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Question about taxes for a UK citizen

by @neutron 9yr  | 7 comments

I have the opportunity to move away from the UK (working online), but Iโ€™m wondering whatโ€™s the best way to manage my taxes?

Should I set up a limited company in the UK (which I could claim back taxes)? My company is quite small, so Iโ€™m guessing the 10k per year limit for income tax might work for me. If so, would I need to spend a certain amount of time in the UK per year?

Or, would it be better to become a nomad and not be taxed at all. Although Iโ€™m wondering about what will happen to my UK pension/NHS benefits etc? Will I be able to come back to the UK whenever I want and continue to benefit from these (will I just pick up where I left off)? If I go down this route will I need a hongkong bank account and company registered in panama (or somewhere?). Would I need to become resident in one of these countries in order to obtain these things?


@neutron 9yr

Yes, this is the thing that is making me want to leave the UK at the moment. It seems very strange that they would want to penalise people who are moving to contract roles (something thatโ€™s happening very often nowadays, due to internet flexibility). Why penalise people who are starting their own consultancy? This kills highly successful business before they have even startedโ€ฆ

If the UK government want to create an IR35 why be so vague about the requirements? Why is it that we have to get insurance (just in case the inland revenue try to screw us and even then there is no guarantees, because the IR35 is so vague, these insurance companies can back out of their guarantees pretty easily it seems)?

It seems that the UK is not the place any more for a small fledgling business. Honestly I think about what I will be losing by leaving the UK and itโ€™s not that much TBH, just pension (which is probably less than 6 grand a year, and I probably wont be able to claim it until Iโ€™m 102 by that point anyway)

Such a shame, I thought the UK would be leading the way in terms of new business, technology etc, but it seems like weโ€™re actually going backwards. They seem to want to control every single tiny little detail of our lives, when actually theyโ€™re missing the really big things (like taxing starbucks/amazon).

Defies logic really :confused: , but then since when were the UK government logical about anything ???


Whaaaaaat?! Thatโ€™s wholly inaccurate. You donโ€™t have to be a resident elsewhere to be a non-resident in the UK. You also donโ€™t have to stay out of the country for 5 years for less than 89 days. Firstly, itโ€™s 90 days (actually nights). Secondly, youโ€™re a non-resident of the UK as soon as you spend no more than 90 days inside the UK within within a tax year or take up residency elsewhere.

Sounds like staying a UK resident is what you really want.

Pay yourselves ยฃ10,000 each from the UK LLC and claim expenses cleverly, then pay yourself dividends at 20%.

Make sure you keep up on the voluntary contributions for National Insurance (which you can backdate up to 6 years).

I think thatโ€™s all you really need to know. Staying a resident voluntarily even if youโ€™re out f the country will mean that banking etc isnโ€™t a pain in the bum. I learnt that the hard way after becoming a resident elsewhere that banks essentially stop being easy if youโ€™re a non-resident.

@neutron 9yr

Thanks travelrawr :smile:

Iโ€™m leaving my company and starting a consultancy. Iโ€™m wondering will I get hit with the IR35 if I continue to work for my current company (the company I am currently employed full time/permanent)? I will be working for other clients, but they may be my biggest client.



Honestly, I have no idea. For in depth tax advise, always seek a professional.

For loose guidance, ask us :stuck_out_tongue:

@wfaler 9yr

The staturory residence test ( actually defines days in the UK dependent on your ties to the country. It can go all the way down to 15 if you have a lot of ties remaining after leaving.

90 days is a gross oversimplification (and referring to โ€œUK LLCโ€ which is an entity that doesnโ€™t exist in UK law doesnโ€™t fill with confidence), and HMRC tend to wait >1 year to โ€œsign you outโ€ if you canโ€™t show a job. If you donโ€™t have a new foreign address on your form P85, well, legally you may not be resident, but HMRC may take you to court over it to make you prove it.

@neutron 9yr

This is brilliant wfaler, thanks so much for your helpful answer.

It sounds like the best option for us (me and the wife) is to get a UK ltd company. We will earn so little in the first year anyway that we probably wont end up being taxed at all (not over 10k threshold).

Iโ€™m wondering if we do set up a UK company (and travel alot - like 300 days of the year), is there any requirement to stay in the UK for us in terms of citizenship? (ie, do we have to stay in the UK for 90 days or more per year to keep our residency in the UK?)

@wfaler 9yr

In bried, can you have your cake and eat it too? The answer is no.

