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Who provides the best indemnity insurance for New Zealanders contracting to Canada?

in New Zealand by @panoramica 8yr  | 4 comments

I have been sent a short term contract to do a remote trial for a Canadian company. I am pretty new to the contracting game and in the past Iโ€™ve only contracted locally in New Zealand and the most I ever signed was an NDA.

Iโ€™m pretty wary of the North American legal system, where people make a living off suing or encouraging people to sue. I hope this will never be the case for me, but I want to be smart and cover myself.

Who are the top local or international insurance companies offering affordable packages for NZ contractors working for NZ and international companies?



AIG or one of the other big insurers might be your best bet. However, I always found it very expensive dealing with PI across borders.


Thanks @international_man. How expensive was โ€˜very expensiveโ€™?


$5000 (NZD) for $1M in PI insurance.


Yikes, is that all? Thanks!

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How do I get Travel/Medical Insurance for Portugal for visa application from Australia?

in Portugal by @jonathanpoh 4yr 4 years ago  | 5 comments

I'm preparing my Portuguese D7 long-term visa application and one of the required documents is proof of travel insurance with medical coverage. However, as an Australian citizen, if put that as my country of residence in many travel insurance companies' quick quote forms, I'm unable to get ANY insurance coverage at all because of the current travel ban out of Australia, and the Australian govt's 'Do Not Travel' advice to ALL countries. I know that Aussies are applying for, and successfully getting visas from the Portuguese Consulate here, so where and how are they fulfilling this insurance requirement if insurers aren't selling any coverage? Does anybody know or have any ideas?


What is the best online insurance for digital nomads ?

by @berberos 4yr 4 years ago  | 4 comments

Hi guys ! hope you are doing well.

I would love to get your feedback regarding the best insurance for digital nomads. i'm traveling around Asia since 1 year and for next 4 or 5 years. Would love to buy an insurance to cover especially :

- health

- laptop, phone ...

- Flights


Does international health insurance for digital nomads exist?


by @al_steffen 4yr 4 years ago  | 59 comments

Hey Nomads!

Iโ€™m looking for an international health insurance (no travel insurance) for my nomadic life. It should cover the basic services and at least be accepted in the EU (itโ€™s ok if itโ€™s not accepted in the US as Iโ€™m aware they rarely are). Nice to have: enter into a contract online. Anyone got a good experience or a recommendation?

Thanks in advance!


Where can I get travel insurance for "any reason"?

by @tomheartstacos 4yr 4 years ago  | 0 comments

Iโ€™m looking for travel insurance that I can use for work. Iโ€™m in the US now, but am moving to Portugal. Iโ€™m looking for travel insurance that I can buy to recover travel costs if my plans change for any reason. World Nomad looks good, but they donโ€™t have the โ€˜Any Reasonโ€™ part. I found a helpful article on The Points Guy site, but for all the policies there, you have to be a US resident and I wouldnโ€™t be then.
Any suggestions?


What are wise ways to handle health insurance, as a USA person

by @azurio 5yr 5 years ago  | 1 comment

Hi! Iโ€™m still struggling to figure out how to handle health insurance.

What handy guides have you found to help figure out USA health care?

Iโ€™m struggling with:

  • When itโ€™s okay/wise to go without coverage while abroad, these days.
  • What other type of insurance I want while traveling, and whether it needs to be a supplement to USA insurance or if it can be a replacement.
  • Etc.

Above all, I think I want out. I wonder about success stories in moving to some other system/location, and the method youโ€™d recommend: additional citizenship, a special visa, etc.

I have searched this topic and struggled with it, so summaries and clarity are super helpful. I appreciate any and all help with this. Thanks so much!


Anybody recommend US health insurance with global coverage?

by @tylertringas 5yr 5 years ago  | 18 comments

Any US nomads found health insurance with global coverage? My current approach has been to have US health insurance, essentially a waste of money but if I ever got very sick I could go home and have coverage. My actual healthcare is a combination of travel insurance (havenโ€™t really used it much though) and paying cash in cheap places like SE Asia and Latin America. The cobbled together approach is neither simple nor very cost-effective. Love to find a product with global coverage that also satisfies Obamacare requirements. Any leads?


