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Renting out apartment on Airbnb while traveling

by @swechris 8yr  | 7 comments

What are some good strategies on taking care of Airbnb managment while on traveling mode?


@busdriver 8yr

You need someone local who can take care of check-in (check ID) and for emergencies. That can be a friend, a cleaning lady (if she is clever) or a service for airbnb hosts (more costly).
You can do the communication and marketing yourself or through a service (expect like 5-10 hours per week of work) or a service provider.

Do you want guests staying for weeks and months or short like a few days or a week. The first you can run yourself even while traveling, the second is more demanding. If that (the second) makes sense, depends on your property. A good location means a good income from hosting, a bad location can mean you are not even covering the costs plus a usual mid- or longterm rent.
I hope that helps.

@swechris 8yr

Thanks guys!
Great insights, especially what tonycarreon and guillaume_duquesnay said.



I will assume you have the right to rent your apartment before going further :wink:

Iโ€™ve been traveling for a year and now Iโ€™m settling in Asia while I own an apartment in Paris. I didnโ€™t know if it was going to be permanent so I used airbnb to rent my place with some flexibility.
I had 3 main problems to solve :

  • give keys to guests and ensuring you retrieve them
  • do the cleaning
  • urgent handy interventions

and bonus

  • small repairs

I go through these topics and then to some underlying points that had helped me practically

  • for cleaning : you can have an arrangement with a cleaning company. Last minute cleaning is difficult to find at Ok price but after some time my apartment has good reputation and people book in advance, so no more last minute (you can also automatically prevent last minute booking in your parameters)

  • for handing keys to guests, while 3 startups where known to welcome Airbnb guests in Paris, only one remained alive it was Bnbsitter (Iโ€™m quite happy with them). Eventually youโ€™ll find an equivalent in your city. I book them on a per-intervention base. They welcome my guest with the keys, and eventually I can hire them for a full checkout intervention at the end (checking TV, appliances still working, counting coutellerie, etc). They also do cleaning so I use them for previous point.
    There may be other options, like having a friendly neighbor bar/shop to manage your keys but in case of late check-in time or if your guestโ€™s flight has been delayed the limited opening time of a shop becomes a problem. Airbnb site has a lot of fancy tips for managing the keys while youโ€™re away (secure boxes with codes that you control online to leave your keys, etc), but I found many of them were experimental when digging.
    I also seen existing door locks with remote codes, thatโ€™s the most viable opstart to me but requires an investment

  • regarding direct interventions on the spot, eventual repair and all, well I have a friend nearby but I canโ€™t ask him anything anytime, he has kids and all and Iโ€™m not feeling to abuse of his time. I still need to find a local professional I can trust eventually. There are some online places to find some pros but I didnโ€™t take the time to cross check reviews and trust this system.
    If you are away for short term only you may not need this.

So, underlying points I faced.

  • This all took a learning curve : using coursier, having service guys coordinates with your janitor / guardian, who gives the keys to who, etc. But now itโ€™s smooth.
    It is a fun game actually to liberate yourself from being there. I consider it a nomad skill.
    So after a time you will have all figured out, just donโ€™t take the first hassles as signs to give up

  • getting a local land line phone number through Skype helped me a lot. I can be called anytime โ€œold schoolโ€, and not only whatsapp / Skype or internation call.
    Now my French mobile provider Orange has a mobile system (Libon) for calling in France at local rate like itโ€™s my local mobile (I still have a contract). People see that as my French mobile calling, it helps being trusted when I call

  • I made extra keys for friends, janitor, and then 2 with me abroad in case I need to send one set in emergency if all else fails (while keeping my set) (I learnt it the hard way)

Other tips are about the โ€œproduct managementโ€

  • build a host reputation to raise your fees up to a comfortable level for you (By being friendly to people and starting with shy prices first)
    I have now the financial margin to easily hire people to help in case of emergency, guest appreciate. I had a mother with 2 kids willing to chill out for Christmas in Paris and my TV died (was to be expected, I should have trust the signs earlier of this piece of crap). Chilling out with kids without kids chanel? nope. I bought online a new TV at a local reseller, then sent someone to pick it and install it (then subscribe for kids anime channel)
    Not being too concerned about my return on investment was key to go fast and remain nice to my guest in crisis.
    Being away you can only delegate to people to help you, so that comes with a financial comfort.