If you want to be non-resident for tax purposes, HMRC tends to accept you being non-resident if you both have legal residence elsewhere AND go abroad to work under a full-time contract (it can be your own business).

This would also mean that you could not go back to the UK for more than 89 days per year for 5 years (preferable no more than 45 to be absolutely certain), and you would not have free access to the NHS (pension should be safe though).

Furthermore, using offshore entities while being UK tax resident wonโ€™t help much, as anti-avoidance rules basically makes it impossible to benefit legally by doing this as HMRC will more or less disregard the entity if they suspect that avoiding UK tax has been part of the motive.

In short, the UK taxman doesnโ€™t like letting go of people. The only way of doing this safely is to make a clean break with the UK, establish legal residence elsewhere and show you have a job there (which, can be your own business).

People may say otherwise, but if they do, they are either ignorant, or trying to sell you something.

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Ukraine Residency

in Ukraine by @reticle 3yr 3 years ago  | 1 comment

I have a slightly above average US income which I can work remotely from paired with a $1000 a month income stream and more than enough to purchase a middle end Flat in Ukraine. Does anyone with knowledge of this process have any advice to acquire a reliable way to stay in the country?


Best place for solo UK traveller for surf, sun & working between Oct and Dec??

in Tenerife , Spain by @leojb 4yr 4 years ago  | 0 comments

Hey Nomads, would love to know any thoughts here.

Top of the list are currently Tenerife, Lagos/Ericeira (Portugal) & Malta??

Would love to know if anyone can vouch for these at this time of year.

Beautiful beach would be the dream. Basically European Bali! I'm sure something many of us are searching for.

Thanks a million. Much love.



UK Expats travelling to Greece?

in Bulgaria by @davda1546 4yr 4 years ago  | 2 comments

Hi all, my husband and I have been living in Bulgaria for the past month and were hoping to travel to Greece next. Have any UK nationals entered Greece lately? I believe that anyone entering Greece requires a negative COVID test 72 hours before travel - is this what they are requiring at the borders please? (Reason we ask is for Bulgaria we filled out forms but weren't asked for them) Thanks.


UK Expats travelling to Turkey?

in Turkey by @davda1546 4yr 4 years ago  | 0 comments

Hi all, my husband and I have been living in Bulgaria for the past month and were considering Turkey next! Have any UK nationals entered Turkey lately? I believe that anyone entering Turkey will undergo health screening and if they show symptoms they need to get medical treatement, did this happen for you? Reason we ask is for Bulgaria we filled out forms but weren't asked for them) Thanks.


How to get post abroad for UK Expats??

by @davda1546 4yr 4 years ago  | 0 comments

Hi guys, wonder if you can help. I'm from the UK, and my husband and I are looking to go across Europe this coming year.

What's the best solution you've found re having all your post sent to you? I've found a site online that will set up a street address in the UK for you and scan in post to your email address, just wondering if you've found any other ways?

We've set up paperless statements, which has helped but with things like mortgages, official docs etc - how have you got around it?

Thanks so much!


How to get a UK residence address without renting/buying?

by @pavel_maximov 4yr 4 years ago  | 17 comments

Iโ€™m an EU national IT specialist, recently decided to become a digital nomad. I just left my permanent job in Germany and opened a UK based LTD (for a better taxation) to start a new career as remote working IT contractor. I also want to become a UK resident and pay personal income tax there BUT I donโ€™t want to rent/buy a place because I have no interest in physically living in the UK, as a nomad I will be traveling abroad 100% of the time.

So I just need a UK address where Iโ€™m registered as a resident and could receive mail, but I would never actually be there. I could rent a place and keep it empty but that would be a total waste of money.

How do I find somebody who could give me an official residence at his/her address and keep my name on the door? Iโ€™m ok with paying a reasonable monthly fee for this โ€œserviceโ€ (but not as high as a rent), and give assurance in whatever form that I will never pretend to physically live there. I have no close friends in the UK to ask for this favor, and trying to propose this to a random landlord would be just weird since they are not familiar with the needs of a digital nomad.

Maybe you guys can suggest me somebody who understand the situation and want to make some extra cash every month to pay the bills? Iโ€™m ready to meet in person, provide full proof of identity or any other document, and to make a written agreement that gives the landlord the freedom to cancel this โ€œsituationโ€ at any time.

This is NOT for tax evasion, itโ€™s the opposite! I WANT to pay full tax as UK resident, I just donโ€™t want to waste money on a rent which I will literally never use.