What's the best mobile-data option in New Zealand for nomads?

in New Zealand by @goldsaj 5yr 5 years ago  | 2 comments

Hi All! Iโ€™ve heard Spark and Vodafone are the best. I plan to move around, so I care mostly about having good coverage, and all Iโ€™ll need is around 1 GB of data or so.

Any suggestions?



Tax Planning advice (Primarily contracting for US company)

by @kartman92 6yr 6 years ago  | 7 comments

Hello nomads,

Due to a recent US work visa rejection (H1B), Iโ€™m considering turning to freelancing and being a digital nomad. My former employer (US based start-up) wants me to continue rendering my services as a contractor/freelancer (so I have a confirmed major client and Iโ€™ll probably take on other minor clients on the side). From the get go I want to get my taxes right and I was hoping you seasoned nomads can assist me. Some of the key aspects of my case are:

  1. I hold an Indian passport and as long as I donโ€™t stay in India for 182 days Iโ€™m considered non-resident (No taxes on foreign income as long as services are not rendered in India, otherwise 30% tax).

  2. I may have to visit the US occasionally, so having a tax-residency in a country with a US tax-treaty may be beneficial (I maybe incorrect here).

  3. Iโ€™m willing not to be a perpetual traveller and put down roots in a low tax country that offers easy tax residency with low-taxes.

  4. Will incorporating in a tax-friendly help my case? Or will just perpetual travel be enough to completely avoid taxes?

P.s. If any of you offer sound tax advice for a fee and are aware of international taxation laws (especially US tax laws), do let me know.


Any insurance covers pregnancy with a good price?

by @yuko 6yr 6 years ago  | 0 comments

I will go on a working holiday to Berlin from this October.
Maybe I will fly to Romania, Poland, Hungary or Portugal after spending several months in Germany, if my budget will get tighter.

Iโ€™m considering Safetywing/.com for my insurance because it covers anywhere in the world with a good price. The problem is, German embassy requires females to sign an insurance covers medical cost for pregnancy for a working holiday visa.

People in my country write about Care College from Care Concept (care-concept/.de) , but I think itโ€™s valid only when youโ€™re in Germany.

I wonder if thereโ€™s any an add-on (free-plan) insurance for pregnancy.
Alternatively, an equivalent insurance with support of pregnancy, and same price range as Safetywing/.com.

Thank you!


Health Insurance for Europeans?

by @patrickheneise 6yr 6 years ago  | 4 comments

Hi there, Iโ€™m currently looking at Allianz Global and IM Global as a health insurance for long-term travel in Asia. Any experiences with those two or are there better options for European residents?


International health insurance without having a permanent residence?


by @fabyliechti 7yr 7 years ago  | 30 comments

Hey Nomads!

Iโ€™m a Swiss Citizen but full time traveler (living a few month there and there) and therefore donโ€™t have a permanent residence/home anywhere in the world.

For this reason, Iโ€™m as well not registered in Switzerland and therefore donโ€™t have medical care since I would have to pay at least 200$ monthly for medical care which I wonโ€™t use since Iโ€™m not living there.

As a in Switzerland unregistered Swiss Citizen I donโ€™t have medical care in Switzerland but, however based on Swiss Law Iโ€™m always allowed to return to Switzerland, register and then get medical coverage (f.e. in a medical emergency).

So now I was looking for both, an international health insurance with good coverage and an additional travel insurance for my trips. Unfortunately every insurance I check, I got asked for a permanent residence - which I donโ€™t have and donโ€™t want to. So I donโ€™t know what to fill out and if I still can get insurance without having a permanent residence.

I was wondering if there are any nomads here with a similar situation like me and (not registered anywhere and without a permanent residence)? If so, what health insurance, travel insurance you have and where?

PS. As well Iโ€™m not sure if it is kind of illegal not having a permanent residence anywhere plus where do I have to pay taxes?

Would be extremely grateful for any help on those matters - thanks so much!


