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I'm Fred Perrotta, co-founder of Tortuga Backpacks and ex-Googler. AMA

by @fredperrotta 10yr  | 13 comments

Hi Nomads,

Iโ€™m Fred Perrotta, the co-founder of Tortuga Backpacks. We make carry on luggage for urban travelers.

In 2009, my co-founder, Jeremy, and I took a two-week trip to Eastern Europe. Despite a ton of pre-trip research, we couldnโ€™t find backpacks that worked well for city travel. My hiking bag was a nightmare to pack and unpack. Having recently read the 4-Hour Workweek (and being naive), we decided that we could solve this problem.

A year later, I left my full-time job at Google to work on Tortuga. At the time, I paid the bills doing freelance work for startups.

Iโ€™m a medium-term traveler (a month here, two weeks there), rather than a full-time nomad, but Tortuga Backpacks has enabled others to take on the digital nomad lifestyle.

Ask me about making products for travelers, making physical (gasp!) products, online marketing, sourcing in China, the Canton Fair, trying to build a remote team, why I have $6,473 in Airbnb credits, or anything else.

And because I was asked in the Slack chat, you can use discount code LEVELS for 15% off any of our backpacks through the end of the year. Our flagship bag, the Tortuga, is a maximum-sized carry on. For the light packers of the DN community, the Tortuga Air (ships in January) may be a better fit.

@xiufensilver 10yr

Thanks Fred for the AMA! Some great insights on product creation and how we could possibly document the journey for software companies.

Weโ€™re closing the AMA, will update with a blog summary!

@grum 10yr

Like a lot of us DNs, Iโ€™ve had Tortuga on the top of my wish-list for quite some time but because I wasnโ€™t able to get my hands on a bag until after I purchased a different brand, I wasnโ€™t willing to invest that amount of money on a bag when (on paper) a bag half the price has similar features that push it into the โ€œgood enough, Iโ€™ll buy itโ€ category.

This predicament is a common one with a lot of DN-friendly products that shine on the various travel blogs but the inability to get hands-on deters consumers from committing to purchasing a premium product. Does Tortuga have a plan of having the products available in grass-roots stores for us to fondle and coo at or is the organic growth strong enough to negate the need?

Side note, I regret not getting the Tortuga and every time I pack my backpack, I find myself wishing my bag would spontaneously combust. Someone please make that happen.

@fredperrotta 10yr

As a lanky guy, I can sympathize with the need to try on gear or clothes before you buy them.

I donโ€™t believe that getting into retail stores is necessary for building a big business. The need to try stuff on or see it in person can be partially offset by product photos and videos, liberal return policies, free return shipping, and a clear use case for each product. Having a website that holds visitorsโ€™ hands through the shopping process, like a good salesperson, is hard but a big opportunity for retailers.

Being in stores would be helpful for prospective customers. In the future, we may pitch a store like REI to be our exclusive retailer. Customers could then see and try on our products in person in various cities. We would only have one relationship to manage while maintaining some exclusivity and control of the branding and messaging. We arenโ€™t interested in being one of a dozen โ€œtravelโ€ bags in a pile at the back of the store. Customers canโ€™t make good comparisons or an educated decision in that environment. The strengths of our bags are in the details.

@skatkov 10yr

How does marketing physical product differ from marketing online service/software? What would be your recommendations to anyone who knows how to sell software (to some extend), but wants to sell physical product?

@fredperrotta 10yr

Before starting Tortuga, I had primarily marketed online services. When I worked at Google, most of my clients were dating websites. (Thatโ€™s a whole other story.) Afterwards, I worked with marketplace startups like Airbnb, Udemy, Lyft, and WeHostels.

Physical products have additional challenges:

  • No freemium or free trial. Either the customer pays or they donโ€™t. Having a lead magnet or blog that earns email subscribers and builds an audience is even more important for physical products. This is also a consideration if youโ€™re only selling online. Your website and return policies should make people feel comfortable buying without trying the product first.
  • Real unit costs. Each unit you make has a real cost. In software, that marginal cost is essentially $0. You have to be an expert on your numbers if you want to be successful, especially when it comes to discounts, free samples, or paid advertising. Giving 10 users free access to your software doesnโ€™t cost you anything. Giving away 10 physical products has a real cost.

The basics of marketing are still the same. Make something that solves a problem. Find your tribe who values what you do. Help them however you can (blog, customer support). Establish yourself as an expert and a thought leader in your niche.

