

in Portugal by @jasraj 4yr 4 years ago  | 6 comments

Hey everyone,

Iโ€™m a freelance + nomad newbie, off for my 1st proper trip in May. Iโ€™m wanting to spend a month somewhere and go from there.

I just came back from Slovenia/Ljubljana and loved it there (just a week). I donโ€™t mind โ€œsleepierโ€ places par-say, as long as theyโ€™re close to a beach or nature of some kind. In fact, I kinda like places less-busy and a bit smaller/cosier.

Iโ€™m been swaying towards Porto, but have been impressed by the rave reviews Iโ€™ve seen for Valencia.

-> Have you every nomad-ed in a Spanish/Portuguese city? Iโ€™d love to know where and what you liked/disliked :slight_smile:

Thanks! :slight_smile:


How to save filter settings on Nomad List?

by @krzemian 4yr 4 years ago  | 3 comments

Hey, is there currently a way to save filter settings? I feel like it would be helpful for planning the trip as I have several ideas on what to target and would like to cycle between them


Anyone know an accountant for Canadian nomads/expats?

by @noam_lightstone 4yr 4 years ago  | 16 comments

Hey guys, this was my first year as a Canadian nomad.

As far as I know of, Canadians donโ€™t pay taxes if they do not live in the country for 6 months.

But Iโ€™d like to talk to an accountant or someone who does Canadian taxes specifically for expats and nomads to get clear on the rules and for help on my return coming up.

Does anyone know someone who specializes in Canada who can help? Iโ€™ve seen plenty of US recommendations but none for us canucks.

Thanks guys!


Best place for Digital Nomad in Latin America?

by @rose_davis 4yr 4 years ago  | 7 comments


I am planning to move to Latin America for 3-4 months (Oct-January). Iโ€™ve narrowed down 6 different places that I want to visit before committing to settling down, but Iโ€™d love to get some community input.

Here are the cities Iโ€™m considering:

  • Quito, Ecuador
  • Cuenca, Ecuador
  • Medellin, Columbia
  • Cartagena, Columbia
  • Antigua, Guatemala
  • San Marcos La Laguna, Guatemala

The most important things Iโ€™m looking for:

  • Fast/easily accessible internet
  • Easy to meet other nomads/make friends in general
  • Safe for women
  • Some sort of spiritual community (Iโ€™m also a yoga teacher)
  • Easily walkable city

Anyone have any experience with these places and can give some insight? Iโ€™m also completely open to other recommendations.


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Go nomad
by @levelsio