I would be very grateful for any advice!



Where to move for tax purposes as a non-US citizen?

by @mender 5yr 5 years ago  | 5 comments

I am a New Zealander looking to travel for a couple of years in different countries. For this purpose I would ideally like to shift my company to a lower tax territory where I will live part time, as I am currently taxed at roughly 33% in New Zealand, however itโ€™s closer to 40% when I add in all the hidden taxes.

With a move I wonโ€™t be living in NZ so Iโ€™ll no longer be obliged to pay any tax after 320 days.

I ideally would wish to be a tax resident of the country I incorporate in. What country is easiest to do this through? A large chunk of my business relies on PayPal which requires your bank account to be from the same country your company is registered. Thus I canโ€™t do anything such as BVI or small islands.

Tbh my best bet looks to be Dubai Free Zones at this point and I can do some travel in europe from there.


Recommendations for UK/Scotland accountants that understand remote businesses?

by @eduardoyi 5yr 5 years ago  | 1 comment

Looking for recommendations for reliable accountants who understand how remote businesses with off-shore freelancers and clients work. Thanks!


How do I ensure that getting refused entry to the UK won't keep me from getting an Australian 462 (work and holiday) visa?

in Australia by @allisonkirschbaum 5yr 5 years ago  | 0 comments

On New Yearโ€™s Day this year, I was refused entry to the UK due to not having proof of funds, an outward-bound plane ticket (I was road-tripping out with a friend via car) and not being able to prove that I had indeed canceled the lease on the apartment I had leased during a prior recent trip.

I havenโ€™t had any entry issues to any of the several countries Iโ€™ve visited after, but now Iโ€™m applying for a 462 visa (work and holiday) visa in Australia, and since Australia and the UK share an immigration info system, I want to make sure getting refused entry wonโ€™t keep me from getting a visa. None of the issues that cropped up in the UK (the proof of funds, the plane ticket, and the apartment) will be an issue in Australia, as Iโ€™ve never traveled there before, donโ€™t know anyone and will have proof of more than sufficient funds for the trip and an outbound plane ticket.

Anybody have any suggestions on how to make the approval process go as smoothly as possible?

Many thanks in advance! :smiley:


Remote worker in Amsterdam: taxes and legal status?

in Amsterdam , Netherlands by @think 5yr 5 years ago  | 1 comment

Hi all,

I am moving to Amsterdam in January and looking for advice regarding legal status.

I work for a small French company. They agreed to let me move to Amsterdam as a remote worker starting January. :v:

However, they have no business entity and no employee in the Netherlands, so we have no idea how to set up the whole thing legally speaking. Should I remain an employee of the French entity, should I charge them as a consultant/contractor?

Of course, I am looking for a solution that is both simple and with minimum taxes :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Thank you for your help!!

PS: If you can recommend a good accountant that is competent on the topic, I an happy to pay for the service too!


Is anybody a Digital Nomad in the UK and not a resident?

by @creative_nomad_ 6yr 6 years ago  | 6 comments

The situation is that my BF is a UK citizen and I am not. We are traveling around SEA and planning to stop in the UK for 6 months to rekindle funds. Granted, the UK is not the cheapest place to rekindle funds, however, he can work and get a good job there.

I have already done my working visa in the UK so I canโ€™t legally work there again. Iโ€™m a graphic designer and web designer and have decided that I will try and get freelance work to support myself whilst Iโ€™m over there.

My question is more related to tax and visas. I am an Australia citizen so I can get a 3 month tourist visa. Iโ€™m just a little worried about how strict they are over there on visas and questioning finance etc


Where to pay taxes if self employed non-resident of the UK, travelling Europe?

by @jadi4nd 6yr 6 years ago  | 5 comments

Hi, I know there are a few posts around this topic but none of them quite answer my questions.

I am British and currently a resident in the UK.
Next year I am going to become a non-resident and spend over a year traveling mostly around Europe, moving every few weeks never staying anywhere longer than a month. (My first venture into becoming a digital nomad!)

I am remote, self employed, software developer working mostly for one client based in the UK.

Where am I liable to pay taxes?
From what I have read I will not be liable to pay taxes in UK, can anyone confirm this?
If not the UK then where if I am moving every few weeks?
If possible I want to avoid starting a company as this seems unnecessarily complicated for my work setup.

