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Is it possible to be location independent as an application developer?

by @globeprogger 9yr  | 5 comments

Iโ€™m a .Net application developer with 5 years of experience and Iโ€™m contemplating trying to fund my visions of location in-dependency with my acquired skills or if I should rather head into the web development sector in which I donโ€™t really have a lot of experience yet. Iโ€™m seeing a lot of web dev. / designing being successful but I havenโ€™t see an application dev. yet. Would be glad if you could share your opinions.

@cephei 9yr

I just googled โ€œremote jobs .netโ€ and there were a lot of remote .NET jobs to find.
I guess with 5 yr experience you wonโ€™t have a problem to get a remote job.


Hi Marcus,

The way you write it suggests that you seem to think it is necessary to wholly abandon .net in favor of developing โ€œwebโ€ apps. It is entirely possible to build web applications in .net ( MVC), mix and match (say a javascript front end with a WebAPI or WCF backend) or drop .net all together and use completely different technology. However, I donโ€™t think you specifically need to have web app experience in order to get remote dev work.

If I were to hazard a guess youโ€™re looking at location independent job boards and seeing an abundance of โ€œweb appโ€ roles, often requiring php or ruby on rails or angular and it makes it seem like its necessary to abandon .net entirely and focus on web developer technologies so you can be employable as a nomad.

Thereโ€™s nothing wrong with switching to learn a different platform and tech (itโ€™s always good to expose yourself to other approaches), however that doesnโ€™t mean its necessary.

I think what it really would come down to is your skills are and how you can leverage them to the advantage of potential clients (or your own startup).

You say youโ€™re a .net developer. .net is a very huge space and it can mean a very wide variety of things. Your experience could lie anywhere from working with big ball of mud style legacy windows forms apps or building out cutting edge microservice (coughโ€ฆ SOA) based architectures with thin multi platform clients and everywhere in between. Within each of these you could have specialized experience depending on the size of applications youโ€™ve worked with. As trezibond suggeted (I donโ€™t know where his comment went), he never does web because his specialization isnโ€™t UI (at least from what I read), its in the backend development. Thereโ€™s lots of room in the spectrum for remote work if it is based on the right architecture that allows you to modularize the code and the work. If not, it can make things a bit trickier, though not impossible.

A small app can rather easily be pulled together simply in something like Angular. Pure websites as well can be rather small projects. Once it gets to be something of size however you reach a point where you have a distinction between front end (UI) and the back end which can be composed of many tiers or services. A lot of the remote capable positions out there are with small shops and startups who are building things from the ground up with a very small team (possibly only you). Often times this can be throwing together an MVP with whatever technology is best suited to get things done quickly. Others are more established and specific in the technology space and specialization they require.

As an example, I work remotely (for my own company mind you) and I build out the entire stack for my application composed of a javascript frontend, Web API & WCF based services hosted in Azure powered by SQL Azure. I cover all elements from UI design, the service architecture, sql query performance management and design and Azure devops, let alone the business side of things. There will come a time when Iโ€™ll be looking to hire on or contract people who specialize in sub areas of this that I can hand things off to and it will likely be across the board, not specifically just web focused.

I think what youโ€™ll want to do is hunt to see if you can find opportunities that match your skillset and experience. Web experience wouldnโ€™t be a bad option if you feel you need more experience, though Iโ€™d look for ways to leverage the experience you already have vs. completely jumping ship into something else (unless youโ€™re heavy into legacy stuff that is no longer useful). One of the key things about software is that it is still in its infancy and gradually there are more and more parallels in techniques used across technologies. For example, if you rely on MVVM for building WPF/Silverlight apps, that knowledge translates really well to Angularjs/Knockoutjs as many of the concepts are the same.

None the less, I think one of the keys to being able to work remotely for a company is whether their culture supports it and in parallel, their technology requirements and architecture supports it. Youโ€™ll likely have a very hard time finding companies that are willing to hire people to build and maintain legacy windows forms apps remotely. However, anything thats small (often web stuff) or anything that has been modularly designed will be perfectly capable of being remotely worked on. That is assuming the business heads put more focus on deliverables rather than face time in an office.