What are some good resources for professional prospective Mexican Nomads to do freelance translations and copyediting in Spanish in the United States and Canada?

in Canada by @nightchimp 7yr 7 years ago  | 2 comments

I have a friend who is a UNAM graduate in Philology (I know, wow, a Renaissance Woman), who has been creating textual translations between Spanish, English and sometimes Russian for writers, poets and journalists in Mexico City. She is very good at what she does, and has a client base, and just recently gained a client in the US. I want her to be able to take advantage of digital means to reach potential clients in the US and Canada, especially in regions where there are not a lot of Spanish speakers already present and active in this work locally. What are some good resources to find these sorts of opportunities? Yes, weโ€™ve beaten the proverbial bush to find Indeed listings, Craigslist (so sad what has happened to CL lately), and LinkedIn, as well as and We found mostly bupkiss. Any tips/hints/admonitions? Thanks in advance! :smiley:


Best coworking in Auckland - New Zealand

in Auckland , New Zealand by @alexis 7yr 7 years ago  | 1 comment

Hey there nomads !

Weโ€™ll be in Auckland from january the 11th till the 14th and we wonder where are the best place nomads go to work (and have a beer).

Thanks !


Health Insurance with a preexisting condition: how do you insure yourself?

by @dpt 7yr 7 years ago  | 0 comments

Iโ€™m wondering how Digital Nomads with pre-existing conditions insure themselves.

Iโ€™m German and most of the German DNs I know keep their primary residence in Germany and go with private health insurance (~150-250โ‚ฌ/month) + travel insurance (<50โ‚ฌ/month). Sadly thatโ€™s not possible for people with pre-existing conditions; those (at least in Germany) are required to voluntarily insure themselves with the governmental healthcare providers at 15.7% of pretax revenue (min. ~350/month, max. ~850โ‚ฌ/month).
Probably most other European states work in similar fashion?

The last few years I have gotten along by tricking a little (staying registered as a student), but Iโ€™m soon hitting the age limit where thatโ€™s not possible anymore and am now looking at either incorporating and paying myself a fixed salary or getting a residency in another European country with a (for self-employed people) more accessible public health system (my main focus is on Portugalโ€™s NHR regime).

Does anyone else here have/had a similar problem? I wonder how others have solved this issue.


Nomad communities in south island, New Zealand?

in New Zealand by @srg_b 7yr 7 years ago  | 4 comments

Iโ€™ll be spending ~6 weeks in south island New Zealand. Iโ€™m wondering where to be based. Iโ€™ve spent several days in Christchurch, and it seemed like the most boring city in the world (nhf). Other logical choice is Queenstown, albeit a bit expensive (I see thereโ€™s a coworking space there). I see thereโ€™s other towns on the map, but Iโ€™m wondering if Iโ€™m gonna find a community in any of them? Iโ€™d hate having to work from home.


Working remotely in New Zealand and getting permanent residency?

in New Zealand by @mmorris 8yr 8 years ago  | 4 comments

Soโ€ฆ Trump is Prez. The world looks to the US as a role model. He doesnโ€™t think Climate Change is real. Weโ€™re !@#$ed.

Canadian Citizen here. Was considering Costa Rica for a long term solution, but they wonโ€™t deal with the impact as well. We were always fond of NZ and my parents spend at least 3 months of the year there along with knowing some citizens.


  1. How can we gain a Permanent Residency Visa? It seems the Skilled Migrant Category makes the most sense as I am a Systems Analyst (by NAFTA requirments) and my wife could probably qualify as a Nutritionist/Naturopath/Counsellor. Anyone have experience with this path?
  2. I currently work for a US non-profit remotely. Does NZ allow for this? do I need a job in NZ to be considered for the Skilled Migrant Category? Can I work for the US org while my Permanent Residency is processed?



Any nomads up for skiing and a co-living experiment in Canada?


in Canada by @vladepap 8yr 8 years ago  | 31 comments

Hi guys,
Iโ€™ve been traveling for awhile now and lately Iโ€™ve been dreaming of heading back to Canada for the 2016/17 winter season (Dec-Mar?). Namely of spending a ski season in Nelson, BC, a mountain town I lived in a few years ago.