Thank you in advance for any help :slight_smile:


Is it possible to become a digital nomad as a Vietnamese citizen?

in Vietnam by @animaniax 6yr 6 years ago  | 3 comments

Hi all!
I was meant to post this little inquiry for some times, and keep skipping due to tight schedule :v.
First off: The name is Toan. Yes, Iโ€™m Vietnamese and non-US/EU citizen :slight_smile:
Second: Is it possible for me to become a full digital nomad?

Iโ€™m aware that itโ€™s never been an easy road. Just wondering how itโ€™d be for non-US/EU citizens like myself.
I have a +5 years background as IT support analyst, with specialties vary from helpdesk technical, Windows OS and system support, IT infra/service management, business analysis fundamental, software project management, to Linux sysadmin and programming (Java/Ruby).
Recently, along with my aims to become DevOps/IT Project Management, I also target to fully independent location, due to new found passions on exploring the world and growing tired of 9-to-6 days.

From what I have observed so far, mates, youโ€™re all/mostly coming from 1st-class nations, either North America, Japan, or Europe. So you have no issues over choosing your path, work remotely or start your own business. While money isnโ€™t really a problem to me (a.k.a I usually require very little accommodation during my backpack travels, only (wireless) internet and clean room, thatโ€™s all), Iโ€™m stuck with the whole visa requirements and other paperwork things. Freelance could be a choice, but I find it is almost impossible finding positions even remotely related with my current skills/expertise. Iโ€™m a non-American, have no EU permitted working visaโ€ฆ Any other options for me? Any idea/suggestion is welcomed.

I donโ€™t need my own business. I only need to strive as IT professional, be able to work anywhere I want.

Thanks for the attention, mates. My apologize if my English is so bad that you have no idea what Iโ€™m writing :v And yes, I understand that all my concerns might sound naive, as Iโ€™m a newbie & only targeting recently.


Has anyone worked from Sihanoukville, Cambodia?

in Sihanoukville , Cambodia by @keybrownhill 6yr 6 years ago  | 6 comments

Hey everyone,

Has anyone visited Sihanoukville recently? I would like to visit and give it a try for working but I am a little unsure about the following:

  • Internet reliability (power cuts and speed)
  • 4G connection as backup
  • specific areas to live

In anyone can offer any info, suggestions on specific areas or recommended accommodation that would be great. I visited around 8 years ago so I am assuming the place has changed quite a bit since then.



Best EU banks for Ukrainians?

by @anatoliykmetyuk 6yr 6 years ago  | 1 comment

Hi everyone!

I have recently opened a company in Estonia, and now looking for a bank to open a private account to receive salary to. Thing is, I am a Ukrainian citizen, and the fees are huge when making payments from my Estonian company bank account to the Ukrainian private account. For EU transfers, there are no fees. Also I do not feel my money are safe in Ukraine.

So currently I am looking for a bank in EU to open a private account with.

My priority is to have the costs associated with the account as low as possible. E.g. Iโ€™m fine with paying โ‚ฌ200-300 to open the account, but it is a no-go for me if they require a monthly maintenance fee of โ‚ฌ20-30. Which many of them do for foreigners. Also if they need an initial deposit or minimal remainder on the account of โ‚ฌ1000+, this would be a strain for me. Another priority of course is nomad-friendliness: if I decide to withdraw the money outside the EU in a non-EU currency, I should not pay more than 5% in fees. And internet banking and customer support is also of importance, as I believe frequent visits to the bankโ€™s country would be inconvenient for me as a non-resident.

So far I have looked at Swedbank, Rietumu and BlueOrange, all from Latvia. So far I had a great experience with Estonian corporate banking, so another Baltic country seemed like a good option to me. However, all of these banks have high maintenance fees for non-EU residents, from โ‚ฌ20 to โ‚ฌ50 per month. Also OrangeBlue has a minimal balance requirement of โ‚ฌ1000.

All in all, I am very unexperienced in the matter of banking and am a bit in a loss. Can anybody kindly advise me on the โ€œbig pictureโ€ of banking in EU from the non-EU clientโ€™s perspective?


How do taxes work for perpetual travelers?

by @whirledover 7yr 7 years ago  | 5 comments

Hereโ€™s a question (actually a bunch of related questions) thatโ€™s been a bit of a thorn in my side lately. Iโ€™ve already combed this forum as well as several others but would love some more insight from more knowledgable people.

So, here goesโ€ฆ

Background: Iโ€™m a perpetual traveler and havenโ€™t stayed in a single country longer than 6 months for around 5 years now. Iโ€™m a non-US person so no IRS worries but my country of citizenship (Korea) has a residential tax system and since I havenโ€™t claimed residency anywhere else, it seems possible for my government to claim me as a tax citizen.