โ€œIf I were to hazard a guess youโ€™re looking at location independent job boards and seeing an abundance of โ€œweb appโ€ roles, often requiring php or ruby on rails or angular and it makes it seem like its necessary to abandon .net entirely and focus on web developer technologies so you can be employable as a nomad.โ€

This is exactly my problem at the moment too lol and you nailed it. I really have 0 interest in most web tech (I stop at Drupal and PHP personally) and the middle ground is doing cross platform mobile with Xamarin. Instead of focusing so much on the Xamarin tech, I focus my angle on solving the business problem of cheaper, single team cross platform general mobile developmentโ€ฆ Thatโ€™s kind of the plan anyway when I can finally make it happen lol.

It isnt even just web dev but right now, remote/nomad friendly jobs are purely from the web side and exclude other types of programming. And yes, ye olde WinForms >< lol

@yako 9yr

Sure, why not. Your line of work is โ€˜remote friendlyโ€™. Now is up to you to find the means to get jobs while traveling. Regarding your decision, I would try to โ€˜offerโ€™ both of my skills at first and then stick to the one which offers me more results.


Sure, itโ€™s possible to go nomad with almost any kind of job. It just depends on the company you work for or whether you can get freelance work. My friend is a .net dev and heโ€™s been nomad for years.

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How do I get Travel/Medical Insurance for Portugal for visa application from Australia?

in Portugal by @jonathanpoh 4yr 4 years ago  | 5 comments

I'm preparing my Portuguese D7 long-term visa application and one of the required documents is proof of travel insurance with medical coverage. However, as an Australian citizen, if put that as my country of residence in many travel insurance companies' quick quote forms, I'm unable to get ANY insurance coverage at all because of the current travel ban out of Australia, and the Australian govt's 'Do Not Travel' advice to ALL countries. I know that Aussies are applying for, and successfully getting visas from the Portuguese Consulate here, so where and how are they fulfilling this insurance requirement if insurers aren't selling any coverage? Does anybody know or have any ideas?


How do I set current location? I've looked everywhere for this option.

by @yousifyalda 4yr 4 years ago  | 5 comments

All I see is section to add trips, but I reside here. Home and all.


What age did you start out and went location independent?

by @raynesio 4yr 4 years ago  | 11 comments

Eager to find out what age most start out as a DN? (Me)โ€ฆ 27 and just started out in the last 6 months or so. Not presently 100% location independent, probably more like 90% as still required to visit the office from time to time


Do you have a system for how you plan your next location?

by @mitch_dina 5yr 5 years ago  | 3 comments

It seems to be taking me days to plan my next trip. Its so complicated and seems to be a domino affect. Example: Iโ€™m in Dubrovnik and want to go to Bari, Italy next because it is close, and I can get there by ferry, (so not using so much carbon,) but the ferry only starts running in April and 90-day visa is up on March 15, so I need to move on. Cheapest flight out is to Rome, but Rome can be pricey and Iโ€™m more of a small town person, so I go looking for beautiful small towns in Italy, a BIG research project. Then how to get there?.. oy! I need a system, please!


What you think about salary based on the location of where the employee lives?

by @augustomna2010 6yr 6 years ago  | 2 comments

I see that some companies do this, they pay the remote worker based on where he lives, I would like to know what do you think about this?


How do you manage your location independent business as a Nomad Entrepreneur?

by @vzablocky 6yr 6 years ago  | 3 comments

Iโ€™d like to invite nomad entrepreneurs in this topic to discuss what are the challenges you face in filing taxes, insurance and banking complications, while travelling and running your business remotely.

Please share your thoughts! I would be happy to help!


Any good coworking + surfing locations?


by @mike2381 6yr 6 years ago  | 31 comments

Anyone been to some nice spots for surfing that have fast internet and coworking offices in SEA?


