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Views/Worries about UK leaving EU?

by @tuliptraveler 8yr  | 4 comments

I was wondering what peopleโ€™s thoughts or worries are about the UK leaving the EU? Will it affect your plans? Is it going to make your nomadic lifestyle more difficult? Or do you think it wonโ€™t have any affect? Just curious :slight_smile:

@orca 8yr

I canโ€™t see it making much difference because I spend time in lots of countries and there are no issues e.g Costa Rica up to 6 months, I work here in Zurich and that itโ€™s fine here EU or no EU and sometimes I spend the winter in New Zealand and 6 months is Automatic as is Mexico so I am not in the least concerned. For Nomads it wonโ€™t matter but for Mr and Mrs Smith looking to retire to the sun it might be a bit more complex but I doubt it.

@kellyreid 8yr

American living in the UK for 3 months here.

I wouldnโ€™t worry about this any time soon. There are a lot of things that need to happen before any actual changes get made, so I doubt weโ€™ll see an effect on things like visas in the next year or two.

On the positive side, your foreign money will go farther in the UK since the poundโ€™s gettingโ€ฆpounded. I made sure to get some cash out of an ATM that day :slight_smile:

@richardh 8yr

Those who are worried lack imagination. You guys are smart; the EU once pitched as a way to facilitate trade is now a political entity shaping discourse, whereas the trust-less decentralising bureaucracy free p2p world of the internet is only getting started.

@replay 8yr

At the moment nobody knows whatโ€™s going to happenโ€ฆ so thatโ€™s hard to answer. There are so many possible scenarios of what could possibly happen over the next few years that weโ€™ll have to just wait and see (at least non-UK citizens canโ€™t do more).

Iโ€™d say the best case scenario would be if nothing actually changes because the UK ends up not leaving due to another referendum or technicalities. The worst case is the scenario where everything is falling apart, Europe falls back into war mode with everybody fighting each other, global productivity drops and the whole world goes down with fire.
So, obviously, the range of possibilities is wide :slight_smile:

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Ukraine Residency

in Ukraine by @reticle 3yr 3 years ago  | 1 comment

I have a slightly above average US income which I can work remotely from paired with a $1000 a month income stream and more than enough to purchase a middle end Flat in Ukraine. Does anyone with knowledge of this process have any advice to acquire a reliable way to stay in the country?


Best place for solo UK traveller for surf, sun & working between Oct and Dec??

in Tenerife , Spain by @leojb 4yr 4 years ago  | 0 comments

Hey Nomads, would love to know any thoughts here.

Top of the list are currently Tenerife, Lagos/Ericeira (Portugal) & Malta??

Would love to know if anyone can vouch for these at this time of year.

Beautiful beach would be the dream. Basically European Bali! I'm sure something many of us are searching for.

Thanks a million. Much love.



UK Expats travelling to Greece?

in Bulgaria by @davda1546 4yr 4 years ago  | 2 comments

Hi all, my husband and I have been living in Bulgaria for the past month and were hoping to travel to Greece next. Have any UK nationals entered Greece lately? I believe that anyone entering Greece requires a negative COVID test 72 hours before travel - is this what they are requiring at the borders please? (Reason we ask is for Bulgaria we filled out forms but weren't asked for them) Thanks.


UK Expats travelling to Turkey?

in Turkey by @davda1546 4yr 4 years ago  | 0 comments

Hi all, my husband and I have been living in Bulgaria for the past month and were considering Turkey next! Have any UK nationals entered Turkey lately? I believe that anyone entering Turkey will undergo health screening and if they show symptoms they need to get medical treatement, did this happen for you? Reason we ask is for Bulgaria we filled out forms but weren't asked for them) Thanks.


How to get post abroad for UK Expats??

by @davda1546 4yr 4 years ago  | 0 comments

Hi guys, wonder if you can help. I'm from the UK, and my husband and I are looking to go across Europe this coming year.

What's the best solution you've found re having all your post sent to you? I've found a site online that will set up a street address in the UK for you and scan in post to your email address, just wondering if you've found any other ways?

