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Best Muay Thai Gym in Chiang Mai?

in Chiang Mai , Thailand by @makkatakka 7yr  | 2 comments


I am moving to Chiang Man for two months and am looking for a good Muy Thai gym. I have some previous training experience but am at the novice/intermediate level.

Can anyone who has trained Muy Thai in Chiang Mai recommend a school?


@holeinthehand Good to hear you will be training! :facepunch:

I tried 2 gyms (you will find them both on Google Maps).

Lanna Muay Thai - This place was a cool semi-outdoor gym. Only did 1 session here and it was HARDCORE. :relaxed: They will push you to your absolute physical limits. The schedule only had two classes per day when I was there. 1 class at 6AM and the other in the evening. Wasnโ€™t super convenient for me.

Chiang Mai Muay Thai Gym - This place is in the NorthWest corner of the old city (big square on the map!). Itโ€™s indoor with astro-turf floor (fake grass). I trained here regularly and the crew was cool as well. The best part was the convenience. The classes werenโ€™t at a specific time but they were flexible, so your training session would start as soon as you arrived. Kinda like a private session but only ~$9USD per session if I remember correctly.

Hope that helps. Best of luck!


Awesome. Thanks for the info! Will check both of these out. Donโ€™t suppose you can recommend a good motorcycle rental place too? :wink:

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Chiang Mai accommodation

in Chiang Mai , Thailand by @bertieb 3yr 3 years ago  | 0 comments

Can anyone recommend a good accommodation website for Chiang Mai?


Did you learn any Thai before staying in Chiang Mai?

in Chiang Mai , Thailand by @digitaldiva 4yr 4 years ago  | 0 comments

Iโ€™m curious to know how many people learned some Thai before going there. Learning languages is a hobby of mine but Iโ€™m very put off by how complex the writing system is, and if I decide not to learn it Iโ€™ll probably cross Chiang Mai off my bucket list. I prefer to be at least conversational in a language before I do an extended stay in a country. Iโ€™m curious how people who learned no Thai did getting by. And Iโ€™m curious, from people who did learn some, if itโ€™s any easier than it seems? Thanks!


Where to go and what to do for Christmas and NYE in Chiang Mai?

in Chiang Mai , Thailand by @shasha 5yr 5 years ago  | 0 comments

Hi everyone,

Iโ€™m currently in Chiang Mai and will be here for Christmas. Maybe for NYE too. Planning to go out and meet people and enjoy the holiday season. Any events or places to recommend?

Iโ€™d love to meet new friends too. Leave me a message if you are interested in hanging out.

Cheers! :cocktail:


How to arrange prescription medication abroad (for example Thailand / SEA)

in Thailand by @dezeisvastnogvrij 5yr 5 years ago  | 1 comment

Normally, when I go abroad for a longer period of time, I try to take as much medication with me from my home country as I can for that period. Which so far has worked well for me.

But if Iโ€™m going to be a full-time nomad that wonโ€™t work anymore. Mainly because Iโ€™ll then unregister from my country. Which has some downsides like not being able to have my current health insurance anymore. Other health insurance companies wonโ€™t cover existing conditions, so Iโ€™ll have to buy my medication โ€œover the counterโ€.

But since I need some medication which in The Netherlands (and I assume other countries) is only available on a doctors prescription. I was curious how people here arrange that (if there are any in the same boat as me).

The main medication I think would be hardest for me (and most expensive) to get is Epoetin-Alpha (Aranesp) injections.

Since thereโ€™s not really a โ€˜world wide standarizedโ€™ doctor prescription form, how do you get the medication abroad? Do you have a checkup there again at a local clinic before you can get the medication? (That would probably add to the cost too).


Are there comparable companies like Iglu in Thailand?

in Thailand by @stiensf 6yr 6 years ago  | 2 comments

You can look up the Iglu company in Thailand. It is a legal way of working in Thailand with a work permit for digital nomads. Are there other companies in Thailand offering work permits for digital nomads? They charge you 30% of your salary, which is a lot. Are there other companies charging less than Iglu or have a different pricing scheme?


Ho Chi Minh City, Chiang Mai or Bali for Jun-Jul-Aug for work?

in Chiang Mai , Thailand by @chelocoach 6yr 6 years ago  | 8 comments

Hi experienced nomads!

Iโ€™ve been nomading around SE Asia, HK and China for the last 4 to 5 months. Iโ€™ve been moving a lot and now I need to settle down for 3 months to finish some work. So the idea is to be in a stimulating city where I can find nomads, start-ups, self growth, self improvement, spirituality environments.
I already been for one month in Chiang mai, and liked it a lot in this respect, but wanted to try somewhere new, so was thinking to go to Ho Chi Minh or Bali. As I will be working mainly most of the time, the idea is not to spend much this three months, so my idea is to spend around 1200usd per month.

