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Buenos Aires Must Sees, Eats & Drinks?

in Buenos Aires , Argentina by @jivins11 7yr  | 1 comment

Hi! Iโ€™m new here so please correct me if I am doing this wrong. I will be in Buenos Aires for the month of April. Being such a large city, pinpointing what I want to do while Iโ€™m there has been difficult!

I am taking any and all recommodations for Buenos Aires things to do!


Hey! I was in BA for two months last year. Loved this city! Hereโ€™s an email I wrote for the friend of a friend who was visiting last yearโ€ฆ

This is the map I made. Look at the notes on each place, some have recommendations and some I didnโ€™t actually get to.

My favourite restaurants were Mishengue and Gran Dabang. Mishengue there was very little English spoken so take your phone or play dinner roulette - everything we had was fantastic though. Argentinians eat really late, so although theyโ€™re often busy if you go there at 6.30pm you can often get a spot. Gran Dabang was more casual (and cheaper), and they came over and explained the menu in English.

I highly recommend booking into Nickyโ€™s NY Sushi. Itโ€™s an expensive sushi restaurant. The food is great, but whatโ€™s even better is the speakeasy out the back. After dinner (you can only get in if you eat there) you ask to see the โ€œBodegaโ€, and youโ€™ll be taken through.

Ninina is a good work spot - they do a good coffee and a mean huevos revueltos.

In general - foursquare is heavily used over there, so no matter what youโ€™re looking for, you can usually find something on foursquare. And of course, you can just look out for an empanada shop for a cheap and delicious snack :slight_smile:

ATMs can be a PITA - often they wonโ€™t work or will just be out of cash :confused: Plus the fees are exorbitant, so get as much out at once as you can (itโ€™s about $10 fees per withdrawal). I think I must have used my credit card to pay for a taxi when I arrived, but if you can, I suggest getting some cash out before you leave, because the ATM at the airport didnโ€™t work for me. Actually, it may have, but only let me get out a little bitโ€ฆ I canโ€™t remember.

Anyway, Iโ€™m not sure where youโ€™re staying, but I marked an ATM on the map in Palermo that always worked for me. They are hard to find, so if you need money on your way out, look them up on a map before you go - you wonโ€™t necessarily just find one.

Also - if youโ€™re having trouble getting cash out, try a lower amount - sometimes it just has a limit on how much you can get out in a single transaction.

I drank the water in BA just fine, but if youโ€™re at all worried you can buy big bottles from the supermarkets.

Tipping is usually 10 - 15%, but donโ€™t tip taxi drivers, they donโ€™t expect tips.

Oh - and a note - in Spanish, man is hombre and woman is mujer, so sometimes youโ€™ll see H and M on the bathroom doors - and M is for the ladies :wink:

Be careful if you go to La Boca - go during the day, preferably on a Saturday or Sunday when there will be lots of tourists around. In general BA is pretty safe, particularly Palermo, but donโ€™t walk around with your phone or camera in hand, or it might be snatched by an opportunist.

Andโ€ฆ thatโ€™s about it! Oh I took a salsa class - canโ€™t remember where exactly, but it was in Palermo. It was chaotic and hot but fun, and a good place to meet people (and cute Argentinian guys who can dance really well).

Hope that helps!

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International number & internet?

by @leobassam 3yr 3 years ago  | 1 comment

Has anyone figured out a way to get setup with a virtual number and internet connection anywhere you go?


Best place for solo UK traveller for surf, sun & working between Oct and Dec??

in Tenerife , Spain by @leojb 4yr 4 years ago  | 0 comments

Hey Nomads, would love to know any thoughts here.

Top of the list are currently Tenerife, Lagos/Ericeira (Portugal) & Malta??

Would love to know if anyone can vouch for these at this time of year.

Beautiful beach would be the dream. Basically European Bali! I'm sure something many of us are searching for.

Thanks a million. Much love.



Are there any digital nomad fitness retreats?

by @ryanjames 5yr 5 years ago  | 1 comment

Hey all:

Does anyone here have any experience attending a full time fitness bootcamp or a fitness resort while working? I know there is one in Cambodia for digital nomads (Fitness Retreat Resort Kep Gym), unfortunately the time difference vs my work schedule would make my life suck if I tried to go there. Iโ€™m looking for a place between US and Europe timezones that lets you live with them, kicks your butt with fitness, but would also have good WiFi/accommodate working eight hours a day. Iโ€™m also open to other tangential ideas for something close-ish to get that same experience.

Thanks for any help!


Cheap Cities in Mexico & South America with Fastest Wifi

in Mexico by @jnomad30 5yr 5 years ago  | 3 comments

Hi Guys,
Iโ€™m planning out my next stops after leaving Medellin, Colombia soon where I can hunker down and get some work done with fast wifi and cheap living. Will be in Mexico first so starting a look there but wondering if coming back down to South America might make more sense?
My main concerns are budget and fast enough wifi for me to work from home. Other considerations are some nomad community (ideally also some English speaking expats as my Spanish is basic) and warm enough weather.
Thanks in advance!