Weโ€™ve also had a lot of success sharing our product development journey. This could also be powerful for software companies, but I donโ€™t see many doing it, aside from solo founders who also blog. We discuss what weโ€™re working on and share previews on our blog. We post sketches and pictures of early samples on Facebook. People get invested in the products and are excited for the launch. They are willing to sign up for the wait list which we use for email marketing. Tell your story, and youโ€™ll find your audience.

@tuomasj 10yr

Iโ€™ve been bit paranoid about this for many years and Iโ€™m not sure if this is actually a silly question :smile:

When you fill your backpack with lot of stuff (clothes and what not), and finally, you fit your laptop in laptop pocket. How likely is it, that the laptop bends when it is pressed between the stuff and my back when youโ€™re carrying the backpack and you have tighten the straps? (Iโ€™ve had laptops for over 10 years and Iโ€™ve never experienced such a horror, so farโ€ฆ)

@fredperrotta 10yr

We hear this concern occasionally, but Iโ€™ve never seen your fears realized.

You can mitigate this in two ways:

  1. When carrying heavy loads, make sure your bag has a framesheet and/or stays to give it structure. A framesheet is a semi-rigid piece of plastic. Stays are like an aluminum โ€œspine.โ€ External frame backpacks went out of style years ago. Now most bags have an internal frame. Travel bags have a simpler system than hiking bags do. Make sure yours has some built-in structure to prevent any bending.
  2. Pack your laptop first, not last. Hereโ€™s a video we made on the rough order and placement of your gear in your bag. This packing style will also help ensure a balanced, comfortable carry.
๐Ÿ‘Ž 10yr

Hey Fred! Glad to have you today

My questions are about manufacturing and shipping logistics

How did you come up with the right company to make your product? Any inside you could give us for choosing the right one? Do you prefer china or Vietnam better?

Do you guys ship the bags from your home or you have a logistics company do all the process for you?

Cheers mate!

@fredperrotta 10yr

How did you come up with the right company to make your product? Any inside you could give us for choosing the right one? Do you prefer china or Vietnam better?

Lots and lots and lots of trial and error. We started with zero manufacturing knowledge, so it has taken a lot of time to learn by doing. This post describes some our early misadventures in China.

When your looking for suppliers:

  • Ask for referrals to suppliers
  • Ask for references from the supplier
  • Be upfront about your needs, budget, and minimum order quantity (MOQ). Donโ€™t waste time with them if you canโ€™t find a price/quantity that will work for both parties.
  • Order a sample. If itโ€™s an original product, you will go through multiple cycles and learn how they work and about their quality.
  • Go to the factory. See how it looks. Have lunch with the boss. See if your gut feeling is positive or negative.

We manufacture in China, not because itโ€™s the cheapest (it isnโ€™t) but because it has the best infrastructure of manufacturers, suppliers, supply chains, and know how. Vietnam has lower labor costs (and skills in some cases), but materials and hardware still have to be imported from China. We prefer to pay the slight premium to keep everything consolidated. I have no interest in chasing the absolute lowest prices across the world. Logistics isnโ€™t the most fun part of my job.

Do you guys ship the bags from your home or you have a logistics company do all the process for you?

We use a third-party logistics (3PL) company. Otherwise, my apartment would be overrun with bags. Weโ€™re all about automating and outsourcing basics like warehousing and fulfillment, so that we can focus on areas where we can make a difference, like product and marketing.

@atu 10yr

Awesome to having you for an AMA on #nomads.

I was wondering why you have $6,473 in Airbnb credits ? Did you make some referral for them or something close ?

What was your critic point to make physical product while you are travelling ?

@fredperrotta 10yr

I was wondering why you have $6,473 in Airbnb credits ? Did you make some referral for them or something close ?

I stumbled into them. I wrote a blog post about VRBO, a site Iโ€™ve used when Airbnb was booked. Since the post mentions Airbnb, I included my AIrbnb referral code (every user has one). Eventually the site started ranking well for โ€œAirbnb competitorsโ€ and โ€œAirbnb alternatives.โ€ People started clicking the referral link. When they later used Airbnb I got an email for a $25 credit. Then they started snowballingโ€ฆ Now I have an embarrassment or riches and donโ€™t pay much (if anything) for lodging on most short trips.

What was your critic point to make physical product while you are travelling ?

The critical point in getting started was a 2009 trip to Eastern Europe detailed here.

Building physical products while traveling is tough. I try to travel between development cycles since getting a physical sample to random countries where I donโ€™t have a permanent address is hard. Or I travel in Asia so that I can go directly to our supplier in China when a new sample or order is ready.

@skatkov 10yr

I was always last to ask questions, now it appears iโ€™m #1 :smiley:

So, what kind of client did you try to reach while designing tortuga backpacks? Did you consider digital nomad as your main client?
Do you plan to extend your product line to anything else that Digital Nomad could find useful? if yes, what characteristic product should have to apply to digital nomad?