Would appreciate any opinions on this.

Best place to sit down and work for three months on a 1200usd budget a month?

Thnx :slight_smile:


What is the minimum delay before the flight to Chiang mai from France?

in France by @stephenzambaux 7yr 7 years ago  | 0 comments

Hi, I live in France and I planned to travel to Chiang Mai in the 01/24.
We are in December, do you think there is enough time to vaccination, visa?

Can I take a touristic visa from 01/24 to 04/22? Do I need to bight round trip flight ticket to get it?

Thank you


Can I enter Thailand on a tourist visa and obtain an education visa there?

in Thailand by @hydrofog 7yr 7 years ago  | 7 comments

As an American Citizen, would it be safe to fly into Thailand without a visa? You can get a 30 day upon entry right?

The reason I ask is, Iโ€™m in the process of getting my passport. Iโ€™d like to leave basically as soon as my passport arrives in the mail. Iโ€™m unable to apply for a Thai Visa until I have my passport, so that would require an even longer wait.

Would I be able to fly into Thailand with no visa, then get a 30 day entry, then apply for an education visa while inside the country? Once I go, Iโ€™d like to not have to return to the US. I donโ€™t mind if I have to take a bus/flight to a neighboring country for however long if I must leave while I wait for an education visa.


Moving to Thailand for 6-9 months in August. Bangkok or somewhere else?

in Bangkok , Thailand by @andrea3018 7yr 7 years ago  | 14 comments

Hello Nomads,
I would like to move in Thailand for 6-9 months starting from August.
Iโ€™ll definetely stay in Chiang Mai as base for most of the time but Iโ€™d like to do the first month (August) in Bangkok or somewhere else.
What place would you recommend to visit first?
Would Bangkok be a good place to be during August?
I was also checking at the east coast isles but I got a little frightened out by the moonsoon idea but still, it would be cool to go to beaches and have some sun during that month :slight_smile: .
Would the moonsoons or the rain really be a problem?
Iโ€™ll move to Chiang Mai from september anyway but I would just like to start somewhere else since I have to wait for my girlfriend to come during september.

Thank you in advance for your advices,
Sorry for the bad english,


What's the best way for Canadians to get cash or transfer money in Thailand & SEA?

in Thailand by @artofbryce 7yr 7 years ago  | 5 comments

Weโ€™re setting off on our first venture for new digital nomad life in 20 days!

  • starting in Chiang Mai as our home base
  • 1 year ED visa
  • planning to bounce around all over

Right now, Iโ€™m utterly baffled and confused by trying to figure out how weโ€™re going to be able to get more cash or transfer money from our bank accounts in Canada. Either at all or without getting charged insane fees.

Iโ€™ve looked through the forum and a lot of solutions put forth with no real luck. Hoping that some Canadians may chime in with solutions, experience or advice.



Extending Thai visa immediately after entering possible?

by @gonchs 7yr 7 years ago  | 3 comments

I tried googling this for hours without success.

If I enter Thailand on single entry 60-day visa, can I extend it for +30 days (for a total of 90 days) IMMEDIATELY the next day after the entry?

E.g. entering on Aug 1 and extending it on Aug 2. Have anyone done this?


Has anyone done the Non O Ed Visa in Hand to Hand Combat in Chiang Mai?

in Chiang Mai , Thailand by @artofbryce 7yr 7 years ago  | 4 comments

Weโ€™re headed to Chiang Mai in July looking at our options for visas and came across this:

Has anyone done it?

It looks amazing and beneficial for many reasons, but Iโ€™m a little skeptical without being able to read external reviews or hear of experiences from people whoโ€™ve successfully done it.

Thoughts and other options are appreciated!

p.s. right now we have a one-way ticket and are wanting to keep our options open to stay longer if we love it (which weโ€™re anticipating)


Bali vs. Chiang Mai for digital nomads?

in Chiang Mai , Thailand by @snu6ew 7yr 7 years ago  | 16 comments

My girlfriend and I started our DN life this March and went straight to Chiang Mai because of itโ€™s ease of living. We love it. CM is great โ€“ we got a scooter for 2700 THB, a nice apartment for 8000 THB all in, we get our laundry done for 50 THB, eat out at nice places every day for less than 100 THB etc. Arriving here needed nearly no preparation โ€“ it just worked out all by itself.

We are still on tight budget and donโ€™t want to give up much of CMโ€™s quality of life but we want to see other places and we are now thinking about what could be our next destination. We are not really willing and able to spend more than what we spend now. Bali seems to be a good place according to what you all wrote.

How does it compare to Chiang Mai or Thailand in general?
CM can get very hot and we often acknowledge that we should have chosen an apartment with a pool here. Can I rent something in Bali for a few months with a pool for less than 250 USD?

