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Does anyone regret becoming a nomad?

by @acdc 10yr  | 15 comments

Iโ€™ve got a lot running through my mind at the moment, Iโ€™m rather anxious as it feels as if Iโ€™m coming towards a crossroad and need to make a decision soon, of which Iโ€™m not confident in making the right one.

Long post, it does come back around (i.e., details about my situation in middle, then Q at end about anyone similar, or who thinks their old life was the same if not better)

I have a partner & a pet.


City A

  • Own a house
  • Have some family left, they are getting old (mid 70โ€™s). Have some friends and roots, no close friends though.
  • Nothing particularly wrong with it. Donโ€™t get out much so lack of attractions isnโ€™t a big deal (and besides once youโ€™ve lived for 10+ years it will have little left to do outside of routine gym/cinema/restaurants/beach)

City B

  • I have parents here with 2 siblings (very young). So โ€˜future-proofโ€™ wise this is better (i.e., would we end up moving here one day anyway? Could be worth biting the bullet now)
  • Okay-ish for rent, very expensive to buy. Basically double what my house is worth.
  • If we fell out with parent or didnโ€™t like siblings (it could happen) then weโ€™d have lost pretty much the only reason to move here


  • The generic pros/cons
  • More specific cons: What to do with house (rent likely). What to do with all the contents (~$20k worth), would sell at a fraction of what would cost to rebuy. Our pet :frowning:
  • Would cost $1-2k each year to come back home to visit. Reliant on other people (staying at their house while visiting for a few weeks/month would be harder then being close where visits are shorter and easier to not be so intertwined).

I travelled for ~3 months straight last year so Iโ€™ve got a decent understanding of the work implications and routines there.

Iโ€™m wondering what to do, is the travelling really worth it or is it an escape fantasy that wonโ€™t deliver?

Itโ€™d be hard to go back if change mind (hey can we take our pet back? Tenant has a 12 month lease. Rebuying things).

My thought was (pending family thoughts):

  • Take some key things to family house in City B. Pet can stay here
  • Nomad lifestyle, and visit City B once a year or so along with City A and some other various family for ~2 months before leaving again
    Seems to be the best compromise between nomad lifestyle and family.

Has anyone else been on the fence, how did it work out?
Has anyone changed to the nomad lifestyle and found out it wasnโ€™t as good as they thought, and staying put would have been a good option in the end?

@libtuck 9yr

Hell no! :slight_smile: Overall no regrets. Seriously. Itโ€™s tough to work through the obstacles. Family, partner, pet, house - I have had all the same issues. Working through the details as you are now, step by step, will help bring clarity. But, Iโ€™ve found that the personal growth outweighs the obstacles, and that when you look back the obstacles are really only perceived - thereโ€™s a solution for each of them. Itโ€™s a personal decision, however. For me, I downsized from 2 houses to 4 boxes, digtized everything, and hit the road. You can always go back. And if you do, the worst that will happen is you will have grown.

@flyonthewall 10yr

Donโ€™t regret it really. But there are times of loneliness. Me and the wife sometimes miss having connections with people who we know well and who know us.

Itโ€™s hard to form deep connections while on the road (not impossible thoughโ€ฆ). Weโ€™ve met some people who we became reasonably good friends with. But without hanging out and spending a lot of idle time together, you donโ€™t truly become the best of friends. Plus, if youโ€™re not a โ€˜residentโ€™ youโ€™ll always have the fact that youโ€™ll leave one day hanging over your head so it perhaps colors your interactions and relationships a little bit.

The lifestyle is incredible, but it can get a bit lonely. You win some, you lose some, I guess. :slight_smile:

@acdc 10yr

Slowest reply ever - I appreciate the input and have been mulling around.

Nothing wrong with the current city, itโ€™s more โ€œwhen Iโ€™m 50 will I look back and think, sh*t I really should have travelled while I had the chance?โ€. Who knows what will happen in the future, a decade ago this was hardly possible, and perhaps a decade from now there will be a lot more competition and not as easy to work from anywhere, or the web wonโ€™t exist as we know it etc. Just look at the billion dollar app development industry that didnโ€™t exist a decade agoโ€ฆ things migrate, need to reskill, currencies rise and fall, fuel is low right now and flights are cheaper then ever.

On the most part Iโ€™m happy enough with digital communication, I donโ€™t need to physically see someone to feel connected. I know however most people (I donโ€™t want to say โ€œoldโ€ but most are ;)) need that. Somehow talking for 2 hrs on the phone is different to 2 hrs talking at a table, so itโ€™s mainly accommodating them.