Nelson, BC is known for the most amazing powder. The small resort at Whitewater is very accessible (about 20 minutes outside of town) and in close proximity to slack and backcountry skiing. Nelson is also located near the Powder Highway and is accessible to a lot of other well known powder spots.

Have you ever dreamed of being a โ€œski bumโ€ for a season? Of skiing in the morning and working in the afternoon? Of attempting a co living experiment with other working, professional type nomads who share your passion and lifestyle?

What I know about co living I have learned from research around co working and it seems like the next logical step (to me). Have you heard of 20Mission in San Francisco? Or one of the other co living proposals in this forum? The experiment part is to see who would commit and what amazing projects and ideas might come out of such a space. In my experience, when I travel, there is something missing out of the places I stay. Either I get lonely or distracted by holiday makers and other travellers. I sometimes struggle to find a work space where I feel productive as well as engaged and would like to explore this as a solution. Work AND ski everyday? Be creative and productive where I live? Sounds pretty close to living the dream to me.

Some extras about Nelson:
Think white winter. Silence, snow covered trees and streets. Fireplace.
There are hot springs close by.
This is no ordinary small town, thereโ€™s a very diverse population.
This town is an organic, clean living mecca, or the opposite if thatโ€™s what you seek.
There are many opportunities to engage in the community, be it volunteering, participating in clubs or groups.

Thinking about it, I would put down three requirements;
Desire to ski
Working nomad
Long(ish) term stay (eg: a month?)

The idea is to rent a house with a group of committed individuals and see what happens. Will a type of community be fostered and emerge? How can we co-create it?

If I have piqued your interested and you want to join me, learn more or keep in touch, let me know. This post is meant to give me an idea of whether there is any interest in this idea.


Permanent Worldwide Health Insurance with no reimbursement policy

by @senseless 8yr 8 years ago  | 3 comments


Iโ€™ve been living outside the USA (my original home) for the last 10 years. I only go back occasionally to see family for a short period of time. Iโ€™m looking for a health insurance provider that is willing to provide global coverage (USA excluded) with no reimbursement policy that will also cover preexisting conditions.

In the philippines, they will let us die if we canโ€™t work out a payment arrangement (or at minimum pay a deposit). If the bank is closed and I canโ€™t get the money for the deposit, we die.

My current provider (here in the philippines) is blue cross philippines . Iโ€™ve grown tired of their incompetence and general ineptitude and am searching for a replacement outside of the philippines.

There is one thing I really like about our health insurance provider. They provide us with a visa card for which we use to charge all of our necessary medical expenses. Itโ€™s not a โ€˜health care credit cardโ€™ but our actual โ€˜proof of insurance cardโ€™. The card is issued from our health insurance provider and has all of their markings / logo / information on it as well as a 16 digit visa number, magnetic stripe and visa logo on the card.

Does anyone know of a health insurance company that will direct settle by giving the insured a visa / master / amex / etc card to charge their related medical expenses to?


How are your experiences with World Nomads travel insurance?

by @trippydad 8yr 8 years ago  | 7 comments

Iโ€™m on a RTW trip with my family for a year. Weโ€™re in a new country every few weeks or so. World Nomads seems to be the most popular company but they have horrendous reviews regarding payment of claims. Iโ€™d love to hear of other options people have experience with - or if youโ€™ve had a positive outcome with World Nomads. Thanks all.


Is WorldNomads enough or do I need additional insurance as a US citizen?

by @stefanlesser 8yr 8 years ago  | 9 comments

Iโ€™m planning to leave the US in May, travel for at least a year, maybe longer, and it is unclear, if Iโ€™m going back to the US at all, except for brief visits.

Looking at WorldNomads I seem to be covered for pretty much anything bad that could happen. But what happens, if I have to be transported back to US? If I understand correctly, WorldNomads is out at that point and Iโ€™m left with whatever insurance I have there.

How do you deal with this?

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