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How long does a non-resident Canadian Citizen need to stay out of Canada to maintain non-resident status, per year?

in Canada by @balindsieber 7yr  | 1 comment

Hey fellow nomads. I have an interesting situation.

Iโ€™m a Canadian Citizen whoโ€™s been a resident of the United States for the last 12 years (work VISA). I incorporated my LLC in Hong Kong and have been a nomad for about 6 months.

I just spoke to my Accountant and he says that I will only have to pay taxes to HK, because Iโ€™m not a resident of either US or CAN. Thatโ€™s amazing news as both places suck for taxes.

Iโ€™m currently in Colombia but I spent the first 2 months of this year in Canadaโ€”I want to make sure I stay out of Canada long enough to remain a non-resident.

Does anyone know what that amount of time is?

@rwtbkk 7yr

Canโ€™t give you advice about Canada, but for the HK taxes โ€ฆif you are non resident in HK then you will pay no personal or business taxes other than renewal fees. Get a local HK tax person to do your taxes returns/business license renewal in HK and make sure you are legal for another year.

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Tax advisor for permanent nomads?

by @eljaques 4yr 4 years ago  | 1 comment

I'm in need of a tax advisor who understands "our" typical situation. I'm all good on being legal on taxes at this point, but as I'm doing more investing and there's more compliance and KYC and such, it's getting more complicated to deal with this topic. Not living in my country of citizenship, company in another country, resident in yet another country, banking in a different country ... you know how it is, a pile of red flags.

Would be great to find a good tax advisor to sort things in a way that makes my situation as "explainable" and easily dealt with as possible. Any leads?


Best place in South East Asia to live for 6+ months per year

in Indonesia by @miklaskroager 4yr 4 years ago  | 1 comment

We're looking for a country in South East Asia that can function as our base, mainly for tax purposes. Meaning it will have to be a place where we can stay for the 183 days required without too much hassle.

We've been looking at Thailand, but have heard that it's very hard to do visa runs etc., so what other can you recommend? Indonesia looked like a good option, but the income rate is a flat 20% and very high for the region.


Anyone know an accountant for Canadian nomads/expats?

by @noam_lightstone 4yr 4 years ago  | 16 comments

Hey guys, this was my first year as a Canadian nomad.

As far as I know of, Canadians donโ€™t pay taxes if they do not live in the country for 6 months.

But Iโ€™d like to talk to an accountant or someone who does Canadian taxes specifically for expats and nomads to get clear on the rules and for help on my return coming up.

Does anyone know someone who specializes in Canada who can help? Iโ€™ve seen plenty of US recommendations but none for us canucks.

Thanks guys!


Where to move for tax purposes as a non-US citizen?

by @mender 5yr 5 years ago  | 5 comments

I am a New Zealander looking to travel for a couple of years in different countries. For this purpose I would ideally like to shift my company to a lower tax territory where I will live part time, as I am currently taxed at roughly 33% in New Zealand, however itโ€™s closer to 40% when I add in all the hidden taxes.

With a move I wonโ€™t be living in NZ so Iโ€™ll no longer be obliged to pay any tax after 320 days.

I ideally would wish to be a tax resident of the country I incorporate in. What country is easiest to do this through? A large chunk of my business relies on PayPal which requires your bank account to be from the same country your company is registered. Thus I canโ€™t do anything such as BVI or small islands.

Tbh my best bet looks to be Dubai Free Zones at this point and I can do some travel in europe from there.


What are wise ways to handle health insurance, as a USA person

by @azurio 5yr 5 years ago  | 1 comment

Hi! Iโ€™m still struggling to figure out how to handle health insurance.

What handy guides have you found to help figure out USA health care?

Iโ€™m struggling with:

  • When itโ€™s okay/wise to go without coverage while abroad, these days.
  • What other type of insurance I want while traveling, and whether it needs to be a supplement to USA insurance or if it can be a replacement.
  • Etc.

Above all, I think I want out. I wonder about success stories in moving to some other system/location, and the method youโ€™d recommend: additional citizenship, a special visa, etc.

I have searched this topic and struggled with it, so summaries and clarity are super helpful. I appreciate any and all help with this. Thanks so much!


Property Ownership - should digital nomads buy properties?

by @sparrow_23 5yr 5 years ago  | 16 comments

I have been a digital nomad for the last couple of years. I have always worked in tech and now run a couple of profitable online businesses that give me a reliable income and allow me to fund a nomadic lifestyle.