Thereโ€™s a lot of stuff, heck, the kitchen alone must have 200 items - crockery, utensils, cooking, placemats, pans, pots etc etc. Built up over years and they all match. Itโ€™s simply the financial cost of repurchasing (although selling 2nd hand, canโ€™t buy easily 2nd hand without it being a mishmash of items). However, this isnโ€™t really a large factor in any decision, more a financial implication if itโ€™s decided to come home soon.

Anyway, the house is on the market to rent, tickets (some) have been purchased, so will see what happens! Which is then the next issue, on one hand need to be flexible, on the other hand a small oversight can have large consequences (customs, visas, and weโ€™ll throw โ€œdoing things with your unwed partner in Dubai etcโ€ on that list). Hardly to get the balance between going with the flow and having problems from poor planning.


Short reply here, just my 2ยข regarding property concernsโ€ฆ

Do you own your stuff or does it own you?

Put it in storage, rent out your home and try the nomadic lifestyle for a year (yes, you can do it with a pet, it just requires more planning and less impulsive moves). If you find you like the lifestyle and donโ€™t miss your stuff, liquidate it. Otherwise you can always move back home and get your stuff out of storage.

You donโ€™t have to decide what to do with the rest of your life; just decide what to do with the next year.


Interesting post. I wish you luck in your decision making. I can say that it sounds like you desire community. A real community where you have people who care about you, follow up with you and (I can say) will be challenging. But then again, itโ€™s challenging everywhere.

I am between several countries and Iโ€™ve built a few different communities. But what I can say is that the people I care for and who care for me the most - are the ones that are the most rooted. The digital Nomad lifestyle is cool but - I think Iโ€™m going to go semi-retired soon.

City A and B sound boring for you with limited sights to see. But I can say the same of anywhere I will settle. It will get boring. I think the key with being a Digital Nomad is flexibility. Do you want to see rooted for 6 months and then completely unattached the other 6? Okayโ€ฆ a good starting point is figuring out how to do that.

@acdc 10yr


Quite a lot of anxiousness has been work (some things going wrong, and out of my hands - one of those โ€œitโ€™s not technically my fault, but it wonโ€™t stop them from suing me, and even though Iโ€™d likely win itโ€™s a truckload of trouble + cost anywayโ€ type scenarios). This nomad/not-nomad has just been on-top, we are already going away for 2 months in April/May, so itโ€™d make sense to go nomad off the back of that rather than come back home, then have to head back down. Thereโ€™s just a lot of factors all coming to a head at once, and people wanting to be accommodated for things yet having no firm dates (and no doubt Iโ€™ll be the bad guy in some of my families eyes). Iโ€™m generally not too stressed, itโ€™s been rather unusual having trouble sleeping, just a constant tightness in my chest, not very hungry because stomach is churningโ€ฆ Work is probably 90% of it tbh. Iโ€™ve downloaded some guided meditation apps so will give that a crack today.


Iโ€™m alright work wise. The main problem is getting my partner more involved so she can handle more tasks. No good if thereโ€™s 2 hrs of stuff for her and 8 hrs for me.

We already travelled for 2-3 months last year so have a decent idea. There are definitely things that we fought about, for example she canโ€™t read maps for ****, so I had to plan nearly everything otherwise it was totally disorganised. We both work from home so thereโ€™s no problem in regards to being together nearly 24x7 in a small apartment (or shoebox as some are!)


More inclined to stay at home I think, though she seems happy enough to travel around.

Family would want the pet, theyโ€™ve had him before when weโ€™ve gone away. The problem is if we come home in 1-2 years, my partner would want him back for sure but Iโ€™m not too sure theyโ€™d be happy with it, i.e., itโ€™s either โ€œweโ€™ll be back for sure itโ€™s a leaseโ€ or โ€œweโ€™ll likely not be back for years, heโ€™s yoursโ€. If I had someones pet for a few years thatโ€™s a lot of time, I wouldnโ€™t want to hand them backโ€ฆ

There is nothing wrong with where we are, itโ€™s more โ€œwould I regret not travelling for years while I had the chanceโ€ (which I may still well have later, but know 100% I do right now).