  • get serious guests by constraining the type of stay. I now only accept 5 days minimum, it keeps away party goer or non respectful people (been there, had problems). Interesting realisation : when people pay more they are more respectful. It came from my first experiences : donโ€™t set a price which says you donโ€™t care about your place.

  • dirty tip to test your prices : open booking weeks or month before you leave so you can sbefore your guests. Deactivate instant booking, play with the price : if many people want to book, decline and raise your prices. not nice but it helped me dare a comfortable fee for my flat.

Final note on the type of product youโ€™ll rent : invest in having a good place, well maintained (so fix stuff before you leave), so guest appreciate, wonโ€™t mess it up, leave you good reviews, and wonโ€™t comment on your price if they are happy. Makes the product worth it, thatโ€™s a virtual circle.

I guess thatโ€™s it

Hope it helps!


*my post is specifically about a house, but most items will applyโ€ฆ
a few years ago i went to europe for 3 months and listed my house on airbnb.

  1. make sure your landlord knows whatโ€™s happening. no guest wants to get kicked out or be denied access because youโ€™re not allowed to sub-let.
  2. make sure your neighbors know whatโ€™s going on. no one wants to come home to see a stranger wandering the halls or entering someone elseโ€™s apartment.
  3. if possible, get a remote door lock that you can program with unique codes. (this is what i did and it eliminates having to find a friend to drive across town to wait for guests to arrive to hand off a key.)
  4. hire a maid that will come after a guest checks out to tidy up - sweep, vacuum, wash/change sheets, etc.
  5. make sure anything you really care about is out of the house / apartment. things have a tendency to wander off and since you wonโ€™t be around after each checkout, there will be no way to prove which guest took something.
  6. i only told guests i would not be available to meet them on the day prior to their arrival. since i was renting the entire house, no one complained about my lack of visibility.

you might want to look in to a task rabbit or other service (there are specific ones for airbnb hosts) that handle a lot of those tasks for you. they can be more expensive than what i did or not.
additionally, you might contact other hosts in the area and tell them youโ€™d be willing to split the reservation fees you get in exchange for them looking after your place.

@kristof 8yr

This may have some interesting information:

@kathrynoh 8yr

Wow, it blows my mind that you can buy a decent apartment in the US for $40K.

@kathrynoh 8yr

I donโ€™t have personal experience but I was reading this site today that has some good info -

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Anyone want to share an airbnb villa in Mexico?

in Mexico by @wouternomad 4yr 4 years ago  | 3 comments

I will be traveling/working through Mexico with my dog February to April. My plan is to stay in Sayulita for about 2-4 weeks, then travel south along the cost.

Is there anyone who wants to share an airbnb apartment? I was thinking of renting a private villa, but because these are large and have multiple rooms, I was wondering if there are fellow nomads wanting to share? Iโ€™m open to other locations as well (Puerto Vallerta, Oaxaca, and everything in between these two locations.


How to get SMS verifications for banks while traveling?


by @jackgopack 4yr 4 years ago  | 38 comments

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Unless Iโ€™m missing something, which is very possible, this appears to be the single most complex issue Iโ€™ve encountered in my preparations, and one that no one addresses. I would greatly appreciate any possible solution that works 100% of the time. Canโ€™t afford surprises in this regard. Many Thanks! Jack.


Do you prefer co-living spaces or hostels or Airbnbs?

by @davda1546 4yr 4 years ago  | 5 comments

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What are your experiences of accommodation in terms of the following: reliable wifi, social aspect, pricing, cleanliness, cooking facilities?


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How to get a UK residence address without renting/buying?

by @pavel_maximov 4yr 4 years ago  | 17 comments

Iโ€™m an EU national IT specialist, recently decided to become a digital nomad. I just left my permanent job in Germany and opened a UK based LTD (for a better taxation) to start a new career as remote working IT contractor. I also want to become a UK resident and pay personal income tax there BUT I donโ€™t want to rent/buy a place because I have no interest in physically living in the UK, as a nomad I will be traveling abroad 100% of the time.