Are there any Nomad-houses or similar projects at the moment that make it easy to connect to other people?

We donโ€™t really hang out in co-working spaces, more in cafรฉs. We source products in China and sell them to customers in Europe through e-commerce.

Any tips or experiences are greatly appreciated. Thanks!


What is the best dentist in Chiang Mai?

in Chiang Mai , Thailand by @siquick 7yr 7 years ago  | 5 comments

Any recommendations? Looking for temporary crown.


Where can I buy an office chair for my apartment in Chiang Mai?

in Chiang Mai , Thailand by @anderkd 7yr 7 years ago  | 0 comments

The apartment manager suggested, but nothing there. Any suggestions anyone?


How is Chiang Mai's air quality?

in Chiang Mai , Thailand by @albyantoniazzi 7yr 7 years ago  | 9 comments

Hello everyone!
Iโ€™m currently touring South East Asia and Iโ€™m now in Koh Lanta (Thailand). I was planning to visit Chiang Mai on friday, but Iโ€™ve read the air quality in this period is so bad due to fires that are using as a method of cultivating crops there in the north. Is it something to take in consideration or just nothing to care about?
Thanks in advance!
And by the way, if anybody is in Chiang Mai and would like to grab a coffee would also be cool!


What place in Thailand has fast internet and beautiful nature?


in Thailand by @tomanna 8yr 8 years ago  | 26 comments

Hi all!

Iโ€™m trying to work out where I should go in Thailand that offers a combination of strong internet connection with a bit of natural beauty (hills/sea - I donโ€™t really mind).

Iโ€™ve been in Bali recently and whilst it is gorgeous it has two main problems for me. First, it doesnโ€™t really support a lifestyle where you walk anywhere - the roads are dangerous and pavements largely non-existant. And, famously, the internet connections here arenโ€™t fabulous, unless you go to a coworking spot.

Can anyone with experience of Thailand please tell me if they can recommend somewhere thatโ€™s attractive to be in, well connected, and less-than-lethal for pedestrians?



What is the first thing I should do when I land in Chiang Mai?

in Chiang Mai , Thailand by @joshuaballard 8yr 8 years ago  | 11 comments

I have been tempted by the digital nomad lifestyle for quite some time now.

I purposefully built a business that allowed me to work anywhere that has my PC and an internet connection, but then ended up renting an office and just going about life business as usual in the town I grew up in.

I finally booked tickets for a few months in Asia, and will be landing in Chiang Mai on the 17th of March

(which someone pointed out to me is actually the smokey season, which iโ€™m reading about now)

For a first time digital nomad, what would you recommend as the first point of call when landing in a new city?

thanks for any shared wisdom all



How to find short term accommodation in Chiang Mai?

in Chiang Mai , Thailand by @kathrynoh 8yr 8 years ago  | 12 comments

Iโ€™m planning on 6 weeks in Chiang Mai soon and most of the stuff Iโ€™ve read about finding a place there says the best thing to do is to look in person. Considering the short time Iโ€™m there, I would prefer to prebook to say a couple of days of apartment hunting.

I was wondering about the options for short(ish) term accommodation and if pre-booking is worthwhile or if Iโ€™ll just get fobbed off with the worst room/apartment available.

Iโ€™m just looking for something basic - so long as it has air conditioning. Having a work space would be a definite advantage as would closeness to coffee. Other than that, things like a pool, gym, kitchen arenโ€™t that important to me.


Age-old question... If you live in Thailand, what visa do you have?

in Thailand by @natalie1 8yr 8 years ago  | 7 comments

Hola, nomads! I am currently living in sleepy Ajijc, Mexico, and love having my easy 6 month tourist visa. However, Iโ€™ve stayed in Chaing Mai before and my heart is pulling me there again. Yet Iโ€™m daunted by the headache of visa runs. Iโ€™m American, so it looks like my options are that I can get a 6 month Multiple Entry visa, which does require me to leave every 60 days.
Does that mean I just cross borders via land and Iโ€™ll be good for another 60 days? The websites Iโ€™ve seen havenโ€™t been very clear.
Also, it looks like you need a minimum of $7,000 USD in the bank to get that visa. I donโ€™t have that, though I could do a cash transfer to my bank account from my credit card for a month to show it. How many bank statements do I need to show thereโ€™s $7,000 in my account?
Also, can I apply for the Multiple Entry from Thailand or only outside of it?
What visas do you use if youโ€™re there longer term?
I also looked into the Student visa, but the school I looked at required 8 hours a week of class. I work too much to do that.
My understanding is that if you are there, you can get a 2 month visa (possibly called the Single Entry visa), then have to fly out and come back from an international airport, and you can get another month, then do an extension for one more, then fly again. Am I correct? If so, that is a lot of traveling and extensionsโ€ฆ
Insight is appreciated!!

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