@wanderingdev 10yr

One thing you have to get used to as part of the DN lifestyle is missing stuff and not feeling guilty about it. Iโ€™ve missed weddings, births, deaths and many more minor things in between. I prepped my family in advance that the only thing I was coming back for would be something to do with my mom and while they didnโ€™t like it, they donโ€™t need to because itโ€™s not their life, itโ€™s mine. I have 2nd cousins who barely know I exist and when they see me itโ€™s weird but I like my life more than I like most of my family so I live with it. :slight_smile:

@libtuck 9yr

+1 for your reply. It took years but my family got over it and accept and understand that I still love them, but that my life is my own.

@notanomad 10yr

What does your partner think? A difference of opinion on that is likely to be your biggest regret (Iโ€™m assuming, based on your framing of the post that there are no major career implications, which is the other major regret some people have.) And Iโ€™d have to ask whether the family really want your pet, or whether it would be kinder to offer it to someone else and say goodbye if you do want to move?

The cost of visiting family/friends should be saved with cost of living differences and rental/sale income from your old house so shouldnโ€™t be a factor if you were to be choose the nomadic route. Nor should you wanting to see them longer than they want to host you.

A permanent move to City B doesnโ€™t seem a real option, based on what youโ€™ve said.
Staying in City A but taking more extended breaks overseas - something you havenโ€™t considered - might be.

@jonmyers 10yr

Thereโ€™s a lot of dependencies here.

Main ones:

How do you earn?

How will your income grow?

I think a lot of people tend to forget about the last point, growth and focus on sustaining their lifestyle.

That will only work for so long.

The older you get the more your needs and desires grow.

Your income has to keep up.

The partner is another dependency.

Relationships grow together and apart on the road. It can also be massive source of liability if you are in building mode plus traveling.

Iโ€™ve crashed and burned a few times with the bringing a partner on the road thing.

The family thing works itself out.

Iโ€™ll be 43 this year and have been at this since the age of 20.

When my mother came down with cancer, the lifestyle afforded me the luxury of being by her side from the moment we found out until the moment she passed.

Things may not have worked out that way if I was locked into the traditional script of what we are supposed to be doing in the US.

I have no regrets so far.

Iโ€™ve maintained most of my relationships over the years.

If anything, many of my close peers are quite envious of the position Iโ€™m in.

In contrast, I have no envy.

Iโ€™m very happy with the life I have.

@ramblurr 10yr

I can understand your concern and trepidation @acdc.

I want to echo @danmidwoodโ€™s advice, in different words: nothing is permanent. None of the choices you make will be permanent. You can always bounce back and recover what youโ€™ve lost (except for things Iโ€™ll list below).

Youโ€™re approaching it from an all or nothing mindset: Do I go nomad or settle down forever? That dichotomy isnโ€™t real. If you โ€œgo nomadโ€ you can always return. You donโ€™t need to sell your belongings and house in the beginning, wait 6 months or a year to make sure youโ€™re comfortable with the nomadic choice.

Even if you sell your belongings and house, you can always buy new ones. But, I hear you counter, at what cost?! What is the cost of not becoming nomadic? In terms of happiness and self-fulfillment. What is the cost of living a life at A or B that you donโ€™t seem to excited about.

The above said, there are a few exceptions, things you canโ€™t get back. Youโ€™ll noticed they are all non-material.

  1. Time spent with aging or growing family members
  2. Companionship of a special pet given away

These are two costs Iโ€™ve paid during my years as a nomad. Paid, not easily, but paid nonetheless. And in most cases Iโ€™ve been happy with it. Living where my family is would not have contributed to my long-term well being.

Has anyone changed to the nomad lifestyle and found out it wasnโ€™t as good as they thought, and staying put would have been a good option in the end?

Iโ€™m sure it has happened, but remember, the dichotomy is false! You can try it out, and if you donโ€™t find that it suits you, return! Donโ€™t let the anxiousness and nervousness eat you up before you actually even make a choice that is totally reversible.

@acdc 10yr

Thanks for the replies!


Although more difficult to find people, if we could rent our house out furnished thatโ€™d make life a lot easier should we want to come back.

Australia, have 90 or 180 days - from memory it was half the year. It also included factors such as any houses, mail etc - the more โ€˜setupโ€™ you are the more likely theyโ€™ll consider you still living here even if youโ€™re away most the time.

B seems more future-proof, but yes only 1 pro with a lot more cons so it seems the easy loser.


If I didnโ€™t want to stay then itโ€™d be a very simple choice! (no choice really, the only real option). Certainly if I was single Iโ€™d already be travelling around.