I recently exited one of my businesses and I am considering to invest the income from the sale in properties, mainly for 2 reasons:

a) I donโ€™t want to keep wasting my money in renting apartments across the cities I stay

b) I believe in properties as investment and I want to diversify my investment portfolio (mainly stocks)

After years of constant wander from one place to another, now I am the type of digital nomad who sticks to few locations: I mainly rotate across 4 places each year (San Francisco, Medellin, Berlin, Bali). Buying a house in each of those location would be difficult and too expensive. Therefore, I was wondering if there was any sort of service that combines an investment opportunity with the ability to access different properties around the world (even if just for a limited time per year) ?

Imagine living in 4 cities per year and having a house in each place that you can exclusively use for 3 months and at the same time having your investment growing (this depending on the market, of course). Wouldnโ€™t that be great? I believe it could be done via a property fund selling you a share and giving you access to some of their properties for a limited timeframe each year.

Has anyone heard of anything like that?



Suggestions for home base for 10 months in Mexico or Panama next year?

in Mexico by @we_are_escaping 5yr 5 years ago  | 14 comments

Weโ€™re researching places to use as a home base next year, and are leaning towards Mexico or Panama for 10 months (with 1 week โ€œvacationsโ€ to explore surrounding countries)

But, I want to settle some place where the infrastructure is good enough for fast, reliable internet - fast enough to run live webinars without worrying that Iโ€™ll be S.O.L due to internet issues when itโ€™s time to go live.

And ideally, Iโ€™d like to be on the coastโ€ฆ I like to have ocean/beach access without the need for a drive.

And not in a malaria zone (just saying, since Panama in particular has many areas that Iโ€™d rule out simply due to the need for malaria prevention meds)โ€ฆ itโ€™s one thing to take that stuff for a few weeks long trip, but I donโ€™t want to take it for months on end.


Thanks for reading all :slight_smile:


How much Data are you using per month?

by @jdiefenthaler 6yr 6 years ago  | 4 comments

I am trying to figure out three things. An average of how much data everyone uses per month, a low end of how little data is used, and a high end of how much data can be used? I am not interested in your methods of acquiring data. I am just interested in how much you use as a whole. This includes both work data usage and your personal data usage.


How to do without permanent address nor local bank?

by @tradeaway 6yr 6 years ago  | 2 comments

I am soon to find out one way or another as I will leave my residency to become a nomad myself. I have not found a good solution for Bali or Asian countries on the internet.

I read our existing Nomadlist posts under Money tag. Money handling and charges around accessing it seem to be a big issue for nomads, soon my issue. As a post I read said, accessing money for a Nomad can be harder than making money. I am more worried about accessing money than having some.

Iโ€™ll use Transferwise Borderless account to keep my day to day living money. I am opening a Pte Ltd corporate, that only goes for business-related expenses.
My Canadian credit card will charge me an arm and a leg in fees and currency conversion for me to get Indonesian Rupiah in Bali from Canadian dollar account. Then at some point, my credit card will complain I am not in Canad anymore.
Not knowing better, Iโ€™ll try that. If that works good and still live me short on how to go for smaller and random daily expenses.

Thanks for your help!
Enjoy your Nomad living!!


Project Fi (and AT&T Roaming) in Canada

in Canada by @danicatalina 6yr 6 years ago  | 4 comments

Going on 3-6 month #vanlife trip throughout the USA and Canada, and setting up my data connectivity to be able to work on the road. Without going into depth (unless you ask), Iโ€™m trying to figure out options for cell service as a US citizen in Canada, and looking for everyoneโ€™s input:
(1) Project Fi: any experience or feedback on how Fi works in Canada? Iโ€™ll be almost exclusively in British Columbia.
(2) US Carriers: any feedback on AT&T or Verizon?

Thanks, all!


Where to pay taxes if self employed non-resident of the UK, travelling Europe?

by @jadi4nd 6yr 6 years ago  | 5 comments

Hi, I know there are a few posts around this topic but none of them quite answer my questions.

I am British and currently a resident in the UK.
Next year I am going to become a non-resident and spend over a year traveling mostly around Europe, moving every few weeks never staying anywhere longer than a month. (My first venture into becoming a digital nomad!)

I am remote, self employed, software developer working mostly for one client based in the UK.

Where am I liable to pay taxes?
From what I have read I will not be liable to pay taxes in UK, can anyone confirm this?
If not the UK then where if I am moving every few weeks?
If possible I want to avoid starting a company as this seems unnecessarily complicated for my work setup.