Estonia E-Residency & CFC

in Estonia by @edusantorini 6yr 6 years ago  | 7 comments

So, Iโ€™ve been looking into e-residency and moving my business to Estonia the past few weeks.
Iโ€™m still a tax resident in Germany and therefore fear Iโ€™ll be suspect to CFC laws. I somehow canโ€™t find any reliable info on this and I donโ€™t feel like reading through the whole law, so just wondering if anyone knows how CFC laws in EU countries come into practice. What taxes do I need to pay exactly? As soon as I cash out (dividends), as far as I can see I need to pay 20% income tax in Estonia. Then what? Of course, I would need to pay income tax in Germany. What taxes do I need to pay besides these?
And if I keep the money in Estonia/reinvest it, am I right that I wouldnโ€™t need to pay any taxes at all? Only for the money I cash out of Estonia/the business?

Iโ€™m by the way not doing this to evade taxes, taxes are secondary. I primarily simply want to move my business activities out of Germany + the all-digital concept and the bookkeeping service of agencies like leapIN are interesting.


Whatโ€™s a good European call & SMS forwarding service?

by @adrienbetweets 6yr 6 years ago  | 5 comments

Hi all

What do you guys use for receiving both sms & calls on a European phone number?

Iโ€™d like to have a phone number that does not change for at least 1 or 2 years.

I did my homework & found this thread but itโ€™s only about US services so I donโ€™t think itโ€™s relevant: Whatโ€™s a good US call and SMS forwarding service?
Also, I looked into Google Hangout but it doesnโ€™t support European phone numbers.


Project Fi (and AT&T Roaming) in Canada

in Canada by @danicatalina 7yr 7 years ago  | 4 comments

Going on 3-6 month #vanlife trip throughout the USA and Canada, and setting up my data connectivity to be able to work on the road. Without going into depth (unless you ask), Iโ€™m trying to figure out options for cell service as a US citizen in Canada, and looking for everyoneโ€™s input:
(1) Project Fi: any experience or feedback on how Fi works in Canada? Iโ€™ll be almost exclusively in British Columbia.
(2) US Carriers: any feedback on AT&T or Verizon?

Thanks, all!


Mexico City, Medellin or Buenos Aires?

in Buenos Aires , Argentina by @rayhanv 7yr 7 years ago  | 7 comments

So Iโ€™m taking the plunge and will be going nomad in less than 3 months from now!

My situation is that I just started a semi-remote contract with a startup that has a good chance to go fully remote in 3 months time if all goes well.
I will be heading over to Chang Mai at some point, but have decided to do a month or two in South America first, just so that the time difference isnโ€™t so crazy while dealing with the team back home (skype/ hangout meetings in the morning etc)

The current cities on my radar are Mexico City, Medellin and Buenos Ares.
Basically, I am looking for a place that is has a relatively low cost of living, is safe for expats, has good internet and doesnโ€™t have too much of a language barrier.

If anyone has lived in any of those cities ( or other nomad friendly spots in SA/CA), would love to get your thoughts on which place would be ideal for a 1-2 month stay based on my situation.


Remote Retreats for Snowboarding/Skiing

by @roconnor661 7yr 7 years ago  | 0 comments

Do you guys know of any nomad retreats / trips that go to ski/snowboard locations, from the Alps to the Rockies to Japan? Could be a week long trip, 3 months, or anywhere in between.

I saw something a couple years back where DNs/entrepreneurs would meet up for 1-2 weeks in the alps, but havenโ€™t been able to find it. Also it seems all the main nomad retreats tend to go to warmer climates in SE Asia and South America.



What's the best way for Canadians to get cash or transfer money in Thailand & SEA?

in Thailand by @artofbryce 7yr 7 years ago  | 5 comments

Weโ€™re setting off on our first venture for new digital nomad life in 20 days!

  • starting in Chiang Mai as our home base
  • 1 year ED visa
  • planning to bounce around all over

Right now, Iโ€™m utterly baffled and confused by trying to figure out how weโ€™re going to be able to get more cash or transfer money from our bank accounts in Canada. Either at all or without getting charged insane fees.

Iโ€™ve looked through the forum and a lot of solutions put forth with no real luck. Hoping that some Canadians may chime in with solutions, experience or advice.



Would you like a coworking & coliving space in Panama?

in Panama by @oricoh 8yr 8 years ago  | 15 comments

Hi everybody,
We are at the beginning of a very interesting journey to eventually establish work spaces and accommodation in Panama.
But before we start, weโ€™d love to figure out how Panama is perceived by you, US time zone and currency are any advantages ? Would you prefer more urbanic or beachfront locations ?
All feedback will be highly appreciated.
Cheers =)


Does anyone know an accounting & remote company admin in Bulgaria?

in Bulgaria by @akisl 8yr 8 years ago  | 9 comments


Iโ€™m looking for a remote accounting and company admin office in Bulgaria for handling a limited company fully remotely with 1-2 invoices per month max.

If you happen to know any, let me know.