Which residence/company location is beneficial for an Italian freelancer

by @saschamayr 7yr 7 years ago  | 6 comments

I am an Italian citizen currently living in Italy. I am starting to work as a freelancer and want to open a company in order to invoice the client.
Besides that, I also want to move my main residence away from Italy for multiple reasons.
In which countries should I place my company and/or residence so that the combination of both would be beneficial for me (cost and taxwise)?
Goal would be to rent an apartment and actually move (preferably in Europe), and from there travel as a digital nomad.
Has anyone been in a similar situation or knows an answer to this?


Advices about tax, location for incorporation, etc

by @anadesigner 7yr 7 years ago  | 2 comments

Hi nomads,

I and my husband are graphic designers and we work from home mainly doing services for UK. We have personal bank account in UK as we lived there for a while and we use it to receive payments and then use transferwise, but we are worried because we have no company there to declare these payments.

We are at the moment in Malta but moving to Portugal soon and we really would like to make the things right to avoid problems but also we need avoid pay lots of taxโ€ฆ I am researching a lot but not sure what to do. Would be very good to have a bit of advice to what way to go, where is the best country to open an offshore business for exemple?
We earn together about 25k euro year (brut).
Any advice or tip would be very welcome.



Best ways to get travel/nomad companions in different locations?


by @madelineb 7yr 7 years ago  | 24 comments

Do nomads like to travel together? I mean, not in each otherโ€™s pockets, but look for accomodation together, meet with each other daily or regularly, help out in new cities, motivate/inspire each other in the business? :slight_smile: Iโ€™ve done nomad lifestyle in the past in 2009/2014 and this time I want to collaborate and support with other people, each on their own mission. I love this nomad endeavour but to be honest I admit it can be quite time-consuming and lonely. :wink:
*Message on NomadList locations?
*Message on Couchsurfing groups? (without sounding like Tinder!)
*Message on other??
Iโ€™m currently in Portugal and heading back to Estonia for January/February (Iโ€™m from Australia). Later in 2017 I am open to places, though Iโ€™m not keen on high pollution, high humidity, high cost cities.
Feedback, interest or ideas welcome!
Thanks, :sunny: Madeline


Any nomads who practice Krav Maga in spite of constantly changing locations?

by @petar_np 7yr 7 years ago  | 3 comments

When I think about nomadic life style I often think of one disadvantage, not being able to continue to practice Krav Maga as I do now. How do you keep up with training and progress if you are constantly moving?


Which is the most viable location for a young couple moving to Seoul?

in Seoul , South Korea by @iamjamesrodgers 7yr 7 years ago  | 4 comments

Out of the 3 Areas which would be most beneficial for a foreigner moving to SK?
(If you have experience with areas specifically Iโ€™d love to discuss the specific schools that are offering her a position - Not posting that here for obvious reasons.)

My Girlfriend has received 3 contract offers in Seoul/Surrounding area:

i) Dobonggu
ii) Songpa-gu
iii) Bundang, Gyenggido

Background knowledge:
We love being physically active through sport and weight-lifting, love exploring food culture, need good Coffee and live very modestly in terms of going out/expenditure.


Relocation to country

by @nomadtimne 7yr 7 years ago  | 7 comments

I currently live in a EU country,to relocate somewhere where I can


What's the best location to incorporate an online business?

by @dmftaras 8yr 8 years ago  | 14 comments

Hey nomads,

Iโ€™m looking for the best location to incorporate my online business (offshore programming and so on).

The main requirements:

  • Low cost incorporation/yearly fee
  • Preferred with no audits (or other kind of paperwork)
  • With no local office/secretary/director needed
  • With low or 0% taxes
  • Easy to get paid from US/EU
  • Easy to send payments worldwide ( I can use Transferwise/Stripe or something like that, i donโ€™t care )
  • With corporate credit/debit cards

Iโ€™m only one owner of the company (not EU/US resident).
Iโ€™ve checked jurisdictions like BVI/Belize/Nevis and iโ€™m interested in it. It would be appreciated if you could give me some kind of advice, if you have experience with one of these jurisdictions.