Thank you in advance for any help :slight_smile:


Is it possible to become a digital nomad as a Vietnamese citizen?

in Vietnam by @animaniax 6yr 6 years ago  | 3 comments

Hi all!
I was meant to post this little inquiry for some times, and keep skipping due to tight schedule :v.
First off: The name is Toan. Yes, Iโ€™m Vietnamese and non-US/EU citizen :slight_smile:
Second: Is it possible for me to become a full digital nomad?

Iโ€™m aware that itโ€™s never been an easy road. Just wondering how itโ€™d be for non-US/EU citizens like myself.
I have a +5 years background as IT support analyst, with specialties vary from helpdesk technical, Windows OS and system support, IT infra/service management, business analysis fundamental, software project management, to Linux sysadmin and programming (Java/Ruby).
Recently, along with my aims to become DevOps/IT Project Management, I also target to fully independent location, due to new found passions on exploring the world and growing tired of 9-to-6 days.

From what I have observed so far, mates, youโ€™re all/mostly coming from 1st-class nations, either North America, Japan, or Europe. So you have no issues over choosing your path, work remotely or start your own business. While money isnโ€™t really a problem to me (a.k.a I usually require very little accommodation during my backpack travels, only (wireless) internet and clean room, thatโ€™s all), Iโ€™m stuck with the whole visa requirements and other paperwork things. Freelance could be a choice, but I find it is almost impossible finding positions even remotely related with my current skills/expertise. Iโ€™m a non-American, have no EU permitted working visaโ€ฆ Any other options for me? Any idea/suggestion is welcomed.

I donโ€™t need my own business. I only need to strive as IT professional, be able to work anywhere I want.

Thanks for the attention, mates. My apologize if my English is so bad that you have no idea what Iโ€™m writing :v And yes, I understand that all my concerns might sound naive, as Iโ€™m a newbie & only targeting recently.


How can life for digital nomads in Canada be improved?

in Canada by @wesbooth 6yr 6 years ago  | 11 comments

Hi future friends!

Iโ€™m new to this so bare with me, please. My name is Wes Booth and Iโ€™m from Nova Scotia, Canada looking to start my nomad journey. Iโ€™ve noticed that Canada is not an ideal desitination for digital nomads, whyโ€™s that? Too expensive? Inconvenient? Too cold? I would like to hear your thoughts!



Does anybody have experience with being a digital nomad on Cabo Verde?

by @marthavanderbly 7yr 7 years ago  | 4 comments

I am contemplating to spend some digital nomad time on Cabo Verde. But as it is not yet on the Nomad List I was wondering if anyone has been there and what it is like re: Internet speed and accommodation?


International health insurance without having a permanent residence?


by @fabyliechti 7yr 7 years ago  | 30 comments

Hey Nomads!

Iโ€™m a Swiss Citizen but full time traveler (living a few month there and there) and therefore donโ€™t have a permanent residence/home anywhere in the world.

For this reason, Iโ€™m as well not registered in Switzerland and therefore donโ€™t have medical care since I would have to pay at least 200$ monthly for medical care which I wonโ€™t use since Iโ€™m not living there.

As a in Switzerland unregistered Swiss Citizen I donโ€™t have medical care in Switzerland but, however based on Swiss Law Iโ€™m always allowed to return to Switzerland, register and then get medical coverage (f.e. in a medical emergency).

So now I was looking for both, an international health insurance with good coverage and an additional travel insurance for my trips. Unfortunately every insurance I check, I got asked for a permanent residence - which I donโ€™t have and donโ€™t want to. So I donโ€™t know what to fill out and if I still can get insurance without having a permanent residence.

I was wondering if there are any nomads here with a similar situation like me and (not registered anywhere and without a permanent residence)? If so, what health insurance, travel insurance you have and where?

PS. As well Iโ€™m not sure if it is kind of illegal not having a permanent residence anywhere plus where do I have to pay taxes?

Would be extremely grateful for any help on those matters - thanks so much!


Non-EU Spouse experience registering in EU country

by @jess793 7yr 7 years ago  | 3 comments

Hello! My family and I are planning to move to Europe and live nomadically for some time. I was wondering if anyone had experience registering a NON-EU spouse. I know some countries are faster than others. Spain takes 6 months vs Poland taking 1 month. I would love to hear of anyone who had this experience. Do you know of any country where the process of registering a NON-EU spouse i fast? We donโ€™t want to wait to long in one county waiting for the temporary residency. Thanks!