So I just need a UK address where Iโ€™m registered as a resident and could receive mail, but I would never actually be there. I could rent a place and keep it empty but that would be a total waste of money.

How do I find somebody who could give me an official residence at his/her address and keep my name on the door? Iโ€™m ok with paying a reasonable monthly fee for this โ€œserviceโ€ (but not as high as a rent), and give assurance in whatever form that I will never pretend to physically live there. I have no close friends in the UK to ask for this favor, and trying to propose this to a random landlord would be just weird since they are not familiar with the needs of a digital nomad.

Maybe you guys can suggest me somebody who understand the situation and want to make some extra cash every month to pay the bills? Iโ€™m ready to meet in person, provide full proof of identity or any other document, and to make a written agreement that gives the landlord the freedom to cancel this โ€œsituationโ€ at any time.

This is NOT for tax evasion, itโ€™s the opposite! I WANT to pay full tax as UK resident, I just donโ€™t want to waste money on a rent which I will literally never use.

I would be very grateful for any advice!



How to find Bangkok apartment rentals <$1,000/mo?

in Bangkok , Thailand by @vesko89 5yr 5 years ago  | 1 comment

Hey all,

i am trying to find a monthly based condo in SUKHUMVIT in BKK becaue i am staying 1-3 Months in BKK. But somehow its nearly impossible to find a nice one. Except Air BnB 1000$+ โ€ฆ

How do you find your Condos in BKK?

Greetings Vesko


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What is your ergonomic set-up while traveling?

I personally have an external keyboard, and am currently exploring getting a laptop stand, some lumbar support, and a trackball-mouse.

What do you use? How are you balancing health / portability?


Estonia apartment site

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I want to rent an apartment for 3 months


When to book on Airbnb beforehand?

by @lostwithlocals 6yr 6 years ago  | 3 comments

Hi all,

So, for the last 5 years or so Iโ€™ve been working in the travel industry - which means Iโ€™ve not had to worry about things like accommodation, because my employer provided it wherever they sent me. This means that , although Iโ€™ve been hopping around the world for some time, some of the typical nomad tools like airbnb are relatively new to me now that Iโ€™ve crossed over to the world of freelancing.

I was looking forward to adopting a โ€œgo where the wind takes youโ€ mantra; never booking anything more than a few days ahead so that, if Iโ€™m in a bar and someone talks about a place really cool, I can justโ€ฆ up and go.

Well, Iโ€™m beginning to realise, that may be an unrealistic ideal! Iโ€™ve been taking a look through airbnb (granted, itโ€™s for Europe Summer), and Iโ€™m looking about 2 months in advance and everything is booked! Most searches I perform give back statements like โ€œCareful, only 5% of bookings with your search criteria are leftโ€ - in fact one of the places I planned to pass through only had 1 result left available.

It appears to me that if you want a reasonable period (letโ€™s say 2 weeks), with a few basic conditions like wifi, space to work, etc and you want it at an affordable price that you need to start hunting whatโ€ฆ 6 months in advance? Doesnโ€™t seem very spontaneous and nomadic.

Those of you that have more experience booking with airbnb - how far ahead are you booking to get what you need?




Getting a Russian Visa while traveling

in Russia by @shaulsolomon 6yr 6 years ago  | 1 comment

I am an English/American currently in Israel, and heading in a week to Georgia/Armenia for two weeks and then want to head to Russia for a week.
As I am only in Israel for another week, would it be possible to apply for the visa in Israel and ask to receive it in Armenia (my last stop before I want to go to Russia)?
Or perhaps there is another better option that I have available?


How to find an apartment to rent in Berlin?

in Berlin , Germany by @julianamundim 6yr 6 years ago  | 5 comments

looking for a place to rent for 3 months in Berlin.
except for Airbnb, have you tried any other online services?


How to find a short-term apartment in Casablanca?

in Casablanca , Morocco by @arved1990 7yr 7 years ago  | 0 comments

Hi everyone,

i plan to work from Casablanca from mid of April to begin of June this year and were wondering if anyone knows how to find a short-term apartment or a living commune . AirBnB does not really offer much under 1000 Euro, which seems a bit high for me.