My budget for incorporation < $1500



How do I get an Independent Work Visa (TP7) for Colombia

in Colombia by @matthieudrula 8yr 8 years ago  | 0 comments

I work as remote freelance developer (might become permanent) for US companies and I want to go back to Colombia. I already used my tourist visa. I have seen that itโ€™s possible to get a TP7 for independent work but I donโ€™t understand two points :

  1. Authorization or registration of the foreignerโ€™s activity, issued by the respective regulatory entity when appropriate. (What is the regulatory entity here?)
  2. Document certifying the address of the place where the activity or work is to be carried out, such as an authentic copy of the RUT or certification of existence and legal representation, issued by the respective Chamber of Commerce.
    At the moment Iโ€™m in Arequipa, Peru. Do I have to remotely create a company in Colombia? Do I need a contract as Independent with a Colombian company?
    I got a UK LTD too if that can help.
    PS: If you know some great intermediary companies that can handle all this against fees.

Best way to make money as a software developer?

by @grantlyk 8yr 8 years ago  | 3 comments

So as the title suggests, whatโ€™s the best way to make enough cash to support a lifestyle of coding on the move?

Iโ€™m currently a software developer that works for startups, but when it comes to coding iโ€™m quite happy to more or less code anything.

What iโ€™m mainly asking for is validation that someone currently has this lifestyle from coding and did they find that some ways of using it to make money were easier/had more benefits than others?

Thanks and any responses are welcome.


What do you think about my location scoring app?

by @miquel 8yr 8 years ago  | 5 comments

Hi Nomads,

Iโ€™ve been traveling Europe with my gf and visiting a new place every month for about 9 months. Picking AirBNBโ€™s and rentals has been hard for a variety of reasons. One is not knowing how close the rental will be relative to the places we want to visit.

So we made this app: Distance Score: Prague. Right now it is just featuring Prague, but Iโ€™m curious to get your thoughts on other cities youโ€™d like to see, as well as general feedback.


Does your freelance rate fluctuate per location?

by @jasonmwomack 8yr 8 years ago  | 3 comments

I am a web developer and content writer. As of right now , I reside in Atlanta, Georgia . My plan is to move abroad soon. At this point , I am not sure where to set up my home base . Anyways , my real question is about rates. How do web developers decide the most suitable charging rate ? Letโ€™s say a client is in need of a full website and e-commerce platform. That client resides in Paris , but another client in a low income country wants the same service. Does your charging rate depend on the clientโ€™s location ? That was a hypothetical situation. I am a new to this stuff! I do not have any clients yet .


Can anyone advise on the structure (and location) for setting up a digital agency?

by @matttutt1 8yr 8 years ago  | 4 comments

Hi there,

This might be a bit vague but hopefully someone out there can help. Iโ€™m from the UK and am registered as a Sole Trader currently. Iโ€™m looking to create a new business, and am unsure of the best structure to use. I donโ€™t really want to continue in this business as a Sole Trader because I donโ€™t think it has so much credibility compared to something like a limited company.

The business is going to be a digital marketing agency in a specific niche, itโ€™s going to be very small scale with very low overheads. Iโ€™m not going to be based in any specific location so Iโ€™m also unsure about which location to officially base my business (base in the sense that it will be my registered business address for example, I wouldnโ€™t have any offices unless just Virtual).

I also donโ€™t imagine that Iโ€™ll be turning over much as it will likely just be me, I may hire some freelancers at a later date but that depends on whether I can find enough clients.

Appreciate any help on this, thanks for reading!


Where are the best digital nomad locations for hippies?


by @conni 8yr 8 years ago  | 23 comments

I am a Yogi, living a spiritual, healthy, vegan lifestyle. I have been a digital nomad for several years and am now more and more looking for places that satisfy all my interests and needs that meet my healthy yogi lifestyle.

Right now I am in in Bali, which is perfect for me:

  • lots of yoga
  • many high-quality, healthy, vegan/veggie restaurants
  • loads of like-minded people
  • i can live my inner hippie while hustling away for my business
  • online entrepreneur community

What other places can you recommend that also match the requirements of a digital nomad lifestyle (good Internet etc)?

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by @levelsio