@fredperrotta 10yr

NomadForum is truly a bastion of civility on the internet if you didnโ€™t yell โ€œFIRST!โ€

So, what kind of client did you try to reach while designing tortuga backpacks? Did you consider digital nomad as your main client?

We didnโ€™t design the original bag to cater to digital nomads because I hadnโ€™t heard of the concept in 2009. In I had, maybe we would have targeted a different audience.

We designed the bag for travelers like us: people on urban trips of a week or longer who still wanted to travel light. At the time, I thought that was plenty niche. Turns out more people travel for a week or two, much less years at a time, than I realized. Thatโ€™s why we chose to make the bag a maximum-sized carry on then built smaller bags from there.

Do you plan to extend your product line to anything else that Digital Nomad could find useful? if yes, what characteristic product should have to apply to digital nomad?

Yes, though we are focused on bags and packing accessories. Our second bag is smaller and designed for shorter trips, though I suspect DNs will like the bag for extended travel. Many nomads find the Tortuga (44L) too large for their ultralight travel. Our daypack (on the slate for early next year) will also work well for DNs.

For nomads, the most important characteristics for gear are utility (inessentials get left at home), quality/durability, and weight. Nomads will pay for good stuff that they donโ€™t have to worry about replacing.

If you have any other suggestions, weโ€™re very open to hearing them.

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Where to recyle in Panama?

in Panama by @karlamoura 5yr 5 years ago  | 0 comments

Iโ€™m in a small town on the coast of Panama, and I was told that here they donโ€™t separate the organic from the reciclable residues. Have you been anywhere in Panama? Have you recycled?


Suggestions for home base for 10 months in Mexico or Panama next year?

in Mexico by @we_are_escaping 5yr 5 years ago  | 14 comments

Weโ€™re researching places to use as a home base next year, and are leaning towards Mexico or Panama for 10 months (with 1 week โ€œvacationsโ€ to explore surrounding countries)

But, I want to settle some place where the infrastructure is good enough for fast, reliable internet - fast enough to run live webinars without worrying that Iโ€™ll be S.O.L due to internet issues when itโ€™s time to go live.

And ideally, Iโ€™d like to be on the coastโ€ฆ I like to have ocean/beach access without the need for a drive.

And not in a malaria zone (just saying, since Panama in particular has many areas that Iโ€™d rule out simply due to the need for malaria prevention meds)โ€ฆ itโ€™s one thing to take that stuff for a few weeks long trip, but I donโ€™t want to take it for months on end.


Thanks for reading all :slight_smile:


I'm looking for a European city with a great connection to the outdoors. Help?


by @justinbosco 7yr 7 years ago  | 23 comments

Iโ€™m in the middle of doing some research for our next destination within Europe and Iโ€™m hoping to get some suggestions from some outdoor enthusiasts whoโ€™ve spent time on the continent.

My favorite cities are Innsbruck, Austria and Bergen, Norway because you can be downtown having a beer one minute and thenโ€ฆ boomโ€ฆ up the mountain in the middle of nowhere 15 minutes later. Iโ€™m looking for a similar place to spend a month or two this winter. Places like these are hard to find because โ€œmid-size european cities with great hiking nearbyโ€ doesnโ€™t return too many relevant results on Google. Great adventure towns are usually in the middle of nowhere, the kind of places youโ€™ll need to rent a car to get to the grocery store, and places with good public transportation are usually concrete jungles. But places like Innsbruck and Bergen manage to combine the best of both worlds.

Has anyone come across similar places theyโ€™d recommend?


Medellin, Bogota or Panama? Any recommendations?

in Medellรญn , Colombia by @xdrewx 7yr 7 years ago  | 3 comments

Medellin, Bogota or Panama? Any recommendations on a 6 month stay with the intent of learning spanish and running an ecommerce business(good wifi)?

Where is a good place to learn Spanish? I am coming in with an intermediate level of Spanish.

Where is the internet quality good enough?

Many thanks!


I'm beginning my Nomadic journey - what advice do you have?

by @jacob_tr 7yr 7 years ago  | 8 comments

Hello Everyone,

On January 8, I set off on my Nomadic Journeys. I have a one way ticket to Iceland booked for a film shoot, and a flight into mainland Europe on the 20th, and from there I have no idea, and I am completely on my own.

What advice do you have? Right now I am feeling everything, from bad to good about it all, really can feel that safety/wool from underneath me get pulled away, I know Iโ€™m jumping out of my shell here.