I am looking for a 1-bedroom apartment o a room close to the city centre - budget: max 500 800 Euro. Can someone help?

Thanks! Arved


Parenting whilst nomads

by @figoshow 7yr 7 years ago  | 13 comments

My wife and I are both nomadic performers traveling the world full time for the last 10 years, we tend to stay in a place for around 3 months then move on. We are about to have our first kid, our main concern is how our kid is going to make friends and build relationships being nomadic, How do you deal with this and help your kids with this aspect of our lifestyle.


Do I need vaccinations for traveling in Asia?

by @fredrivett 7yr 7 years ago  | 6 comments

Iโ€™ve been looking to travel for a few years now, and Iโ€™m finally at the point where Iโ€™m pretty much ready to get going, hopefully next month.

That said, Iโ€™ve not planned ahead well, and it only just occurred to me about vaccinations. Iโ€™ve done a bit of research and there are vaccinations available, but Iโ€™m unsure how necessary they are.

I plan to chat to my local nurse/doctor before going, but Iโ€™m also interested to hear whether most people do vaccinate at all before heading out or not?

In terms of specifics, Iโ€™m planning to fly to Japan and then move south, likely hitting up Thailand, Bali, Vietnam etc.

Not expecting any official health advice here, more just personal experience. Any thoughts appreciated :+1:


Anyone (almost) exclusively traveling in Latin America?

by @danielaf 7yr 7 years ago  | 7 comments

Is there anyone around who spends most of their time in Latin America? After short trips to Peru earlier this year, Iโ€™ve now come back to Lima to stay for another three months and will then head to Buenos Aires. Lima will be kind of my home base but I aim to explore as much as possible of Latin America in the next couple of years. No interest in Asia, Africa or North America and no intention to go back to Europe.


Is it just me or are Airbnb prices getting way out of hand?


by @srg_b 7yr 7 years ago  | 37 comments

I had this impression for a while now, but now it seems impossible to find a monthly stay over airbnb for a decent price. Just now I was looking at Utrecht which averages at 2500 euro per month for a studio. People seem to provide only small monthly discounts. In my last few trips I relied on Facebook groups for finding stay. I do have decent budget but paying โ‚ฌ1500+ for a studio in a European city simply seems ridiculous. How is everyone else finding accommodation?


What nomads are out there traveling married and/or with a family?


by @danielgenser 7yr 7 years ago  | 37 comments

Iโ€™m curious to hear from the nomads out there who are traveling as a married couple (or long term committed couple, no matter). Many of the articles, guides, and tips one reads are understandably written from the single travelerโ€™s perspective (even if they are traveling in a group).

What nomads are out there traveling with a marriage mate and/or family?


What vaccinations should I get traveling from US to Indonesia?

in Indonesia by @metamas 7yr 7 years ago  | 5 comments

What are the vaccinations I should get traveling from US to Indonesia? I read the CDC suggstions, but Iโ€™m curious on more anecdotal knowledge from experienced travelers to Indonesia.


Where can I buy an office chair for my apartment in Chiang Mai?

in Chiang Mai , Thailand by @anderkd 7yr 7 years ago  | 0 comments

The apartment manager suggested, but nothing there. Any suggestions anyone?


What do you do about cooking whilst traveling?


by @kathrynoh 7yr 7 years ago  | 26 comments

This is something Iโ€™ve not really seen addressed anywhere much but, when you are staying somewhere medium term, say 1-6 months, what you do about cooking? I figure anything shorter than that and you can make do, while over 6 months you arenโ€™t going to mind stocking a kitchen so much. But, for that medium term period, it feels like a waste to spend too much on pantry supplies and equipment but too long to get by on basics.

Anyway, Iโ€™d love to know what other people in regards to cooking. Do you eat out for all your meals, have a few โ€˜go toโ€™ dishes that you can cook anywhere with minimal equipment (mine would be omelettes) or do you adjust to the local cuisine?

Admin edit: Fixed title for spelling & compliance with guidelines.

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