Thank you!


How is the quality of wifi & 3G in Amed, Bali?

in Amed , Indonesia by @adrienbetweets 8yr 8 years ago  | 3 comments

Hi all!

I am considering going for 1+ month in Amed (to get more into freediving).

I need to be able to make Skype calls & other work-related tasks. I need a speed equivalent to one allowing me to watch Youtube videos.

Ubud is way more connected in comparison, so I donโ€™t expect anything wonderful.

Wondering if anyone has done this before & if yes: what 3G
provider they used, or what cafe/restaurant/hotel had a good/reliable
enough wifi connection.

Note that I went to Amed last year & the 3G connection on the 2 providers I used at the time was terrible. Thatโ€™s why Iโ€™m asking for help.

Thanks in advance!

p.s. I also posted this question on


Do you have banking & tax advice for UK citizens?

by @figoshow 8yr 8 years ago  | 2 comments

Hello, Iโ€™m sure this has been asked before but I
couldnโ€™t find anything, I am from the UK I am trying to find the best way to do banking and finance whilst being a DN. primarily where i should FILE taxes, Iโ€™ve found a lot of threads about paying tax but not about filing. for example i am considering getting a German bank account. I wonโ€™t be living in Germany at all. do i need to file taxes there since I have a bank account there.

Admin edit: subject did not fall within forum guidelines


How to insure my belongings when traveling in SE Asia & South America?

by @adrienbetweets 8yr 8 years ago  | 9 comments

I want an insurance that covers my belongings only.
I already have a international travel health insurance, hence I do not need some link or recommendation to do-it-all packages (i.e. insurance for health + rescue + belongings).

I came across this threads:

But they did not help me because:

  • I do not live in the UK, nor am I a UK citizen
  • My credit card does NOT cover my belongings, nor does any of the insurances I already have

Ideally, Iโ€™d like to find an insurance that can insure my belongings regardless of my nationality & residence. Any link to information of quality is welcome.


What's a great place to stay & work at Bali?

by @allancaeg 8yr 8 years ago  | 5 comments

About to spend 20 days in Bali, mainly to work. Looking to mingle with fellow nomad entrepreneurs.

Whatโ€™s a good combination of a place to stay and cowork? Hoping the lodging place is close to the work place. I hear that riding scooters is typical in Bali, but Iโ€™m not keen. Walking distance/affordable cab rides would be great.

Not yet familiar regarding cities in Bali, so I donโ€™t have a strong preference between Ubud, Denpasar, and Canggu. I just want whatever works best for the purpose of meeting fellow nomads who are working on their stuff.


Any other outdoor enthusiasts / adventurers like to meet up? (Central America & South Africa)

in South Africa by @jakegibson 8yr 8 years ago  | 0 comments

Till November I have a house in Costa Rica with extra beds. Learning to surf but interested doing some climbing, rafting, hiking.

After November mostly likely Cape Town South Africa for a few months, getting my pilots license but also interested in motorcycle tours, surfing, anything else outdoors.

After that will be looking for a sailing adventureโ€ฆ

I already watch meetup, but am always looking outdoor enthusiasts who are up for more than the casual hike. Anyone in those areas want to plan something? Or do you have a site besides meetup you use?


Advice on remote working, taxes & moving to another country

by @magalhini 8yr 8 years ago  | 4 comments

Hi there!

I realise this isnโ€™t the right way of asking for legal advice, but Iโ€™d appreciate some initial loose pointers on where to go and what to do.

Iโ€™m currently working for a company which is UK-based (full-time contract), where Iโ€™m paying my taxes, own bank accounts, and so on. However, being a remote worker, Iโ€™ve been working from Berlin this year and for personal reasons, I really donโ€™t want to move back to the UK.

So, being aware that I would need to spend at least 90 days in the UK if I want to continue to legally work, what are my options to avoid this entirely?

  • Should I register as freelancer in Germany and have my company employ me as a freelancer? Would this exempt me from the 90 days rule? If so, what would happen to my pension scheme in the UK?

  • Should, if itโ€™s possible at all, still be employed by this company (non-freelance) but pay my taxes in Germany instead of the UK? Again, is this wise and would it exempt me from the 90 days in the UK rule? (the company has no German affiliate)

Funny enough, I canโ€™t find an available accountant in Berlin to ask all of these questions, hence why Iโ€™m hoping some of you wise folks would point me in some direction :slight_smile:

Thank you!


Awesome coworking places for working & living in Thailand?

in Thailand by @janipravdic 9yr 9 years ago  | 5 comments

Hey! Moving to Thailand from January-March, looking for some epic coworking places to work and stay. It has to be somewhere in the nature. Any suggestions? Tnx!


What are the best meditation and yoga retreats in Asia?

by @damirkotoric 9yr 9 years ago  | 9 comments

Thereโ€™s a bunch I can find by Googling but Iโ€™m after the hidden gems or at least some personal accounts. Iโ€™m after good teachers that hopefully speak some English. Picturesque, mountain locations would be the icing on the cake.

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