(To give some background, Iโ€™m starting my nomad journey after having started a successful business, so financially I am set. Itโ€™s the question personally, mentally how do you cope in the beginning of leaving everything and going?)


How to receive an SMS while I'm anywhere in the world?


by @bluedognz 7yr 7 years ago  | 21 comments

Hi Nomads

Any suggestions how I can receive sms messages to iPhone while Iโ€™m anywhere in the world? I have an Australian Telstra phone, but I also have another one out of contract which I could put on a global sim?

Calls are not really a problem, with Skype, Zoom, Google Voice etc taking care of that but Iโ€™m not sure how Iโ€™m going to get smsโ€™s. Especially for banking purposes, reseting passwords etc.

First post here, we are about to embark on a global house sitting / time share journey! Starting with 3 weeks in Bali, then 10 weeks in the Caribean, followed by 3 months in Europe. :smile:

Clark and Tegan


Would you like a coworking & coliving space in Panama?

in Panama by @oricoh 7yr 7 years ago  | 15 comments

Hi everybody,
We are at the beginning of a very interesting journey to eventually establish work spaces and accommodation in Panama.
But before we start, weโ€™d love to figure out how Panama is perceived by you, US time zone and currency are any advantages ? Would you prefer more urbanic or beachfront locations ?
All feedback will be highly appreciated.
Cheers =)


Data sims for Jamaica and Bahamas?

in Jamaica by @joncottonuk 7yr 7 years ago  | 8 comments

Hi all

Looking to spend a couple of weeks in Jamaica and the Bahamas - Can anyone recommend the best value data sims for either or both countries. Not bothered about calls as will be using Skype.

Thanks - Jon


What mobile plans do you recommend in Guatamala and Belize?

in Belize by @tschentscher 8yr 8 years ago  | 2 comments

Hi every one.
Iโ€™m travelling to Guatamala and Belize in a couple of days and was wondering whatโ€™s the best mobile-data option (Best speed and coverage) around here? Iโ€™ve looked at Tigo or Claro. Do you have any recommendations?


Is anyone in Tenerife? I'm moving there for at least 6 months

in Tenerife , Spain by @andrea3018 8yr 8 years ago  | 9 comments

Hello Nomads,
is anyone in Tenerife at the moment? Iโ€™m moving there from the 1st of August and not getting out of it for at least 6 months.
Iโ€™m going to stay in Puerto De La Cruz.
Do any of you has ever been there and do you recommend this city to me? Or should I look for an apartment elsewhere in Tenerife?
Also, how do you find cheap long-term houses there? I would love one with a private pool.



How to get from Panama to Nicaragua?

in Nicaragua by @inannavega 8yr 8 years ago  | 2 comments

Iโ€™m spending three months in Columbia and have a plane ticket from there to Panama City. The goal is Granada, Nicaragua. Unfortunately, I will have a bit of luggage on this trip, so Iโ€™m not all that excited about moving around too much by bus. As I will be staying in Central America for the foreseeable future, I will be able to return to Panama. What would you do in Panama if time were limited? Is it worth it just for a day? Should I return later without so much luggage and wait to see Panama until then? Any thoughts?


Is Panama a good destination for tax residency for digital nomads?


in Panama by @anonym 8yr 8 years ago  | 23 comments

Iโ€™m from Europe and is looking for a country where I can declare my residency, mostly for tax purposes. Panama seems to fit everything. The plan is:

  • Get permanent residency using โ€œFriendly Nations Visaโ€
  • Create a company and get a work permit
  • Get clients to pay me in that company

Since Panama has territorial tax, all income earned outside Panama has zero taxation.

Is it just that good or is there some hidden catch? I live in a Scandinavian country and they just hate to let people go. Will there be problems in paradise?

The plan is to visit Panama once a year and after five years get a passport.


Do I need to have health care insurance as a US citizen when I'm away?

by @ericvan 8yr 8 years ago  | 5 comments

I support ObamaCare, but I donโ€™t understand about the requirement that USA citizens must now have health insurance. I just got a new plan, and they donโ€™t support any medical needs when Iโ€™m out of the country! So, if working abroad 6 months of year, how do I NOT pay insurance for those months and NOT get a tax penalty? FYI, Iโ€™ll be in a pretty high tax bracket in 2016.



Should I elect my LLC as an S-Corp for taxes, I'm a US citizen in Europe?

by @robetus 8yr 8 years ago  | 3 comments

I have an LLC formed in Portland, Oregon. I am the only member and do not ever plan on adding more members. Should I elect to have my LLC treated as an S-Corp for my taxes? I am a US citizen living in Europe but I do not qualify for the foreign income exclusion yet. Can anyone give advice that has made this election? I know that as an S-Corp I can pay myself a reasonable salary based on the companyโ€™s income and then pay the rest to myself in dividends that are exempt from certain taxes.