What are some good resources for professional prospective Mexican Nomads to do freelance translations and copyediting in Spanish in the United States and Canada?

in Canada by @nightchimp 7yr 7 years ago  | 2 comments

I have a friend who is a UNAM graduate in Philology (I know, wow, a Renaissance Woman), who has been creating textual translations between Spanish, English and sometimes Russian for writers, poets and journalists in Mexico City. She is very good at what she does, and has a client base, and just recently gained a client in the US. I want her to be able to take advantage of digital means to reach potential clients in the US and Canada, especially in regions where there are not a lot of Spanish speakers already present and active in this work locally. What are some good resources to find these sorts of opportunities? Yes, weโ€™ve beaten the proverbial bush to find Indeed listings, Craigslist (so sad what has happened to CL lately), and LinkedIn, as well as and We found mostly bupkiss. Any tips/hints/admonitions? Thanks in advance! :smiley:


How do you manage receiving mail without a permanent address in the Philippines?

in Philippines by @kaizenpreneur 7yr 7 years ago  | 3 comments

Hello all,

I have a mail management service in the UK which all my mail gets sent to. This works fine 90% of the time and most can be dealt with digitally.

The other 10%, I need the mail sent on to me, which they do offer as a service. However, where I struggle is giving them an address to send it to in the Philippines, namely Manila.

Iโ€™ve used DHL for really important stuff, like bank cards, but it would be nice to have an address where I can forward certain mail. Anyone been able to set something up like this in the Philippines? Would a virtual office allow me to receive mail?

Thanks in advance


What kind of work do digital nomad web developers do?

by @cryberg 7yr 7 years ago  | 8 comments

Hi everyone! Iโ€™m thinking of making the jump from being an office-bound web developer to freelancing instead. I was hoping to talk to some of you who do freelance web dev while living a nomadic lifestyle.

Iโ€™m at a bit of a loss, because when Iโ€™ve tried looking for posts about this kind of lifestyle, the majority of what Iโ€™ve found is for web designers or Wordpress developers, which are both pretty different from being a developer who likes to work with React or whatever other framework.

So for those of you who are living my dream right now:
Are you usually building Wordpress sites, or more often using a framework like React or Ruby on Rails? Or something else entirely?

What types of contracts do you take on? Ecommerce? Building blogs?
Are they on-going, or one-off projects?

How do you get clients while on the road? Is it mostly Upwork or word of mouth?

I have a ton of questions, and would greatly appreciate hearing about your experiences. Thank you!


How do taxes work for perpetual travelers?

by @whirledover 7yr 7 years ago  | 5 comments

Hereโ€™s a question (actually a bunch of related questions) thatโ€™s been a bit of a thorn in my side lately. Iโ€™ve already combed this forum as well as several others but would love some more insight from more knowledgable people.

So, here goesโ€ฆ

Background: Iโ€™m a perpetual traveler and havenโ€™t stayed in a single country longer than 6 months for around 5 years now. Iโ€™m a non-US person so no IRS worries but my country of citizenship (Korea) has a residential tax system and since I havenโ€™t claimed residency anywhere else, it seems possible for my government to claim me as a tax citizen.

Which brings me to my first question: At what point does forming a solid business structure to cover your taxable a** become worth the hassle? $100K/year? At $200K/year? I sort of feel like most governments wouldnโ€™t bother with this because itโ€™s relatively โ€œsmall fishโ€ - thoughts?

And that brings me to another question: If Iโ€™m not needlessly spending time worrying and I should finally pull the trigger and set something up that makes me more โ€œlegitโ€ - even if it requires paperwork - whatโ€™s my best option? Hereโ€™s what Iโ€™ve come up with:

Set up an offshore company - Iโ€™m leaning toward RAK Offshore since it seems to have no paperwork requirements and has no taxes - and use that to hold and re-invest the income I receive while paying myself a nominal amount every month, like $3,000, which I then file Korean (income) taxes for. This makes sense in my head since thatโ€™s roughly the amount I spend every month anyway but would this qualify as tax evasion?

Last question: for all of you who are perpetual travelers and arenโ€™t filing tax returns with your country of citizenship/last tax residency - what are you doing in terms of investing the money youโ€™ve saved? From what Iโ€™ve read, banks will report accounts that hold over a certain amount to the country of the account holder and online brokerage accounts seem to be the same.
Oh, and is the money accrued (without being reported tax-wise) considered black money?!

Okay, Iโ€™m done for now. Apologies for writing a book - Iโ€™m not so learned on this topic. Would appreciate any insights. Thanks in advance! :slight_smile:

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by @levelsio