Which brings me to my first question: At what point does forming a solid business structure to cover your taxable a** become worth the hassle? $100K/year? At $200K/year? I sort of feel like most governments wouldnโ€™t bother with this because itโ€™s relatively โ€œsmall fishโ€ - thoughts?

And that brings me to another question: If Iโ€™m not needlessly spending time worrying and I should finally pull the trigger and set something up that makes me more โ€œlegitโ€ - even if it requires paperwork - whatโ€™s my best option? Hereโ€™s what Iโ€™ve come up with:

Set up an offshore company - Iโ€™m leaning toward RAK Offshore since it seems to have no paperwork requirements and has no taxes - and use that to hold and re-invest the income I receive while paying myself a nominal amount every month, like $3,000, which I then file Korean (income) taxes for. This makes sense in my head since thatโ€™s roughly the amount I spend every month anyway but would this qualify as tax evasion?

Last question: for all of you who are perpetual travelers and arenโ€™t filing tax returns with your country of citizenship/last tax residency - what are you doing in terms of investing the money youโ€™ve saved? From what Iโ€™ve read, banks will report accounts that hold over a certain amount to the country of the account holder and online brokerage accounts seem to be the same.
Oh, and is the money accrued (without being reported tax-wise) considered black money?!

Okay, Iโ€™m done for now. Apologies for writing a book - Iโ€™m not so learned on this topic. Would appreciate any insights. Thanks in advance! :slight_smile:


How long does a non-resident Canadian Citizen need to stay out of Canada to maintain non-resident status, per year?

in Canada by @balindsieber 7yr 7 years ago  | 1 comment

Hey fellow nomads. I have an interesting situation.

Iโ€™m a Canadian Citizen whoโ€™s been a resident of the United States for the last 12 years (work VISA). I incorporated my LLC in Hong Kong and have been a nomad for about 6 months.

I just spoke to my Accountant and he says that I will only have to pay taxes to HK, because Iโ€™m not a resident of either US or CAN. Thatโ€™s amazing news as both places suck for taxes.

Iโ€™m currently in Colombia but I spent the first 2 months of this year in Canadaโ€”I want to make sure I stay out of Canada long enough to remain a non-resident.

Does anyone know what that amount of time is?


Can you get an NIE number while working in Spain for a UK company?

in Spain by @sabolmm 7yr 7 years ago  | 1 comment

Has anyone stayed in Barcelona longer than 3 months as a nomad?

I realise UK citizens have to apply for a NIE number if they are staying longer than 3 months in Spain. But can you actually get an NIE number while working in Spain for a UK company?

My company is registered in the UK so I will be remote working from Spain, donโ€™t want to setup as a freelancer or sold trader in Spain as it will only be a temporary pit stop for 3-6 months.


How do Ukrainians receive USD?

by @nealbozeman 7yr 7 years ago  | 7 comments

Iโ€™m finding it harder and harder to work with my friend from the Ukraine, to transfer money from the US, in USD to USD (he has an account that allows dollars).

  • I used to work with Western Union, which was a hefty fee around $60. They closed the account years ago on concerns I was operating a business (I am)
  • I opened an HSBC account to be able to wire internationally, with a $45 per wire fee, but they have stopped allowing transfers
  • Ria Money Transfer was great, but they stopped this week doing deposits in to UA

Arrgh! If a Ukrainian is on a freelancing site like UpWork, how do they get money from their accounts, especially US clients? It must be incredibly expensive by now?


3 Months in Australia as UK Ltd Company

in Australia by @keiththetraveller 7yr 7 years ago  | 3 comments

Hi Guys,

A quick question as my accountant as queried something with me.

I have a UK limited company and Iโ€™m visiting Australia for 3 months to visit friends, plus enjoy a little sunshine. I was looking at hiring a desk for a month or so while there and was wondering if this would affect my visa and wether Iโ€™d need to declare my earnings while there?

As Iโ€™ll still be working for my own UK company with no money coming from Australian sources and I wonโ€™t be selling goods or services to Australian companies I would have thought that the normal holiday visa would be fine. Iโ€™d also assume I wouldnโ€™t have to declare anything with the Australian tax authorities as it would be similar to a UK citizen being paid theyโ€™re holiday pay while in the country.

If anyone has any experience with this then it would be appreciated.



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by @levelsio