If I chose to pay myself 70% of the companyโ€™s income as my salary am I required to pay myself the other 30% in dividends or can I leave that 30% in the companyโ€™s coffers for legal fees, large chargebacks, and the like? Thank you for reading and with any help provided.


How can I own a car if I'm not a resident somewhere?

by @nevergoingback 9yr 9 years ago  | 15 comments

Hi peeps,

Here is me with a serious question again!

I travel the world alot but always go back to my home country for a couple of months each year. In this period I want to own a car. But because I do not live anywhere it is very difficult to own a car. I cant put the car I want on my parents name because of their salary and the Netherlands being very strict on that.

What options do I have to owning a car?
I know things should be possible just like afrojack who had a car with german license plates!!

Any advice on this?


I'm going to New York City, any digital makers spots to visit?

in New York City , United States by @litanin 9yr 9 years ago  | 2 comments

Hi, i am going to New York for the first time in my life, but i have only 7 days (one full week starting on Oct 10). Apart of well known tourist spots (The Statue of Liberty, central park, broadway, 7th av etc) i also want somehow to get into digital makers environment to feel the spirit, speed and trends. What would be your suggestions to do / visit there?
May be some co-working places or cafes, exhibitions, lectures, anything?

I would really appreciate any suggestions.


Hi, we are Coboat, an 82ft coworking catamaran sailing the world. AUA!

by @james 9yr 9 years ago  | 15 comments

Hi we are Coboat, a floating coworking space. We will take our custom 82ft catamaran around the world and offer a platform for a mix of digital nomads and entrepreneurs to come on board to work and collaborate together.

We have the latest in green energy technology and will utilise the latest in satellite internet, 3G & 4G to stay connected and online.

We offer trips from one week to one year and we will take up to 20 together on a creative adventure to amazing places to find inspiration.

Like most other coworking spaces we will offer plenty of chances to encourage synergies, with regular events, skill & idea sharing sessions.

We are non-profit and we hope to foster and develop ideas for social projects as we travel through regions.

We are also running a free 100 day scholarship โ€˜Made on Coboatโ€™ for anyone who wants to kick-start a new project.

Please, ask us anything. :smile:


Where should I go next? I'm a 25-year old Australian girl working remotely

in Australia by @angsmith 9yr 9 years ago  | 19 comments

Iโ€™m a 25 year old Australian girl, newly single, working remotely for a SF startup. Iโ€™m looking for a location to settle for the next 6 months, starting in May. All countries are on the table (although stable wifi is required).

Iโ€™d love to be by a beach & somewhere that has a relatively bustling vibe, restaurants etc. Bonus points for surf or a gym.

Logistically, I have a visa to be able to stay in the Schengen zone for 4 years so Europe is doable. I guess Iโ€™m concerned about it being high season?

Iโ€™d love to hear any suggestions.


Does anyone understand the Panamanian retirement program?

in Panama by @worldtravel 9yr 9 years ago  | 3 comments

Does anyone understand the Panamanian retirement program? is there a way of becoming a resident by showing you are receiving income every month from investments and not from a pension or annuity?


I'm launching Nomad List 2.0 soon, can you give me your feedback?


by @levelsio 9yr 9 years ago  | 41 comments

Hi guys/girls,

Itโ€™s time for my regular request for feedback on Nomad List and all the related sites (including this forum, #nomads, Nomad Jobs etc.).

Hereโ€™s a little update on Nomad List itself: Iโ€™ve rewrote the entire site this month and will launch it soon as Nomad List 2.0, you can check it out at

Biggest changes:

  • When Nomad List launched, it had data on 25 cities, with 3 data points per city (cost, internet, temperature). In the last few months, Iโ€™ve worked together with a team of editors in the last few months to add the worldโ€™s 500 biggest cities, with about 70 data points (like safety, fun to the best hospitals). This means, it now has 35,000 data points.
  • It now includes over 10,000 places to work, like coworking spaces and coffee shops, and sleep, like hotels and hostels. Iโ€™ve made an algorithm to score these places based on user reviews, WiFi speeds, proximity to each other (like itโ€™ll recommend Hubba in Bangkok, and a hotel near that so you can walk to your work).
  • Itโ€™s integrated with #nomads now, which means I can add user profiles soon for all nomads to share their trips.

Let me know your tips and what direction you think I should go :slight_smile:

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Go nomad
by @levelsio