It does go off-track a bit, itโ€™s a much more condensed version of the pros/cons list I made.

Thatโ€™s exactly the problem, things are pretty much fine the way they are. On the other hand the longer we stay here the more things there will be to leave behind, so itโ€™s almost as if we donโ€™t start soon we may never. Who knows what the future holds, right now I can make a good income anywhere, in 5 or 10 yrs it may not be the case.

If I was coming back to visit someone for a week to a month would want to stay with them; maximise the amount of time spent together so can stay for as little as possible. There isnโ€™t a reason to come back to Australia at all except for family, I donโ€™t want to rent a place for a month and only see them a few times a week. I would encourage them to join me at times however that would be rather rare so will need to do most of the visiting.

@danmidwood 10yr

The content of your question doesnโ€™t really match the body.

But, specifically with regard to regrets of becoming a nomad, Iโ€™m sure that some people do regret it. But Iโ€™d strongly advise against choosing to not-do something because you may regret it. Many of the best things come from taking risks, but so do regrets. I donโ€™t think you can have one without the other.

So, with regard to City A, City B or Nomad. The first two choices seem permanent and with the exclusion of all other choices. You donโ€™t seen particularly passionate about either of them.

You seem unsure about becoming a nomad. And thatโ€™s fine, itโ€™s a big scary decision and itโ€™s completely normal to be anxious about it. Put your things in storage if it makes it easier, you can do that and then decide what to do with them later. Your pet, itโ€™s difficult, itโ€™s saying goodbye and thatโ€™s something youโ€™d have to accept.

If you go nomad and come back to visit, thatโ€™s fine. You donโ€™t need to stay at other peoplesโ€™ houses, be reliant on them. Stay in an airbnb, hotel, whatever. If you can be a nomad in other cities then you can still be a nomad in your home city. Itโ€™s fine.

@homakov 10yr

It depends on what kind of person and lifestyle you like. You care about your parents and your stuff and OMG even a pet. In no time after becoming a nomad you might regret it and miss your friends/family.

However, if youโ€™re a person like i am, you hate your hometown, your family and have no partner or other roots itโ€™s kind of awesome. Thereโ€™s a word for it i think โ€œnihilistโ€

@wanderingdev 10yr

When I first went nomad, I was worried about not liking it and wanting to stop so I was unwilling to give up all the stuff I had because replacing it all would have been very expensive. 6 months later I returned to the US and donated 90% of it keeping just my books and my art collection and a couple heirloom pieces which are now integrated into family member homes.

I donโ€™t regret it at all and would do it again in a heartbeat. If youโ€™re worried about your stuff, put it in storage for a while until youโ€™re sure or rent out your house furnished.

You donโ€™t say where youโ€™re from, but if youโ€™re from the US, watch how long you stay there on visits back. One of the bennies of being a nomad is the break on taxes and youโ€™d lose that if you were in the US for two months unless you establish residence elsewhere.

I would not move to city B. You have no real burning desire to be there so why do it?

Just my $.02

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Thanks in advance


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We just finished our first stint around South East Asia and somehow survived 3 days of way too many flights, leaving me to feel like death.

Too much shitty airplane food, not enough sleep, big time difference from Mexico to SEA.

Anyone have tips to prevent that more in the future (aside from better flight plans)? More importantly, how do I recover faster from this horror?


Can anyone recommend a good Swedish bank for European student?

by @raz 6yr 6 years ago  | 1 comment

The ideal bank will have an easy on-boarding as a European student studying and living in Sweden for a year and is merciful when it comes to sending GBP into the account.
Can anybody recommend a good Swedish bank? :raised_hands:


Where to stay in Budapest as a digital nomad?

in Budapest , Hungary by @pparma 6yr 6 years ago  | 2 comments

HI, Iโ€™m from Argentina: new to Nomad List, and to digital nomad life in general :slight_smile:

I want to travel to Budapest on March for two months, can anyone recommend
the best area to stay?


Does anyone plan on applying to the Vermont $10,000 remote work incentive?

by @wagmanben 6yr 6 years ago  | 5 comments

Hello All,
Saw Vermont rolled out an incentive to get more remote workers to live there, Does anyone plan on applying and If so why? Reason Iโ€™m asking is I work for an organization in Tulsa, Ok that wants to also bring in Nomads, and would love to hear your thoughts on what such a plan should look like

Any help would be Awesome!

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