We've set up paperless statements, which has helped but with things like mortgages, official docs etc - how have you got around it?

Thanks so much!


How to get a UK residence address without renting/buying?

by @pavel_maximov 4yr 4 years ago  | 17 comments

Iโ€™m an EU national IT specialist, recently decided to become a digital nomad. I just left my permanent job in Germany and opened a UK based LTD (for a better taxation) to start a new career as remote working IT contractor. I also want to become a UK resident and pay personal income tax there BUT I donโ€™t want to rent/buy a place because I have no interest in physically living in the UK, as a nomad I will be traveling abroad 100% of the time.

So I just need a UK address where Iโ€™m registered as a resident and could receive mail, but I would never actually be there. I could rent a place and keep it empty but that would be a total waste of money.

How do I find somebody who could give me an official residence at his/her address and keep my name on the door? Iโ€™m ok with paying a reasonable monthly fee for this โ€œserviceโ€ (but not as high as a rent), and give assurance in whatever form that I will never pretend to physically live there. I have no close friends in the UK to ask for this favor, and trying to propose this to a random landlord would be just weird since they are not familiar with the needs of a digital nomad.

Maybe you guys can suggest me somebody who understand the situation and want to make some extra cash every month to pay the bills? Iโ€™m ready to meet in person, provide full proof of identity or any other document, and to make a written agreement that gives the landlord the freedom to cancel this โ€œsituationโ€ at any time.

This is NOT for tax evasion, itโ€™s the opposite! I WANT to pay full tax as UK resident, I just donโ€™t want to waste money on a rent which I will literally never use.

I would be very grateful for any advice!



How do you deal with the fear of leaving for the first time?


by @eddie 5yr 5 years ago  | 32 comments

Hey everyone!

Iโ€™m getting ready for my first trip abroad alone (this Oct). I decided on Chiang Mai because I feel like it might be the best place to get my feet wet. Plus Iโ€™ve been planning on going to Thailand now for about 3 years. Dream started 3 years ago, started my business 2 years ago, finished college/moved out of my parents 1 year ago, left my part-time crutch job a few months ago and now I make enough online to be location independent.

But now that my dream is becoming a reality, Iโ€™m actually kinda scared. Just thinking about boarding a plane with only a backpack in my possession is liberating but also frightening. Probably the craziest thing Iโ€™ve done in my life and Iโ€™ve worked so hard to get to this point.

Iโ€™m sure that most people here had to deal with the fear of leaving for the first time, the uncertainty of what will happen, and maybe even some resistance from your family. Iโ€™m just wondering how you dealt with it? Maybe I just need to re-read some of the books (4 hour workweek, vagabonding, The $100 startup, etcโ€ฆ) that gave me the motivation and courage to start in the first place. What motivates you to keep going?



Recommendations for UK/Scotland accountants that understand remote businesses?

by @eduardoyi 5yr 5 years ago  | 1 comment

Looking for recommendations for reliable accountants who understand how remote businesses with off-shore freelancers and clients work. Thanks!


How do I ensure that getting refused entry to the UK won't keep me from getting an Australian 462 (work and holiday) visa?

in Australia by @allisonkirschbaum 5yr 5 years ago  | 0 comments

On New Yearโ€™s Day this year, I was refused entry to the UK due to not having proof of funds, an outward-bound plane ticket (I was road-tripping out with a friend via car) and not being able to prove that I had indeed canceled the lease on the apartment I had leased during a prior recent trip.

I havenโ€™t had any entry issues to any of the several countries Iโ€™ve visited after, but now Iโ€™m applying for a 462 visa (work and holiday) visa in Australia, and since Australia and the UK share an immigration info system, I want to make sure getting refused entry wonโ€™t keep me from getting a visa. None of the issues that cropped up in the UK (the proof of funds, the plane ticket, and the apartment) will be an issue in Australia, as Iโ€™ve never traveled there before, donโ€™t know anyone and will have proof of more than sufficient funds for the trip and an outbound plane ticket.

Anybody have any suggestions on how to make the approval process go as smoothly as possible?

Many thanks in advance! :smiley:


Is anybody a Digital Nomad in the UK and not a resident?

by @creative_nomad_ 6yr 6 years ago  | 6 comments

The situation is that my BF is a UK citizen and I am not. We are traveling around SEA and planning to stop in the UK for 6 months to rekindle funds. Granted, the UK is not the cheapest place to rekindle funds, however, he can work and get a good job there.

I have already done my working visa in the UK so I canโ€™t legally work there again. Iโ€™m a graphic designer and web designer and have decided that I will try and get freelance work to support myself whilst Iโ€™m over there.

My question is more related to tax and visas. I am an Australia citizen so I can get a 3 month tourist visa. Iโ€™m just a little worried about how strict they are over there on visas and questioning finance etc


Anyone here resident in Portugal with incorporation elsewhere in the EU? Need some advice

in Portugal by @solardive 6yr 6 years ago  | 0 comments

Hi everyone!

Currently looking at ridding myself of the 9-5 and becoming a freelance consultant. Iโ€™m not planning to go full erm, โ€œtax optimisationโ€, as I believe in taxes as a concept, but I would like to pay less of them so I can get my business off the ground with more peace of mind.

Iโ€™ve decided I want to apply for the Portugal NHR (Iโ€™m a EU citizen), but I donโ€™t want to incorporate there. Anyone here has experience with being a Portugal tax resident and running a company elsewhere? If yes, where and why did you choose that country/place? Is it a a lot of hassle?



Where to pay taxes if self employed non-resident of the UK, travelling Europe?

by @jadi4nd 6yr 6 years ago  | 5 comments

Hi, I know there are a few posts around this topic but none of them quite answer my questions.

I am British and currently a resident in the UK.
Next year I am going to become a non-resident and spend over a year traveling mostly around Europe, moving every few weeks never staying anywhere longer than a month. (My first venture into becoming a digital nomad!)

I am remote, self employed, software developer working mostly for one client based in the UK.

Where am I liable to pay taxes?
From what I have read I will not be liable to pay taxes in UK, can anyone confirm this?
If not the UK then where if I am moving every few weeks?
If possible I want to avoid starting a company as this seems unnecessarily complicated for my work setup.

Thank you in advance for any help :slight_smile:


Has anyone worked from Sihanoukville, Cambodia?

in Sihanoukville , Cambodia by @keybrownhill 6yr 6 years ago  | 6 comments

Hey everyone,

Has anyone visited Sihanoukville recently? I would like to visit and give it a try for working but I am a little unsure about the following:

  • Internet reliability (power cuts and speed)
  • 4G connection as backup
  • specific areas to live

In anyone can offer any info, suggestions on specific areas or recommended accommodation that would be great. I visited around 8 years ago so I am assuming the place has changed quite a bit since then.



Best EU banks for Ukrainians?

by @anatoliykmetyuk 6yr 6 years ago  | 1 comment

Hi everyone!

I have recently opened a company in Estonia, and now looking for a bank to open a private account to receive salary to. Thing is, I am a Ukrainian citizen, and the fees are huge when making payments from my Estonian company bank account to the Ukrainian private account. For EU transfers, there are no fees. Also I do not feel my money are safe in Ukraine.

So currently I am looking for a bank in EU to open a private account with.

My priority is to have the costs associated with the account as low as possible. E.g. Iโ€™m fine with paying โ‚ฌ200-300 to open the account, but it is a no-go for me if they require a monthly maintenance fee of โ‚ฌ20-30. Which many of them do for foreigners. Also if they need an initial deposit or minimal remainder on the account of โ‚ฌ1000+, this would be a strain for me. Another priority of course is nomad-friendliness: if I decide to withdraw the money outside the EU in a non-EU currency, I should not pay more than 5% in fees. And internet banking and customer support is also of importance, as I believe frequent visits to the bankโ€™s country would be inconvenient for me as a non-resident.

So far I have looked at Swedbank, Rietumu and BlueOrange, all from Latvia. So far I had a great experience with Estonian corporate banking, so another Baltic country seemed like a good option to me. However, all of these banks have high maintenance fees for non-EU residents, from โ‚ฌ20 to โ‚ฌ50 per month. Also OrangeBlue has a minimal balance requirement of โ‚ฌ1000.

All in all, I am very unexperienced in the matter of banking and am a bit in a loss. Can anybody kindly advise me on the โ€œbig pictureโ€ of banking in EU from the non-EU clientโ€™s perspective?


Leaving USA, anyone have experience with "closer connection" test?

by @gizmocaca 7yr 7 years ago  | 1 comment

Iโ€™m leaving the USA this year to embark on a nomad lifestyle, I intend to spend less than 30 days in the USA and certainly less than 180 days. If I am over 30-days, is it easy to prove I have a โ€œcloser connectionโ€ to another country i.e. Form 8840? Retirement visa to another country / property ownership sufficient ? I am British but donโ€™t want to be tax resident for UK or USA in 2017. Thanks


Can you get an NIE number while working in Spain for a UK company?

in Spain by @sabolmm 7yr 7 years ago  | 1 comment

Has anyone stayed in Barcelona longer than 3 months as a nomad?

I realise UK citizens have to apply for a NIE number if they are staying longer than 3 months in Spain. But can you actually get an NIE number while working in Spain for a UK company?

My company is registered in the UK so I will be remote working from Spain, donโ€™t want to setup as a freelancer or sold trader in Spain as it will only be a temporary pit stop for 3-6 months.


How do Ukrainians receive USD?

by @nealbozeman 7yr 7 years ago  | 7 comments

Iโ€™m finding it harder and harder to work with my friend from the Ukraine, to transfer money from the US, in USD to USD (he has an account that allows dollars).

  • I used to work with Western Union, which was a hefty fee around $60. They closed the account years ago on concerns I was operating a business (I am)
  • I opened an HSBC account to be able to wire internationally, with a $45 per wire fee, but they have stopped allowing transfers
  • Ria Money Transfer was great, but they stopped this week doing deposits in to UA

Arrgh! If a Ukrainian is on a freelancing site like UpWork, how do they get money from their accounts, especially US clients? It must be incredibly expensive by now?


3 Months in Australia as UK Ltd Company

in Australia by @keiththetraveller 7yr 7 years ago  | 3 comments

Hi Guys,

A quick question as my accountant as queried something with me.

I have a UK limited company and Iโ€™m visiting Australia for 3 months to visit friends, plus enjoy a little sunshine. I was looking at hiring a desk for a month or so while there and was wondering if this would affect my visa and wether Iโ€™d need to declare my earnings while there?

As Iโ€™ll still be working for my own UK company with no money coming from Australian sources and I wonโ€™t be selling goods or services to Australian companies I would have thought that the normal holiday visa would be fine. Iโ€™d also assume I wouldnโ€™t have to declare anything with the Australian tax authorities as it would be similar to a UK citizen being paid theyโ€™re holiday pay while in the country.

If anyone has any experience with this then it would be appreciated.




Android Pay for non US/UK/Singapore citizens

in Singapore by @flaki 8yr 8 years ago  | 2 comments

Hi! Has anyone wondered how to get Android Pay working on their device as a non US/UK/Singaporean citizen? Apparently those are the countries supported by Android Pay currently (as in, supported Cards of banks situated in those countries, to be precise).

I was thinking to open a UK bank account just for this purpose, but that requires proof of residency and opening a Singaporean account has became significantly harder, either in later years. Any tips? Iโ€™m an EU citizen btw.


Feedback on UK mail handling services

by @sarab 8yr 8 years ago  | 5 comments

Hi everyone,

Iโ€™m thinking of changing my current setup for mail/post receiving and scanning (at the moment I have some friends doing it for me), and I was wondering if anyone has any specific feedback/advice regarding UK companies. Iโ€™m currently looking at UKPostBox.

Any personal insight would be greatly appreciated!


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by @levelsio